
Crimson Spell

En sortant de son fourreau l’épée légendaire de la famille royale, le prince Valdrigr a été frappé par une effroyable malédiction qui le change en démon. Seul le séduisant sorcier Halvir est assez puissant pour dompter l’effroyable créature avec qui il partage désormais son enveloppe charnelle. Ensemble, ils partent en quête d’une solution, au cours d’un périple semé d’embûches...

Double Face

La première fois qu'il vit Itsuki Matsuda, son demi-frère, lors des funérailles de leur père, Yoshiaki pensa que, bien qu'il fut l'héritier d'un grand hôpital - et le fils légitime de leur père, le jeune homme paraissait heureux, paisible malgré les lourdes responsabilités qui pesaient sur ses épaules.Cependant, presque deux semaines après les funérailles, par hasard, Yoshiaki rencontre pour la seconde fois Itsuki. Ce dernier semble complètement perdu et reste immobile et silencieux sous une pluie battante. Et dans son regard, il y a une telle douleur que Yoshiaki décide finalement que non, il ne peut pas l'abandonner ainsi...

Hero Mitai ni

Like a hero
Keiichi et Kaname sont tous les deux cousins et frères adoptifs. Ils sont complètement opposés: Keiichi est studieux et posé tandis que Kaname ne rate pas une occasion pour chercher des noises à quiconque le cherche.Kaname ne supporte plus son cousin dernièrement. Est-ce parce qu'ils sont comme le Yin et le Yang ou parce que les sentiments s'en mêlent ?
異国色恋浪漫譚, A Foreign Love Affair, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan - The Romantic Tale of a Foreign Love Affair, The Guide of Love
Japanese yakuza clan heir Ranmaru just got married on a lavish cruise ship, but things aren't as they seem. The marriage is just for the appearances, and he ends up getting drunk and spending the night not with his bride but with the sexy ship captain. When the two men meet again in Italy, it is the start of a spectacular love story.Includes an extra story called Koi no Annainin (The Guide of Love).
Alors qu'il vient de se marier à bord d'un magnifique paquebot de plaisance avec la femme qu'on lui a choisie, Ranmaru, héritier d'un clan de yakuzas, commence sa nuit de noce au bar, pour finir dans les bras de Al, le charmant capitaine du bateau. Peu de temps après, le destin les réunit en Italie, où, ensemble, il iront au devant d'incroyables dangers...
Love Guide -  The Guide of Love -  恋の案内人
Researcher Takaoka has always been smooth with the ladies, but somehow can't seem to manage a lasting relationship. Hoping to coax her son into matrimony at last, his mother insists on sending him to a marriage counsellor. This counsellor turns out to be a good-looking young man named Yoshizawa, who's both devoted to, and skilled at, his job. He vows to find Takaoka the perfect match, but will he succeed? More to the point, do either of them want him to succeed?
恋するDNA+ -  Koi wo Suru DNA+
A limited edition special book which includes these stories: 1) Koi wo Suru Shokubutsu Sports stars, Hiyama and Mizuno, find themselves caught up in something bigger than they first imagined when they go out to find out whether or not their fathers are really gay. 2) Koi wo Suru DNA Hiyama and Mizuno are back for more trouble! 3) Koi wo Suru Baby Leaf 4) Koi wo Suru DNA+ Hiyama Papa and Mizuno Papa reminisce about a passionate meeting in their youth.
恋するファインダーの標的 -  Koi wo Suru x Target in the Finder Crossover -  KoiSuru x VF Crossover
Chaperon and photographer Takaba Akihito (Finder) has his hands full with Mizuno and Hiyama from KoiSuru when they go to Kyoto for their graduation trip.
The shrewd lawyer and the skillful lock picker - The meeting of the two changes the law of the night !
God Bless My Justice -  Risky Society
A rookie to a society of people with supernatural abilities must prove himself (and his love) to his superior. Released in volume 1 of the Finder series, Target in the Viewfinder.
Pure Soul; Strength of Pure Soul
Le toujours joyeux Amano Riku et le Masaki cool et distant ne s'aimes pas beaucoup, mais quand Riku trouve son camarade de classe évanoui sur le trottoir un jour, il ne peut pas s'éloigner sans l'aider. Il trouve même un emploi à Masaki dans le restaurant de sa mère, et c'est ainsi que la relation improbable entre eux commence à se développer.....
Finder (Germany) -  Finder no Hyouteki -  Finder no Ori -  Finder no Sekiyoku -  Finder series -  Love Prize -  Love Surprise -  Target in the Finder -  Viewfinder -  Y
Volume 1: Target in the Finder (Finder no Hyouteki). 1) You're my Loveprize in Viewfinder (1st part of the main series, Viewfinder; 3 chapters : You're my Loveprize in Viewfinder, Fixer & an extra, Embrace the Heat of the Night): During a routine journalism assignment, freelance photographer Akihito Takaba is captured by the mysterious Asami, a powerful leader in Japan's underworld society. Asami forces his captive to undergo a night of pleasure and pain never before imagined... 2) Love Lesson (1st part of the Love Lesson series): Ichijou saved Sakurai from a pervert on the bus on the way to the school. But his own intentions were not so pure... 3) Loving Plant (Koi wo Suru Shokubutsu) (1st part of the Koisuru series): Sports stars, Hiyama and Mizuno, find themselves caught up in something bigger than they first imagined when they go out to find out whether or not their fathers are really gay. 4) Risky Society: God Bless My Justice (stand alone) : A rookie to a society of people with supernatural abilities must prove himself (and his love) to his superior. Volume 2: Cage in the Finder (Finder no Ori) 1) Body Chase (main Viewfinder series; 1 chapter): Takaba helps out the police by infiltrating Asami's flagship club, Sion. 2) Splendor of High Rises (Kourou no Hana) (main Viewfinder series; 4 chapters): the story of Feilong and Asami's first meeting, seven years prior in Hong Kong. 3) Loving DNA (Koi wo Suru DNA) (2nd part of the Koisuru series). Volume 3: One Wing in the Finder (Finder no Sekiyoku) 1) Naked Truth (main Viewfinder series; ch1-5: The Japan arc): Feilong returns to Japan, setting up an explosive situation that will take him, Takaba, and Asami across countries to resolve the events set in motion seven years in the past. 2) Love Surprise (1st part of the Love Prize series): A light oneshot side story to the Viewfinder series taking place New Year's Eve with a very drunk Takaba. 3) Baked Sweet Glasses (stand alone): Cute underwear salesman has his heart set on making a tough sale. 4) Koi wo Suru Baby Leaf (3rd part of the Koisuru series): The story of how the fathers met. Volume 4: Prisoner in the Finder (Finder no Ryoshuu) 1) Naked Truth (main Viewfinder series; ch6-10: The Hong Kong arc). 2) Takaba's Wonderful Day (2nd part of the Love Prize series): Asami sees photographer Takaba on a shoot and takes him on a drinking date. Another light sidestory to the Viewfinder series. Volume 5: ? 1) Naked Truth (main Viewfinder series; ch11-13: ? arc). 2) Naked Truth - Zero (main Viewfinder series). 3) Takaba Akihito's Graceful Summer Holiday (3rd part of the Love Prize series). 4) School Ghost Story (Gakko no Kaidan) (2nd part of the Love Lesson series).