
Under 18
Jime is a new student at school. He came with a burning desire to show his abilities... Suddenly he came across a strange man named Fox! Then when in class, Jime started to be bullied by his classmates... Like the god of death, Fox came to make the situation even more chaotic! Who is this Fox really? What is the story of Jime's past telling him he really wants to be strong?This comic is serialized in Gempak comic magazine from Malaysia.
User tells a story about Elan who work part time as a game tester. He accidentally ordered an unusual video game. Then, Elan has been selected to participate in a game called 'Digital Gladiator'. The game can scan the whole place and the movement of any enemy playing those game. Those who managed to collect thirty five types of weapons, with a high level skill, will be the 'Master Gladiator'.