

1. Après le café2. Café du Triangle3-4. Café carré5. Coup de miroir6. Saigo no Part7. Shounen Grie8. Sugar Train9. Tomijuu : Bubble HoukaiUne collection d'histoires de l'artiste Yuki Seto. Dix histoires de sexe hardcore, chacune ayant un rebondissement à la fin pour les rendre encore plus intéressantes. Une histoire en trois parties constitue la seule histoire non one-shot de la collection (After the Cafe) qui est devenue l'anime Accelerando : Datenshi-tachi no Sasayaki.Après le café Parties 1-3 : La serveuse Tamaki a des relations sexuelles avec son compagnon de jeu Kurono dans le café où elle travaille. Ignorant leur relation, leur ami commun, Ohashi, se rend au café comme d'habitude pour voir Tamaki qu'il aime secrètement. Cependant, Kurono remarque les sentiments d'Ohashi. Afin de l'inciter à lui avouer ses sentiments, Kurono agresse Tamaki et la fait attendre telle quelle. Comme elle est sexuellement excitée, elle dégage une odeur de femme, ce qui, à son tour, excite Ohashi. Pendant ce temps, Tomoe, une amie de Kurono apparaît... Ohashi pourra-t-il avouer son amour à Tamaki ?
放課後保健室, Houkago Hokenshitsu, L'Infirmerie après les cours, The Nurse's Office After School
Like most teenagers, Mashiro Ichijo has a secret. But Mashiro’s secret is that he’s neither fully male nor female! So far, Mashiro’s been able to live his life as a boy, but all this changes when he’s informed of a new class he must take in order to graduate from his elite prep school. To pass, he must find the “Key”…and the only way to find it is to enter into a nightmare world where his body and soul are put at the mercy of the worst kind of enemies: his classmates!
アレグロ・アジタート; Areguro Ajitaato
Les actrices n'en font parfois qu'à leurs têtes quant au choix de leur petit ami, devenant ainsi vulnérables aux paparazzis et, au final, se faisant un peu plus de publicité. C'est dans ce monde là qu'a grandi Shôko, auprès de sa mère et des médias. D'ailleurs, le dernier scandale va les forcer à vivre dans un autre appartement, le temps que les choses se tassent. Là-bas, Shôko va faire la connaissance avec le nouveau petit ami de sa mère, de 10 ans plus jeune. Il est froid, distant et n'est vraiment pas sociable, excepté avec la mère de Shôko à qui il donne des baisers passionnés. Notre jeune héroïne va-t-elle changer d'avis sur l'amour à son contact ? Elle qui ne connait que les frivolités de sa mère....
オートマチック・エンジェル -  オートマチック★エンジェル -  Ootomachikku Enjeru
Serika est belle, intelligente et sportive. Elle arrive à tout faire sans le moindre défaut... mais elle est en réalité une androïde. AA01(Serika) qui a été par une combinaison d'amour et de technologie par le Docteur Urushibara. La toute nouvelle création du Docteur Urushibara essaie de la satisfaire par tous les moyens possibles mais...
Chen Luo Jun s'illustrait avec succès dans les guerres de territoires et était respecté de tout le monde au sein du gang Baoli, quand tout bascula en une seule nuit, sur décision de son propre boss qu'il servait pourtant fidèlement.Suivons la quête de vengeance de Chen Luo Jun à travers les recoins les plus sombres de Hong-Kong, appelés "City of darkness".
Rika has two boys in her life. one is supposedly her type of guyand the other is always bullying her, but what is his reason for doing so? and who turns out to be the real bully?
ダイアモンド・ヘッド, 钻石侦探庭, Bộ tứ kim cương, Daiamondo Heddo
ふたりのために世界はあるの -  水城せとな傑作集2 ふたりのために世界はあるの -  The World Exists Because Of The Two Of Us -  The World Exists For Just Us Two -  Valentine Cinema
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Futari no Tame ni Sekai wa Aru no :Asukagawa Chiharu est la Présidente du Conseil du lycée Ushitora. Kisaragi Kyou est le Président du Conseil de l'école rivale Ushitora: l'académie Bishin . C'est ce qui les rends naturellement ennemis sauf q'ils hésitent à dévoiler au public qu'ils sont en réalité amoureux! Ils ont même eu des relations sexuels et sont forment presque(?!) un couple!!- 02 - Valentine Cinema,- 03 - The Queen's Favorite.
