
voici l'histoire d'une école normal avec des élèves banal d'après eux même XD
Woo-sang is a national swimmer who's always pursuing the number one spot. Won-il is a swimming prodigy who stopped participating in the sport, and now wants to make a comeback. Not only do they become rivals, but they also fall for the same girl, Jung-eun, an aspiring musician who is their childhood friend. The three lifelong friends suddenly find themselves having to juggle love, friendship, and competition, as they undergo the rite of passage of growing up.
평범한 8반
Weak, bullied, and pessimistic about life, thats Setsuna Kashiwagi. On the verge of jumping off a bridge, a mysterious man appears behind him and offers the contract 10 million yen in exchange for your life in a year. Skeptical at first, he accepts. Waking up the next morning, thinking it was just a dream, he notices 2 beautiful women sitting beside him. They are Kanna and Rena, Oni princesses here to claim his heart in a year.
오렌지 버블껌
Yoo-i is a very special girl -- she's like refreshing and fragrant orange bubble gum... A boy appears all of a sudden and becomes a natural part of her life, as natural as breathing air... His name is Joo-in. He says, "Do you know nuna? Nuna is.. my past, my present, and my future... You are like this ladder connecting me to this world..."

Over Steam

오버 스팀
Suite aux conséquences d'une grande guerre entre les humains et les créatures connues sous le nom de Talaiv, les tempêtes de la guerre brassent de nouveau.
The girl with psychic abilities Sae-in, the pretty foreign boy Harvey and the top model Jin-song that Sae-in really likes.An interesting story of the intertwined fate of these three teenagers. And who could be the guy that Sae-in is talking to through telekenesis?
天生緣份 -  철썩궁합 -  Cheolsseok Gunghap -  Perfect Match -  Thiên định kì duyên
Rencontrer la personne la plus soupe au lait! Je Hyeong est un jeu réalisateur de cinéma, qui a déjà rencontré plusieurs succès lors de la courte période qui a suivi son arrivé dans SJ Entertainment. Son futur projet sera un drama, mais l'écrivaine de la série refuse de lui signer le contrat. Han Miso est une écrivaine à succès. Après des problème de droits d'auteur au travail, elle a démissionée, et s'est concentrée sur une carrière en solo. Mais son roman a été choisi par Je Hyeong. Commence alors la dispute...


Un jour, une femme rencontre l'homme de ses rêves.
幽灵王, 幽霊王, 유령왕, The Phantom King, Yuurei Oh, Yuurei Ou
11 years ago, Eun Sung-min was one of the few survivors from a village that experienced the "Evil Phenomenon". He and his maid were saved by the mysterious Phantom King and his group, Phantom. Now the Special Environmental Protection Agency is searching for the answers to what happened on that fateful day, and how to combat the "Evil Spirits" that caused such mayhem.
Bom Bom -  봄봄
Lang-bee knows the value of money. After her mother runs a vitamin drug scam and goes on the lam, Lang-bee is alone to fend for herself. Lang-bee repays the people scammed by her mom with the money she makes working for her fellow students. When she pursues her love interest in Dan Won, the rich, emotional heir to a corporate empire. Lang-bee competes against Yuka Lee, her nemesis, in the chase for Dan Won. Who will she choose?
Lee Uh In's family has long protected a legendary jar of alcohol with mysterious properties. Anyone who drinks from it will gain immense strength--and swap sexual orientation as well! But the jar only fills every ten years, and everyone who's drunk from it previously has died soon after. Enter Ichiro Yachi, who's unfortunate encounter with the liquor has left him liking guys and determined to take the jar back. Divine swapping, alcohol and an ancient legend? Things are about to get complicated.
공주님과 건달님 -  A Princess and a Bum
From Aerandria: Who am I? I’m Gi-ryum, a tall, handsome bachelor, and the coolest guy in the country who even makes O△ sama (Reference to “Yon-sama”: Bae, Yon-Jun from Winter Sonata) cry at my beauty. One day, I received classified info of the princess enrolling in a regular high school. Huhuhu. Can I snag the princess with my irresistible beauty?! I will be the king’s new son-in-law!
Réservée par 「 Red Light 」 si vous voulez faire un partenariat dites-nous.


프라미스 -  Nữ phù thủy tốt bụng
Han Yoorim vient juste d'être admise au très sélectif lycée Yusong, connu pour ses hautes exigences.Même en sachant cela, Yoorim est choquée du niveau d'excellence demandé... Chaque élève autour d'elle est un génie dérangé !Une vie scolaire remplie par l'obsession de l'intelligence, voici ce qui attend notre héroïne...Yoorim pourra-t-elle s'adapter à un tel environnement ?
프라미스, Nữ phù thủy tốt bụng
Yurim Han has just been accepted to the exclusive Yusung High School, known for its high standards. Expecting that, she is still shocked by the level of excellence. Every student around her is a freakishly gifted genius! It's high school life on cognitive enhancement drugs. Can Yurim survive in such an environment?


