
坂道のアポロン, 坂道上的阿波罗
Nishimi Kaoru has moved from city to city and school to school because of his father’s job. So the first day at his new school was just routine for him. Being intellectual and the new transfer student, he has always been seen as an outcast and all Kaoru had to do was bare it until the next time he moved. But things were slightly different this time. First, he started to get close to the class president, Mukae Ritsuko, and, secondly, unlikely as it seemed, grew closer to Kawabuchi Sentaro. Sentaro was infamous for getting into fights, skipping class and was an overall bad boy. Strangely enough, the three of them find common ground in music, namely jazz, and Kaoru finds himself actually enjoying the new town.
坂道のアポロン Official Fan Book -  Sakamichi no Apollon: Official Fan Book
Fish Dealer Kensuke
Depuis 2078 l'espèce humaine a évolué en une race dote de capacité surnaturel ,
月影ベイベ -  Moonlight Baby
Days of Love at Seagull Villa -  Seagull Villa Days -  Umineko-sou Days -  UMINEKOSOUdays -  Наши дни на вилле «Чайка» -  海猫荘days
Lorsque le fiancé de Mayumi la quitte pour une autre femme, Mayumi décide impulsivement de déménager et de repartir à zéro au bord de la mer. Une fois sur place, elle rencontre Rin, une mère célibataire, dure mais gentille, qui dirige le complexe résidentiel Seagull Villa. Bien que les deux femmes n'aient pas grand-chose en commun, elles sont attirées l'une par l'autre et la relation qui se développe entre elles est plus profonde qu'elles ne le pensaient.Laissez-vous emporter par cette histoire pleine de romance au bord de la mer !