
微熱週間; Binetsu Shukan; Netsu-Byo; Rainy Kiss Attack Coming in Dripping; Week of Mild Fever
Tout commence avec le premier chapitre "Semaine de la fièvre légère" : Asano a rencontré Wakui-San lors d'une formation dans le cadre de son travail de commercial. Il le revoit quelques semaines plus tard. Asano semble être beaucoup attiré par Wakui-San. Tous deux vont se retrouver à travailler ensemble, dans une atmosphère assez suffocante. En effet, nous sommes en pleine été, la chaleur est étouffante et malheureusement pour eux, c'est durant ce laps de temps de travail en équipe que la semaine pour l'économie d'énergie commence. Ils se retrouvent donc sans climatisation dans les bureaux, ce qui ne facilite pas le travail d'Asano qui doit regarder son supérieur Wakui-San torse nu déambuler dans le service...
Glasses + He -  デュエット Duetto -  爱的二重奏
College-mates Shinobu Miura and Eiichi Tashiro have more going on between them than classes and studies -- close proximity and animal attraction can create strange bed fellows -- but they also have little-to-nothing in common. For starters, Shinobu seems rather embarrassed about the whole "doing it" thing, and wallows in denial over any true feelings he may have. Eiichi, on the other hand, is a reckless free spirit, quick to acknowledge his affections, and eager for a commitment.When Eiichi accepts an offer to work overseas for an American photographer, will Shinobu realize too late that two opposites can make a perfect duo?
Heart Colorful, Heart Match, Heart Mystery?, Heart Push
One evening, Fukada missed his normal train stop.As he walks home, he notice a man who had been following him since he lefted the train station. Shocked of being noticed, the stranger runs away.While Fukada admires some artwork at his cafe job the next day,the same man is there. The strange man,Takemodo, turns out to be the artists of those paintings.Fukada decides to asks Takemodo why he follows him and it turns out Takemodo has feelings for Fukada.How does Fakada respond?
キスのむこう -  亲吻的彼方 -  The Other Side of the Kiss
Kirio, Shirou and Eita were childhood friends. Kirio had always liked Eita and fell into a state of depression when Eita got himself a girlfriend. Kirio thought that he and Shirou are in the same "heart-broken" state as he always assumed that Shirou are also in love with Eita. However, one day Shirou blurted out that it wasn't Eita that he likes, but Kirio himself. Since then, Kirio became more self-conscious whenever he's with Shirou...
恋は恋を知る -  恋爱方知爱情苦 -  Koi wa Koi wo Shiru -  Love is to Understand Love
From Attractive Fascinante: Shouji was upset when Shimazu cancelled their appointment. Minami approached him and told Shouji that he knew that Shouji was having an affair with Shimazu. Shouji denied it and Minami asked Shouji to let him stay over at his house for the time being. With Minami stepping into his life, would Shouji finally let go of his tiring love with Shimazu and accept Minami?
まだ知らない俺達 -  Whoever Unknown
The feeling...not knowing a person is probably not that bad. The one moving in next door Kita is his classmate, Saitou. Until graduation, Saitou didn't seem to even know Kita's name. Thus, Kita tries to avoid him. Without knowing why, he's hiding his hurt heart. A collection of stories showing the pleasure of love by understanding each other and the endurance of pivotal declaration. (taken from back cover) 4. Refrain Reset 5. Double Bed (sequel of Refrain Reset) 6. The Shining Sun and Moon 7. Prism (sequel of The Shining Sun and Moon)


"... Je ne peux pas laisser Daichi découvrir mes sentiments pour lui... Je ne laisserai pas mon amour me transformer en une personne égoïste et avide..." Tous les deux sont timides et gênés dans le domaine de l'amour, ce qui conduit à beaucoup de drame. C'est une histoire d'amour touchante qui se déroule dans un lycée.