
The Backside of Eden -  エデンのうらがわ - 
イヴの時間 -  夏娃的时间 -  夏娃的時間 -  Are you enjoying the time of EVE? -  Time of Eve
The future, probably Japan. Robots have long been put into practical use, and androids have just come into use. Influenced by the Robot Ethics Committee, it's become common sense for people to treat androids like household appliances. Their appearance - indistinguishable from humans except for the ring over each android's head - has led some people to empathize unnecessarily with androids. Known as "android-holics", such people have become a social problem. Rikuo, a high school student, has been taught from childhood that androids are not to be viewed as humans, and has always used them as convenient tools. One day Rikuo discovers some strange data in the behavior records of his family's household android, Sammy. Rikuo and his friend Masaki trace Sammy's movements, only to discover a mysterious café that features a house rule that "humans and robots are to be treated the same"...
夕立 気分 -  Yuudachi Kibun
Shouko et Miho sont ensembles depuis quelques temps déjà et Shouko finit par s’inquiéter : "Miho m’aime-t-elle vraiment ? Pourquoi refuse-t-elle de faire plus qu’un simple baiser ?" C’est sous une pluie de soirée que vont perler ses sentiments et ceux de Miho pour se mêler et ne faire qu’un...

Evil Heroes

Evil Heros, Злые герои, イビルヒーローズ
Pour combattre le mal et maintenir la paix, les super-héros sont toujours là ! Des hommes et des femmes dotés de capacités extraordinaires et dont l'identité reste un mystère. L'humanité peut compter sur eux ! Mais... et si jamais ils venaient un jour à se retourner contre nous ?
EX, EX - Young Castaways, EX~少年漂流~, Shounen Hyouryuu, Young Castaways
Satoshi and a group of his friends are on a lengthy boat ride to Kijijima when the world comes to an end – literally. A huge Tsunami wave 500 meters tall overpowers the boat and he finds himself stranded on an island and alone. Meanwhile the rest of the boat has grounded after being dashed upon the shores and soon Satoshi finds them, and sets off a struggle to survive for the passengers and crew of the ship…
Hana et ses amis sont à la recherche d'un emploi quand ils tombent nez-à-nez avec une guilde... de magiciens ?!Cross-Over entre Yankee To Megane-Chan (Drôle de Racaille) et Fairy Tail !
Gekiga Yose Shiba Hama -  Gekiga Yose: Shibahama -  Shibahama -  劇画寄席芝浜
In Fallen Words, Yoshihiro Tatsumi takes up the oral tradition of rakugo and breathes new life into it by shifting the format from spoken word to manga. Each of the eight stories in the collection is lifted from the Edo-era Japanese storytelling form. As Tatsumi notes in the afterword, the world of rakugo, filled with mystery, emotion, revenge, hope, and, of course, love, overlaps perfectly with the world of Gekiga that he has spent the better part of his life developing.These slice-of-life stories resonate with modern readers thanks to their comedic elements and familiarity with human idiosyncrasies. In one, a father finds his son too bookish and arranges for two workers to take the young man to a brothel on the pretext of visiting a new shrine. In another particularly beloved rakugo tale, a married man falls in love with a prostitute. When his wife finds out, she is enraged and sets a curse on the other woman. The prostitute responds by cursing the wife, and the two escalate in a spiral of voodoo doll cursing. Soon both are dead, but even death can’t extinguish their jealousy.Tatsumi’s love of wordplay shines through in the telling of these whimsical stories, and yet he still offers timeless insight into human nature.
Micro Tan'i de Kimi ga Suki!! -  ふぁみりーしゅみれーしょん!!
Asahi, un étudiant diplômé, doit subitement s’occuper du fils de sa sœur, Masaki, âgé de cinq ans. Asahi a à peine assez d’argent pour acheter de la nourriture pour eux deux, mais au supermarché, il tombe sur Sora, son ami d’enfance. Bien qu’ils ne se soient pas vus depuis six ans, Sora propose de l’aider. Il finit par emménager avec Asahi et Masaki, et ainsi commence leur vie de « famille ». Cependant, Sora devient de plus en plus émotionnel au fil des jours … « N-Non! Masaki est dans la pièce à côté… !!

