
PとJK -  Police & Joshi Kousei -  Policeman and High School Girl
Baby It's You -  P x P -  PXP
From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Himeno Ruri is Vice President of the School Council at Seiou Academy! Recently, at a council meeting, a strange matter has come up: "P", the mysterious thief for hire. Who is he, and why does he only steal particular items? Originally included in this manga is a oneshot called Baby It's You: Because of her beauty and status as a school idol, Akami is somewhat forced to take part in a school play. Only problem Akami has is that, the role she's suppose to do is a ''male'' role and she isn't experienced in acting at ALL.
水手服之槍, Parabellum -パラベラム-
On the very first day that Kuze Aoi transferred to Hinomiya Academy, he finds himself facing down the barrel of a gun. He is introduced to the campus and the student body by his childhood friend Miyabi and learns about the prince and princess among students, Shitara Sagiri and Hinomiya Kuon. Sagiri is a cool and beautiful while Kuon is elegant and magnificent. After school, Aoi gets lost on campus and Kuon begins shooting at him and he's barely saved by a random girl named Atarashi Sonoko. It seems that Aoi holds a secret that is critical in a feud between two old, powerful families.
プラスチックリトル -  Plastic Little: Captain’s Log
From CPM: The curvaceous cutie Captain Tita pilots the far-future submersible Cha Cha Maru, hunting creatures for the exotic pet market. With only four years’ experience under her belt, can Tita capture an elusive cloud whale and fulfill a vow to her dead father, or is she literally out of her depth on this one?
4P恋爱小短篇 -  Tootoi: 4P Short Stories -  Tōtoi. 4 P shōto sutōrīzu -  尊い。 4Pショート・ストーリーズ -  존귀. 4P숏 스토리즈 - 
A volume collection of sweet, short and fun 4 pages manga for everyone to enjoy and adore.
プリティ・イン・ブルー -  蓝色美人心 -  藍色美人心
From Covenant of Darkness: Face, body, and talent, all 3 are what conspires Misako’s love for the star of the basketball club, with a genius ability and super beautiful Urasawa-kun. However, Misako's first and last profession of love in her lifetime was drastically discarded. Strangely, Urusawa-kun decided to model nudely for an art exhibition in hopes to winning a prize because he has an eye for that thing. The lingering affection is banned and the conditions that sends Misako's heart to abide… A romantic comedy treasure!?
煉獄デッドロール -  Purgatory Dead Role -  Rengoku Deadroll -  Rengoku Dead Role
Partez à la rencontre de Sakai Hiroaki, un lycéen surdoué qui est las de tout ce qui est trop simple pour lui. Un jour, en essayant d'empêcher une élève de se suicider, il se suicide accidentellement. À son réveil, il se retrouve dans un endroit appelé le purgatoire, entouré de personnes s'étant également suicidées. Sakai découvre que lui et ses congénères sont forcés à participer à une boucle sans fin de jeux mortels pour des raisons qui lui sont inconnues, et essaie d'y échapper.
プッシュマン, The Push Man and Other Stories
A lone man travels the country, projecting pornographic films for private individuals while attempting to maintain a normal home life. A medical student lives a secret life as a sperm donor, and finds his world turned upside down when his donations are rejected by the fertility clinic. A young couple's marriage is irrevocably affected when a sewer rat takes up residence in their home. The lives of two men become intertwined when one hires the other to observe his sexual escapades through a telescope. An auto mechanic's obsession with a female TV personality turns fatal after a chance meeting between the two.The volume consists of the short stories: Pirahna, Projectionist, Black Smoke, The Burden, Test Tube, Pimp, The Push Man, Sewer, Telescope, The Killer, Traffic Accident, Make-Up, Disinfection, Who Are You?, Bedridden, My Hitler
crise dans la vie tranquille
Un soir en sortant du travail, Ihama Chihiro, un employé de bureau normal se fit interpellé par un homme lui proposant les services de masseuses érotiques. Ihama accepta après une longue hésitation. À peine le massage commencé le jeune salarié s'endormit. Deux possibilités s'offrent à lui, soit ce faire rembourser ou accepter qu'un homme lui fasse un "massage" spécial. Mais pourquoi cet homme ce retrouve à dormir dans son lit?!