De façon inattendue, il a conclu un accord pour assassiner quelqu'un en échange d'un "psychopathe". Il a peur, il est effrayé, menacé mais incapable de s'échapper. C'est comme s'il était accro ou amoureux de ce "psychopathe". Effondré, fou, mystérieux. Des personnages : Complot contre un étudiant psychopathe au coeur froid. Veuillez apprécier cette histoire sombre et pure, douce et sadique. Webcomic original sur ManmanAPTraduction officielle en anglais
Kim Sohye's life changed after being chosen as the empress. Unfortunately, Shoye's life after marriage is not exactly happy. The king who previously had a concubine doesn't love her and always insulted her. The concubine turned out to have evil intentions to the king. But, slowly but surely the king begins to feel the empress's sincere heart. The feeling of their love began to grow like a flower in bloom. How does their story continue? Will the empress be strong and fight the king's concubines?
새빨간 거짓말, Bird Red Lie
This book contains three separate and unusual stories set in alternate realities. The first story, “Martian’s Earth Conquest”, tells the tale of a person who is coping with the loss of someone special. The second tale, “Is it Really Not Possible?”, makes you wonder if a man and a woman can truly be just friends. And the last of the three, “Sci-Fi”, is a sad tale about a girl who hates robots and a humanoid who serves her. The creator, who believes that the best privilege artists get is to ”lie,” creates a whole new world beyond your imagination. Still, even though these tales are from different worlds, the topic has a great sense of reality, and the readers are guaranteed to be able to closely relate to them. Start a journey to the world only she can create.

Romance Papa

로맨스 파파
Sangbum, est un jeune chirurgien plastique de trente ans, misogine et germa phobique. Il déteste tout et tout le monde. Il mène sa vie, tranquillement, sans se préoccuper de qui que ce soit. Un jour cependant, sa vie se retrouve boulversée. Son meilleur ami, lui apprend qu'il a une fille, une jeune adolescente de surcroit. Sangbum nie farouchement, mais son ami lui apprend alors que, alors qu'ils étaient étudiants en médecine, ils avaient fait don de leur sperme pour des expériences dans le cadre de leurs études, mais que malencontreusement, celui de son ami a été expédié à la banque de sperme. Après des années, les parents de la jeune adolescentes, décédés dans un accident de voiture, la jeune fille se retrouve seule. Ne laissant pas à son ami le temps de reprendre ses esprits, il s'en va, laissant Sangbum avec une adolescente sur les bras. Une adolescente tellement semblable à lui-même que ça en est troublant....
サイ:テイカー―二人のアルテミス―, Sai:Taker, Summon Assist Interface
In the future, an energy source called "Life" has become incredibly important. Certain people are able to synchronize with devices called "Sai" which gives them the ability to extract "Life" and have super powers. These people are known as "Sai Takers." Within the "Sai Takers" there is an even smaller group, "Original Takers." "Original Takers" have a contract with a magical device, and they can manipulate "Life" without the use of a "Sai." These powerful people are also immortal, and they only die if they run out of "Life." The world admires "Sai Takers," but "Original Takers" are careful to keep their identities secret.
المنقذ; 天女流星; 세이버; 세이버(Saver); Vị Cứu Tinh
La vie n'a pas été tendre avec Lena, sa mère n'était qu'une maîtresse parmi d'autre et même si elle a hérité du charisme de son père elle n'en reste pas moins une fille. En grandissant cette force de caractère a été canalisée dans l'exercice quotidien du Kendo, faisant d'elle un chef réputé et incontesté dans son école. Arrive alors Hyun-Min, avec lui Lena peut enfin se reposer un peu, baisser temporairement les armes, mais ce n'est que pour mieux découvrir qu'il s'agit de son demi-frère. Traquée par sa belle famille, Lena assiste alors au meurtre de sa mère et de sa meilleure amie avant de sombrer dans les eaux troubles du fleuve. Elle se réveille alors dans une sorte de village où un groupe de cavaliers recherche l'enfant d'une prophétie, Lena doit faire face à un monde étrange en péril.
A one volume side story to the popular Shin Angyo Onshi!Story1; Sando / Chun Hyang & Mong Ryong storyStory2; Won Sul storyStory3; Bang Ja storyStory4; ~Song of Sky, Wind, and Stars~ // Munsu,Gye Wol Hyang & Hae Mo Su story
The world of Siesta is set in fantasy Europe where there are people called bullet users who were discriminated against badly for reasons unknown to readers as of volume 1.The discrimination has gotten much weaker due to Grande Corp's efforts to wipe out the decades-old pirate faction with the help of Bulletron, a battle suit designed exclusively for bullet users.The story begins as the protagonist Dia Canto tells you a little bit about herself: how she became an orphan, how she met her foster family, and how she is very much in love with her step brother, Loe. However, her affection toward Loe is brutally crushed before it would even bear fruit and she goes out to vent her sadness. This is when she encounters Cid Leon, who she would ultimately be paid to "protect". 
인형歌, 인형가, Doll Song, Doll's Requiem
ソウルアーク -  소울아크
Webtoon based on mobile game MMORPG "Soul Ark"
As a young girl, AhSoo was involved in a plane accident. Years later, she has tried to move on from the incident. Everything seems to be going well, until she meets a person from her past. A transfer student has arrived at her school, and he is directly responsible for the plane accident AhSoo was involved in years ago.
El Verano Nunca Termina -  彼夏未央
Le premier jour du lycée, Lana a décidé d’avouer ses sentiments à son amour d’enfance. Parce qu’elle était trop nerveuse, elle a avoué à la mauvaise personne… Quel genre de vie sur le campus l’attendrait à l’avenir?
Super DBAF -  スーパーDBアーエフ -  超DBAF
"Super DBAF" est une suite aux événements finaux de Dragon Ball GT réalisée par des fans.Elle tente de répondre aux mystères du départ de Son Goku du monde des mortels et de lier les événements des deux univers GT et Super dans une même continuité.
A sweet and salty romantic comedy series about Ahn Chan-hee who can't eat at all and often vomits right after eating something, Dan Ah-young who tries to lose weight but is a glutton and is in a relationship with Team leader Jung Barum who has a habit of calculating calories.[hr][b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Before Serialization[/url]