Film Girl

フィルムガール -  艺能少女 -  藝能少女
Nakamura Mei est une lycéenne très simple. Alors qu’elle est dans un café avec ses amis, elles se heurtent à nul autre que le modèle Shirou. Mei s'excuse et c'est alors que Shirou remarque quelque chose. La saisissant, il l’amène à l’extérieure et révèle que Mei était autre fois un modèle enfant et qu'il est son fan(Otaku) !?
Kitsune to Ryoushi no Yuri -  Rubah dan Pemburu -  Лиса и охотница -  狐と猟師の百合
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]


Le mystère du « contrat du démon » est dévoilé… Et le secret familial révélé…
ファンファンファクトリー -  ファンファン工房 -  funfun工房 -  Funfun Factory -  funfun工房 -  Quỳnh Hương- Tháng ngày yêu dấu
From The Wafflehouse: Chiya brought Michiru to a very interesting cafe on her birthday. Upon eating the customized dessert, she was possessed by a prank-loving witch who intended to bring unfortunates to the ten "Hoshi no Juusha"--the other ten boys who had also ordered from that day's special menu?! Join Watanabe on this fun, magical and Panic adventures!
ファンファン工房, Fun Fun Factory, Funfun Factory, funfun工房
Chiya bought Michiru to a very interesting cafe on her birthday. Upon eating the customized dessert, she was possessed by a prank-loving witch who intended to bring misfortune to the other ten boys who had also ordered from that day's special menu?! Join Watanabe in this fun, magical adventure!
フレフレ少女, Cheer Cheer Cheer!, Fure Fure Girl
Momoko is a shy girl who spends all her time reading girly novels. She longs to fall in love like the heroines in the stories she reads, and one day her dream seems to come true! After a fateful encounter worthy of a novel, Momoko decides she's in love with Oshima, her school's ace baseball player. But how can she get closer to him?After consulting her precious books, she eventually ends up helping to revive the unpopular traditional Japanese cheering club to cheer at the school's baseball games. However, they've only got just enough members to keep it from being abolished, and none of them seem to know exactly what they're doing. Their first performance is so dreadful that people even blame them for the baseball team's defeat! Their ragtag cheer squad will have to get its act together if Momoko is to have any chance of realizing her fiction-worthy romance!
ふたりとふたり -  Two and Two
Ayumi and Sayako are roommates. Ayumi is dating Asami. Sayako is dating Keiko. What happens when Ayumi and Sayako both find out the other is dating another woman?
彼は花園で夢を見る, 玫瑰花叢的依戀, Kare Wa Hanazono, Kare wa Hanazono de Yume wo Miru
In the aftermath of the Crusades, two travelling Arabic minstrels - Farhad and Saud - arrive at the castle of the melancholic Baron Victor. Over a series of four connected short stories, Victor reveals the reasons for his sadness, the minstrels' own stories are revealed and, in very different ways, this fortuitous meeting allows all three to find a measure of contentment.
Banana Fish side story
Sept ans après les événements de Banana Fish , Garden of Light suit Akira Ibe, la nièce de Shunichi Ibe, lors de sa visite à New York. Elle reste avec Eiji, maintenant un photographe accompli vivant à Greenwich Village, alors qu'il se prépare pour une exposition majeure dans une galerie.
パノラマアワー~吉川博尉短編集~ -  瓦礫の楽園 -  Panorama Hour -  Rubble Of Eden
A collection of eight short stories, some of which are related.
The indoor junior high school student Shiozaki Mita met an "intertidal girl" who loves the intertidal zone. "I must pick a clam that is bigger than her, and capture her heart by the way!"
Porte des cauchemars
Gate of Nightmares se déroule à Wistaria, un monde d'épées et de magie, et à Remulias, un monde où les rêves des gens deviennent réalité. Emma, ​​une fille qui est devenue une "Nightwalker" et commande des monstres nés de mauvais rêves connus sous le nom de "Cauchemars", elle rencontre Azel, un garçon mystérieux dont les Cauchemars raffolent...