Rabbit Doubt

Rabbit Doubt fait fureur au Japon : dans ce jeu sur téléphone portable, des lapins doivent débusquer le loup qui se cache parmi eux. Quant au loup, il doit utiliser tous les subterfuges possibles pour semer la confusion dans le groupe et éliminer un par un tous ses adversaires... ? Mais pour cinq fans du jeu, Rabbit Doubt ne tarde pas à virer au cauchemar : ils se réveillent enfermés dans un bâtiment désaffecté avec, à leurs côtés, le corps d'une camarade assassinée. Tatoué sur la peau des adolescents, un mystérieux code-barres qui leur permet à chacun d'ouvrir une porte différente semble être leur seul espoir de salut..... Pas de doute : un loup se cache bien parmi eux, et il leur faudra le démasquer avant d'être dévorés... Styles : Shonen, Expérimental, Horreur, Mystère
Rad and Rinpu
When Rad is child he can't control his power as result he killed his Older brother Rinpu. After that Rad Decide to tech many people same as him, How to control own Power. He Created a school for it. He looking for peoples with same power and recruit them to his school.
ランダム・ウォーク, 一起散散步
Yuka is a freshman in high school, living in the apartment next door to her mystery writer father and his new wife. The one thing she learned from her father was to "fall in love as many times as you can, and become an attractive woman." Now that she is in high school, Yuka is determined to meet her one true love. Will the day finally come when she will meet her destined one?
From ADV: Ray was bred and raised to be a living, breathing organ donor. After her own eyes were taken from her, a stranger bestows upon her the gift of sight and something extra - she has X-Ray vision! Ten years later, Ray works as a nurse and moonlights as an underground medical doctor performing for-profit, off-the-book medical procedures. But her daily routine is interrupted by a chance encounter with an old friend that triggers Ray's memories of her hellish childhood. Ray will begin a search that will lead her back to the people who stole her eyes-and her childhood!


Tomokui Kanata est un puissant Esper qui se vit déposséder de son existence. En effet, sous une sombre nuit, celui-ci se fit tuer. Mais l'histoire ne s'arrête pas là, Tomokui Kanata se vit accorder une seconde chance et fut réincarné dans un autre monde en tant que Gobelin Rou. Qui plus est notre jeune Héros, conserve à la fois ses souvenirs mais en plus ses pouvoirs. Dans un monde cruel où les Gobelins sont l'une des races les plus faibles, suivez l'évolution de Gobelin Rou !
Cowboys -  Babies -  and Shotgun Vows
Ryder est assez populaire auprès des femmes. Il n'a jamais eu besoin de leur courir après. Un jour, il fait la rencontre d'Ashley, une jeune femme mystérieuse, dans un bar. Complètement saoule, elle lui demande de rester auprès d'elle. Toutefois, le lendemain matin, Ashley disparaît, laissant derrière elle, un Ryder complètement perdu. Pourquoi s'est-elle enfuie alors que c'est elle qui lui a demandé de rester ? Qui est-elle exactement ? C'est ce que Ryder va tenter de découvrir....

