
YUFUIN Shizuka est un "garçon" au café Tsubaki-kan. Il est beau, élégant, et fait un service exceptionnel. Il n'a qu'une seule faiblesse - les filles ! Il suffit juste qu'une fille le regarde dans les yeux ou qu'elle le touche pour qu'il soit complètement troublé. Malheureusement, la petite-fille du propriétaire va prendre la relève et s'occuper du café, et lorqu'elle découvre son problème, elle pense et décide qu'il ne devrait pas travailler là-bas !
椿館の美しすぎるギャルソン -  Stunning Garçon of the Tsubakikan -  Stunning Garcon of the Tsubakikan -  Tsubakikan no Utsukushi Sugiru Garcon -  Tsubakikan no Utsukushi Su
Yufuin Shizuka is a garçon at the Cafe Tsubaki-kan. He's gorgeous, elegant, and gives superb service. He just has one weakness - girls! Just looking into a girl's eyes or being touched is enough to completely fluster him. Unfortunately, the owner's granddaughter is going to be running the cafe, and when she finds out about his problem, she decides that he shouldn't be working there!
うしろノしんでれさん, 幽灵同级生, 幽靈同級生, 死嬌缠身
Karugasaki Tora decided to repeat a grade and turn into a delinquent just so he could be popular, on his best friends advice. However, his plan backfired and nobody talks to him in his new classroom. The only thing he can look forward to is seeing the cute girl sitting next to him, but after trying to talk to her she immediately kicked him and threw him out the window. Later the same day, though, he saved her and a little girl from being hit by a truck. No longer able to avoid him, the girl reveals that she's a ghost playing a shinigami's game. She must get the boy she likes to return her feelings at times given by a pair of hourglasses so she can return to life, or fail and be sent to hell together. Unfortunately, her feelings have awakened for Karugasaki...