ジェラールとジャック -  Gérard & Jacques -  Gerard and Jacques
[From Blu]: Just before the start of the French Revolution, a commoner named Gerard pays a visit to a high-class brothel, where he sleeps with, and then buys the freedom of Jacques, a young noble sold into prostitution. Jacques looks down on commoners and Gerard has his reasons for hating the nobility, but they’re thrown together once again when Jacques ends up being hired as Gerard’s new houseboy. Jacques’ determination to make his own way in the world, and Gerard’s surprising, quirky shows of kindness slowly bring the two together into a romance for the ages!
銀の勇者, 银色勇者, Silver Hero, The Silver Hero
Beat has always dreamed of being the Golden Hero of Totia. He made a pact with his best friend Ricercare (Rice for short) to join forces to annihilate the demon king in order to achieve this aim. Yet a twist of fate causes him to abandon his goals and fight alongside Rice to protect the demons. Just how will they fare against the entire nation of Totia? And can Beat protect Rice from the hero of Totia before it's too late? Cute and heart-warming, this amusing five-volume series also includes interesting side stories rich with magic and beautiful art. 
Silver Fang Legend Akame
Riki, the grandfather of Weed and father of Gin, was born a runt. He was fathered by Shiro and mothered by Yamabuki. Shiro`s owner, Gohei, pays no attention to Riki when he comes to pick a pup from the litter. Instead, Riki is never rehomed and becomes close to his mother. Unfortunately, Yamabuki`s true owner, who had been sick, was healthy enough to take her back. She didn`t feel she could handle two dogs, and decided that he would not take Riki in. Riki severely missed his mother, and one day set out to meet her. On his way, he is attacked by a pack of dogs. Hopelessly outnumbered, Riki tries to escape and falls into a river. Waking up, he learns that his father, Shiro, has rescued him. Riki had never seen his father, but had known his name. Shiro, on the other hand, didn`t know that Riki was his son and left before Riki could say anything. But, not before giving him a speech on being strong. Riki makes it his goal and constantly tries to get stronger. One day, a child named Daisuke takes a toy car (one children can ride in) through a roaded mountain pass with an incline. Riki, while traveling to see his mother, notices him racing down. A truck, not seeing Daisuke, hits the boy and sends him flying over the road railing. Afraid that he is dead, the driver moves on. Daisuke, although only bruised, is knocked out. Riki jumps onto a ledge and howls, hopeing someone would hear. Instead, the pack that attacked him heard him and came. After being abused, the pack came to hate humans and attacked Daisuke. Riki, in an effort to save him, fought against the dogs and succeeded in winning. 
銀牙伝説ウィード -  銀牙伝説WEED -  银牙虎纹猎犬物语 -  Ginga Legend Weed -  Silver Fang Legend Weed
A wild dog named Weed happens to hear that he is the son of Gin, the great leader of Ohu, who lead the dogs of Ohu to victory in a fight against the monstrous bear Akakabuto. Weed wants to find his father no matter of what. On his search, Weed meets many friends and enemies.
publié pour la première fois le 24 juillet 2009 et est la suite de ginga densetsu weed ( une partie du manga est disponible en animé ) . L'histoire est centrée sur les enfants de Weed - Sirius , Orion , Rigel et Bellatrix - et plusieurs autres enfants des vétérans de Ouu.La série suit la progéniture de Weed : Bellatrix, Rigel, Sirius et en particulier Orion.
銀河英雄伝説: ヤングジャンプコミックス -  Legend of the Galactic Heroes (New adaptation) -  LoGH (New adaptation)