Renai Kyoutei

Love Pact
Un oneshot de l'auteur de Bitter Change, Masayoshi, raconte l'histoire d'un amour interdit entre un professeur x élève et un élève x professeur.
Besides the fact that both of his parents are on an extended business trip overseas, Mizutani Masayuki was just your normal high school student. One day, Shimizu Sayaka, a girl who's in the same grade as he is, barges unexpectedly into his home and his life announcing, “Your parents hired me to be your maid!” From that day forward, Masayuki finds himself having to deal with Sayaka, the self-declared “live-in maid, er wife,” Takamura Yuka, his aunt who is actually younger than him and fondly calls him “Onii-chan,” the yandere girl Takagi Mai who is in love with Yuka, and his senpai Ozono Anna whose imagination about Masayuki and Sayaka’s relationship always runs wild. Thus, his days of being caught up in those girls crazy ideas (usually unprintable) begins.
Reversible BL -  リバBL
A collection of oneshots about couples who are reversible, i.e. switching between being the top (seme) and the bottom (uke). 1『幼なじみ』 by TENKAWA Ai2『言えない男』 by Draw Two3『いとしの酩酊鬼センパイ』 by TERASHIMA Kanae4『グッドバイ・ボーイフレンド』 by Setsuo5『おとしたい男』 by Yoshimoto Senco6『ウサギちゃんはくいしんぼう』 by HIIRAGI Mizuka7『不誠実な飼育』 by Kiyosumi Onaji8『綺麗な花にも♂はある』 by Tsumumi
リンゴに蜂蜜; An Apple In Honey
Natsuki est un étudiant qui ne croit pas trop en l'amour, mais cela ne l'a pas empêché de tomber amoureux d'un homme plus vieux que lui, qu'il a rencontré sur internet. Sauf que cet homme vient de lui annoncer qu'il comptait se marier. Après cela, Natsuki essaye de l'ignorer pour passer à autre chose, c'est à ce moment qu'il rencontre Komano, un étudiant plus jeune qui l'invite à rejoindre son club de curry. Sekai no Owari no Natsu Moyou : Takagi est persuadé que la fin du monde va arriver en 2012 et c'est pour cette raison qu'il rend visite à Miyawa, après dix ans, bien que ce dernier ne semble pas se souvenir de lui. Même si Takagi est lui-même confus par rapport à ses sentiments envers Miyawa, il persiste à dire qu'il doit accomplir une dernière chose avant que le monde ne disparaisse.
Hoshoku Taishou Hinadori-kun
Hinata est amoureux d’Hakuba depuis qu’il est petit et qu’ils se produisaient sur scène ensemble… maintenant qu’ils sont tous les deux adultes, Hinata fait partie du groupe de garçons « bad boy » qui, à des fins marketing, déteste le duo pop dont Hakuba fait partie. Hinata a essayé de cacher ses vrais sentiments pour Hakuba, mais son chef de groupe Takaomi arrive le deviner. Essayant d’aider Hinata à se réunir sur scène, Takaomi l’embrasse devant tous leurs fans pendant la bataille en direct des groupes! Poursuivez votre lecture pour voir l’adorable Hinata essayer de résister à un vrai mauvais garçon!
Mega Man X
Taken from manga: Because I know that humanity will have to wage many wars against evil in the future I am leaving behind the strongest reploid in history... Because this world is currently at peace it is my sincere hope that he will not be forced to embark upon such a battle. However unfortunate as it may be I fear that when the time for war comes, he will have no choice but to become ruler of the world.
Megaman X4 -  ロックマンX4
Megaman X4 video game in Manga Form.
ロミオ×ジュリエット, 罗密欧与朱丽叶, 羅密歐與朱麗葉, Romeo and Juliet, RomeoxJuliet
Neo-Verona was once peacefully ruled by the Capulet family, but the rival house of Montague led a coup against the Capulets, wiping them out. Fourteen years later, Lord Montague rules Neo-Verona with an iron fist. But there is hope for the suffering citizens: Juliet Capulet survived the massacre and now turns her sword against the wealthly Montagues in an effort to aid the poor. When she meets the son of Lord Montague at the Rose Ball, she discovers that he is similarly disturbed by his father’s cruelty. As Juliet finds herself falling in love with her sworn enemy, she is conflicted…Is there any hope for a love that crosses enemy lines?
Granny Girl Hinata-chan -  Obaachan Shoujo Hinata-chan -  The Cute Little Granny Girl Hinata-chan -  奶奶心少女日向酱 -  老女的少女ひなたちゃん -  할머니소녀 히나타쨩
Worldly knowledge and artistic refinement! Literally [i]wise beyond her years[/i] Hinata-chan is on a completely different level to your average toddler. But she has a secret... that she's the reincarnation of an 88 year old grandma, with her memories intact! Enjoying green tea on the veranda, a taste for pickles, and an old-fashioned dialect, all inclusive! Why has she been reincarnated? And what happened to the things and loved ones she left behind?
A short 5-chapter story set in the future, about a boy and his passion for motorcycles.
リューシカ・リューシカ -  Ryu–shika Ryu–shika
Le quotidien d'une petite fille surnommée Ryoshka (Ryushika en katakana) à l'imagination plus que débordante.
Prisoner (Tokumaru Yoshitaka) -  Ryoshuh -  Ryoshuu (TOKUMARU Yoshitaka) -  虜囚 (徳丸佳貴)
Akihiko is the young master of an unprofitable Kimono shop. He has a sexual relationship with his friend Inoue, the son of a president of a bank, in order to get loans to keep the shop afloat. One day though, his servant, Awata, who has harbored a secret crush on Akihiko, stumbles upon their love affair. After confronting Akihiko to stop selling his body to Inoue for money, Akihiko tells Awata to buy him instead. Awata flees the shop and the house in shame. Several years go by and Awata comes back with untold amounts of money that he has earned in the shadowy underworld of crime in order to buy Akihiko. Akihiko is forced to accept Awata with pleasure and indignity warring within him.
虜囚 (徳丸佳貴) -  Prisoner (Tokumaru Yoshitaka) -  Ryoshuh
Akihiko is the young master of an unprofitable kimono shop. He has a sexual relationship with his friend Inoue, the son of a president of a bank, in order to get loans to keep the shop afloat. One day though, his servant, Awata, who has harbored a secret crush on Akihiko, stumbles upon their love affair. After confronting Akihiko to stop selling his body to Inoue for money, Akihiko tells Awata to buy him instead. Awata flees the shop and the house in shame. Several years go by and Awata comes back with untold amounts of money that he has earned in the shadowy underworld of crime to buy Akihiko. Akihiko is forced to accept Awata with pleasure and indignity warring within him.
Le quotidien d'une petite fille surnommée Ryûshika à l'imagination plus que débordante.
リューシカ・リューシカ, 露丝卡。露丝卡, 露丝卡.露丝卡, Ryoshka Ryoshka, Ryuushika Ryuushika, Ryu–shika Ryu–shika
A series of vignettes portraying the day-to-day life of a little girl with a very vivid imagination.