
The cold and forbearing Sheng Min’ou and the bright and affectionate Lufeng.If a monster can only fall in love with another monster, then I’ll become a monster.I long for the monster that hides beneath his mask to break free from its chains, become vicious, and bite me on my carotid.My wishful thinking, my foolish thoughts. I thought I acted without any flaws, but he knows everything.The gull can sense the fishermen’s thoughts, so they won’t come down.**T/N: This is a Chinese idiom meaning to be on guard after becoming aware of someone who is trying to harm you.
I Love You, Nothing Else Matters -  Love You Regardless of Gender -  Loving You, Regardless of Gender -  Ài Nǐ, Wúguān Xìngbié -  爱你,无关性别
Réservé par la team Shimyoung (le chapitre arrive bientôt)
instructeur en tactique avancée (lion blanc séducteur alpha) × valeur de la force top beauté muette assaillante (sirène noble oméga).
Translated by [url=]Isekai Scan Team[/url]Xi ZongHe X Gu TangFive years ago Xi ZongHe got into a car crash, and later I saw with my own eyes the whole process of him getting dumped.Five years later Xi ZongHe got into a car crash again, and not only did he forget that he’s already been dumped, but he even went looking for his ex to reconcile!I: ”......”His current boyfriend, me, can feel my balls hurting just watching this.