Collection of 4 oneshot stories: 1) ガラクタ天使 (Garakuta Tenshi): Sachi was once a happy, and cheerful girl. But now she acts cold toward others. Ishizaki is interested in her, wants her to trust him... but she can't?! What's the reason behind this wall she puts up with?! 2) 2002年のフェアリーテール (2002 Nen no Fairytale) 3) 舞姫のロマンス (Maihime no Romance) 4) ロマンスが降ってきた (Romance ga Futtekita)
Higan Sugimade -  彼岸過迄
1 – Higan Sugi Mage (Après l’équinoxe)Seconde année de l’ère Kyôwa, en octobre, à Édo.Il y a cinq ans, Hatsune a été vendu par sa famille, une respectable famille de guerriers malheureusement ruinée, à une maison de passe. C’est dans cette maison close qu’il a rencontré Suzuro, un peintre devenu l’un de ses clients réguliers. Pourtant, bien qu’il soit très gentil avec lui, Suzuro ne l’a jamais touché. Il se contente toujours de le dessiner et vend les estampes qu’il fait de lui.Un jour, lors de l’une de leurs discussions, Hatsune avoue au peintre qu’il est n’est qu’un fils illégitime et que son premier véritable amour n’est autre que son frère aîné, l’hériter de sa famille. Quelque temps plus tard, par hasard, Suzuro découvre que le frère aîné d’Hatsune a été engagé comme garde du corps dans la même ville et que, bien qu’il n’ose se présenter devant Hatsune, il le surveille de loin. Suzuro prend alors conscience de ses sentiments envers le jeune prostitué…2 - Breakfast (Petit-déjeuner) De nos jours…Récemment, une nouvelle épidémie mondiale s’est déclarée. Les personnes infectées ont des taches rouges sur le dos et ne peuvent plus rien manger à part de la chair humaine. De ce fait, elles meurent la plupart du temps de faim au bout de quatre ou cinq jours.Un matin, Moriya, un lycéen, découvre des taches rouges sur son dos. Horrifié et se sachant condamné, il commence à prendre ses distances avec son ami Rinpei, de peur de l’attaquer. Mais ce dernier persiste à vouloir se rapprocher de lui et à vouloir passer la nuit chez lui…3 – Yubiwa Monogatari (Histoire d’anneau)Sakuya et Tokura sortent ensemble. Et en preuve de leur attachement, chacun porte à son doigt un anneau de mariage irlandais. Pourtant, chacun d'eux trompe l'autre avec leur professeur d'anglais. Et quand ce dernier trouve un des anneaux dans ses draps, il ne sait que faire, car rendre l'anneau à la mauvaise personne pourrait briser le fragile équilibre de ces relations...4 – Honey ß (Honey Bêta)Quand Yoshino se réveille, il est entouré de fleurs inconnues et il a perdu la mémoire. Cependant, son corps se souvient toujours, et il est attiré par Somei. Il a l’impression d’être très proche de lui, mais Somei nie. Ce dernier ne veut rien lui dire et rétorque à Yoshino qu’il n’a qu’à se souvenir…
One day, tell me you love me. -  Someday Tell Me You Love Me -  いつか好きだと言って (水城せとな)
Here is a war going on between the West Tokyo and the East Tokyo. Both sides have "puppets" who can read other people's minds through touch. Every "keyword" is given by two people. It doesn't work unless there is contact between their bodies. The first one to find out the keyword wins, the other dies.
Life In Tokyo Ichijou -  上京生活録イチジョウ
Ichijou Seiya is a young prodigy who is the manager of the Teiai underground casino and the creator of the diabolical pachinko machine "The Bog." Before his fight to the death with his nemesis, Itou Kaiji, he had a youthful period when he was still smoldering and unable to make anything of himself. The story is set in Ooyama, Itabashi, Tokyo, a "bog" that has swallowed up the dreams, hopes, and despairs of young people, and is about the ambitions and difficulties of freelancer Ichijou and his younger colleague Murakami who move into the capital and live in a tiny apartment.
她们美梦成真的日子, 彼女達のエクス・デイ, 그녀들의 X-DAY, Kanojo-tachi no X day, Tag X, The Last Supper, X-Day (MIZUSHIRO Setona)
It's senior year, and Rica is seriously stressed out. She's got more homework, exams, and papers than she can handle, and was recently dumped by her boyfriend. In other words: Life sucks! One day, she's chatting online when she meets three classmates who hate school as much as she does. Together, they hatch a plan to blow up the school when no one is present. The countdown is on for X-Day ...(from Tokyopop)Featured in this manga is a side story called The Last Supper:In the future cows have died out and are now made using human DNA. The can speak and look similar to humans, but people still eat them and treat them as cows. After her father was eaten, Lamda the cow decides to run away. Unfortunately he is caught, but before that he helps a little boy, Mitsuhiko. The boy then insists Lamda become his servant instead of being eaten. When the Black Plague hits Mitsuhiko he is in danger of dying because the only cure is cow and every cow except Lamda is gone.....
