
ガラス向こうのあのコ -  Glass Mukou No Ano Ko -  The Girl On The Other Side Of The Glass
Sur le chemin du travail, un homme et une femme se croisent tous les jours. À travers l'épaisse vitre qui les sépare, ils s'échangent des regards. Pourront-ils un jour faire plus qu'égayer les journées l'un de l'autre avec un sourire ?
マニマニ -  Manimani (UNITA Yumi)
Collection of short stories.


ノミノ -  Know Me Now.
Mitsuya est un lycéen en terminale qui révise pour ses examens d'entrée à l'université. Il est amoureux depuis l'enfance de Noko, une fille de deux ans sa cadette. Ce one-shot de 31 pages nous invite à suivre leur vie de tous les jours et l'évolution de leur relation.
Through his hobby, which is exploring (peeping?) through the spaces in-between, Heisaku-kun ends up falling in love with his neighbor, Fumio-chan. However, it turns out that Fumio-chan has also been spying on Heisaku-kun all this time. Will this uncontrollable pair`s hidden love ever be realized? 
À travers sa passion d'explorer (mater) les interstices, Heisaku-kun a fini par tomber amoureux de sa voisine, Fumio-chan. Cependant, il se trouve qu'elle aussi l'espionne tout le temps... Est-ce que l'amour va se concrétiser entre ce duo incontrôlable ?
Dependant on her boyfriend of seven years, unable to communicate well with others, and lacking self-confidence, Miki feels like a bird trapped in a gilded cage. In the midst of all this she meets a callous young man named Kamaya at her post in the students affairs office. Although Kamaya seems to have no qualms about invading her personal space, he saves her when she's in trouble, and Miki gradually begins to see him in a new light.
うさぎドロップ, Rabbit Drop, Usagi Doroppu
When Daikichi returns home for his grandfather’s funeral he meets an unfamiliar child in the garden. Later, his mother explains to him that Rin is grandfather‘s illegitimate daughter! The presence of the child causes embarrassment to all relatives and nobody wants to adopt her. Daikichi, annoyed by such attitude, decides to take care of her himself. How will the cohabitation between the bachelor and the quiet Rin evolve?
よにんぐらし, Four People Livelihood, Yonin Gurashi
Yoningurashi shows the family life of the Hondas; Tarō, his wife Chiharu and their two children Yuri and Kotarō. A light hearted story on everyday life and their problems.
ゆくゆく, Yukuyuku
Coming in an omnibus form, it's a side story of Toribako House! The words you longed for, the many things you held dear, everything and everyone, right here!! A girl who has no luck with guys, a weak-spirited otaku boy, a natural lady-killer, a middle-aged couple, a distant relationship -- everyone keeps looking for happiness!?