

L'histoire se centre sur Maruo, un garçon avec une force surhumaine qui a soif de combat. Après avoir passé la journée à chercher un travail, il fait la rencontre de Urara, une jeune fille qui tente d'échapper aux voyous de la pègre...
After the assassination of the powerful Godfather, Don Pazolini, the world has been thrown into chaos. Many mafia try to fill the power vacuum, but there is a rumor that Don Pazolini's son is hidden away somewhere. That son is Nero, an orphan who is raised in a bar with showgirls as his friends. He dreams of one day finding his parents, but he doesn't know who they are. One day, he encounters a haunted baseball bat, who names himself "Pucchi" and refers to himself as the Pazolini family 'fantasma.' Pucchi insists that Nero come with him to become the new Godfather and rebuild the Pazolini mafia family. Nero is reluctant, but quickly realizes he has no choice, since there is a price on his head and his identity is no longer much of a secret... 


地獄楽Heavenhell Jigoku Raku (KAKU Yuuji) Paradition -  Jigokuraku -  Hell’s Paradise
Paradition est l'histoire de "The Hollow", un tueur sans cœur du village de pierre caché et sa quête pour obtenir le pardon pour ses crimes et retourner à l'amour de sa vie.
Aucun synopsis disponible.