Black Rose Alice, Kurobara Alice, Kuro Bara Arisu, Kuro Bara Alice
The young tenor singer Dimitri miraculously escaped with his life after a severe accident. But soon after that, strange cases of group-suicides started to happen all around him… A vampire-romanesque tale of love and survival!
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese
Kyouichi's indecisive character has led him to repeatedly commit the foolish mistake of adultery. One day, Imagase, a college classmate he hasn't seen since graduation, shows up as the private detective hired by his wife to investigate his infidelity. Imagase, however, proposes a deal. He won't tell Kyouichi's wife about his affairs, but, for compensation, he makes an unbelievable demand: "I want your body in exchange..."
メゾン・ド・ビューティーズ -  House Of Beauties -  Mezon Do Byuutiizu
A bas prix, un appartement de haute qualité dans la région métropolitaine de Tokyo est tout simplement un miracle! Il existe mais cependant il y a un hic: les locataires doivent être beaux et passer un entretient avec le propriétaire!? C'est une comédie romantique qui se joue: voilà ce qui arrive lorsque des gens beaux sont réunis sous le même toit!
みなみのジュエル -  南海的寶石 -  Đá quý biển nam
Husui une jeune fille de 13 ans, quitte son île natale pour entrer dans un collège sur le continent. Elle laisse à regret derrière elle son meilleur ami Kairi, le seul "mâle" qui occupe son coeur; un dauphin ayant grandi avec elle.En arrivant dans son nouvel environnement, Husui apprend avec horreur qu'il lui est interdit de nager dans l'océan, alors que c'était devenu aussi naturel pour elle que de respirer. Heureusement que la piscine de l'école lui permet de s'adonner à son passe-temps préféré. Mais ses performances en salle ne sont pas aussi spectaculaires que sur son île.Husui ne veut pourtant pas se déclarer vaincue et demande à Minato Aoba, le capitaine de l'équipe de natation de l'aider à devenir plus rapide.
MISTER MERMAID: On a full moon night, Subaru - a merman - coincidentally saved a man who sank into the ocean. After that, in order to see that man again, Subaru traded off his tail for a pair of legs and came to the surface to find Tatsuki - the man's name. Despite of his throbbing feet and his lost voice, Subaru was happy to be able to stay by Tatsuki's side. However, his happiness soon faded away when he found out the reason why Tatsuki was at the bottom of the ocean that day. FUJI NO YAMAI (side story): Byakuya had an incurable undying illness, which means he couldn't die. Gin, his best friend, made a promise that he would take care of Byakuya until death and the promise had been kept for 16 generations. However, Gin the Sixteenth had no intention of making babies for the next generation; instead, he kept his promise with Byakuya in a way that none of the previous Gins had done.
脳内ポイズンベリー, Poison Berry in My Brain
Sakurai Ichiko is a 29-year-old woman whose head contains council members (each with differing personalities) that dictate her every thought and decision. While waiting at the train station one day, she encounters Saotome, a man whom she met and made short conversation with at a drinking party with friends. Although she’s interested in him, being a much a older woman, Ichiko hesitates over whether or not she should approach him, causing a wave of uproar between her intracranial council members.
The time is 972 A.D. in Kyoto, the capital of ancient Japan. Kyoto is becoming a corrupt and run-down city; selfish samurai and onmyoji, who care only about gaining political power are everywhere. To make matters worse the city is suffering from famine and widespread disease. Unable to ignore the condition of the city any longer, the Imperial Court decides to send Minamoto no Raiko, a famous samurai well-known for his archery skills, to recover a legendary gem, the Magatama, said to hold mysterious power to save the world. However Raiko also falls ill to disease. Instead his youngest sister, Hikaru, decides secretely to make the journey in his place. Hikaru meets many people, and has many adventures while on her trip for the legendary gem. Serves as a prequel to the anime. -- Tokyopop
失恋ショコラティエ -  失戀巧克力職人 -  Heartbroken Chocolatier -  Jilted Chocolatier -  Shitsuren Shokoratie -  Un chocolatier de l'amour perdu
From Aerandria Scans: Souta, who's attending a confectionary school, is in a relationship with Saeko, a girl one year older than him. He fell in love at first sight with her four years ago, and right before Christmas last year, they finally had their first kiss. Because his girlfriend really loves chocolate, every day, Souta tries to polish his chocolate-making skills. Even when his girlfriend smells like cigarettes although she doesn't smoke, even when she turns down his invitation to a date on Valentine's day, he's still not broken-hearted at all, and he still continues to love her... Nominated for the 4th Manga Taisho Awards (2011).
From ShoujoMagic: A collection of short shounen-ai stories by Mizushiro Setona, all connected by the theme of plantlife. [STORY 01] (English Title) Breakfast (Japanese Title) ブレックファスト (Romaji Title) Burekkufasuto The tale of a boy who displays the symptoms of man-eating syndrome. [STORY 02] (English Title) The Tale of the Ring (Japanese Title) 指輪物語 (Romaji Title) Yubiwa Monogatari The tale of two boys who are dating each other and mutually hiding the fact that both are dating their teacher, who frets because a ring has been lost. [STORY 03] (Japanese Title) Honey β The tale of a flower that blooms by inhaling memories. But even if our memories are taken from us, some precious things are never forgotten. "I don't fear losing my memory if I can feel this way again tomorrow..." [STORY 04] (English Title) Undying Illness (Japanese Title) フジノヤマイ (Romaji Title) Fuji no Yamai See "Mister Mermaid," story 2. [STORY 05] (English Title) Aconite (Japanese Title) トリカブト (Romaji Title) Torikabuto dropped by ShoujoMagic on 10-15-07
少女人形 -  Girl Doll
[From ShoujoMagic]: A girl forces herself not to feel anymore after years of sexual abuse from the master of the house where her father is a chauffeur. But then her father and the master die in a car accident, and she's left to live with the two sons...who both want her. [STORY 02] (English Title) Aquarium (Japanese Title) アクアリウム A "Shoujo Ningyou" side story. Insight into the mind of Tohru, revolving around the metaphor of a fish tank.
俎上の鯉は二度跳ねる -  The Carp on the Chopping Block Jumps Twice
From PresenceDear: Kyouichi is now divorced from his wife and carrying on a tenuous, homosexual relationship with Imagase. He has even become accustomed to having sex with Imagase every day. However, when Tamaki, a young coworker with a crush on Kyouichi, appears on the scene, it might be the beginning of the end for Kyouichi and Imagase. (Prequel) Kyuuso Ha Cheese no Yume Omiru
そこは眠りの森, 水城せとな傑作集3 そこは眠りの森, There Lies the Sleeping Forest
Consists of three oneshots:1) Soko wa Nemuri no Mori - Yui has stopped growing because of something that happened when she was 12 years old. One day, 18-year-old Yuri found a young man with amnesia near the hidden cottage she lives in, and brought him home. Yui named the man "Pochi" because he cannot even remember his name, and she treats him as her pet...2) The Stars Knows Everything - Futari no Tame ni Sekai wa Aru no extra. Chiharu is dating the stundent rep Kyou but it's a secret - so she disguises their relationship with Fukaya Hisaki - it's too bad that Kyou's bestfriend feels she's 'corrupting' him and decides to intervene...3) Climb the Stairs of Cinderella. Kaya is a child prodigy, best in choir without any lessons, perfect piano playing, but she has a hard time dealing with other's jealousy, especially when Katsuma, the boy she likes is in love with Misaki, her bestfriend, but Misaki doesn't know....what should Kaya do?
Because I am a creator, please be kinder! -  創造主なのでもっと優しくしてください !
Tohru Jin is a middle-management employee who has lost his place in a game company. He died in an unfortunate accident, and when he woke, he found himself in the world of a game he had once designed. Now reincarnated as a little girl in "Rune Fantasia". He should be able to live a cheat-like life in this isekai... right?
スイートきゃらめる -  甜蜜牛奶糖 -  Snow Diary -  Sui-to Karameru -  Tokyo Fantasia
Collection of 5 oneshot stories: 1) スイートきゃらめる (Sweet Caramel) 2) シンデレラ☆マジック (Cinderella Magic) 3) 東京ファンタジア  (Tokyo Fantasia) 4) 雪色絵日記 (Snow Diary) 5) 愛▽らぶ▽DOLL (Ai Love Doll)
天☆界☆陸☆上! -  Falling From Heaven -  Ten Kai Riku Jiyou -  Tenkai Rikujiyou -  Tenkai Rikujou
The world of earth, and the world of heaven, seprated by the clouds. Rinne is one of those who lives in heaven. Then a wild fire that no one can put out in heaven, where it never rains, happens. Rinne is determined to put it out, but accidently trips and falls to Earth. The fire is still going strong in heaven, and Rinne has to figure out how to put it out.