
Un souhait s'accompagne toujours du pouvoir de le réaliser.
Many years ago, humanity was on the verge of extinction from a creature called the "Black Beast." The world was saved by six heroes who wielded magic. They helped humanity create "Ars Magus", a fusion of magic and science, to defeat the Black Beast. This event would be later known as the First War of Magic.After the war, the Novus Orbis Librarium (also referred to as "The Library" or the "NOL") was created to govern the world with the use of Ars Magus. A great deal of dissent was caused by the Library, partly due to Ars Magus' use in nearly every facet of society, and the widening socioeconomic gap between those who could and couldn't use Ars Magus. This dissent would eventually form years later into the Second War of Magic or also known as the Ikaruga Civil War, when the city of Ikaruga openly rebelled against the NOL. Upon winning the war, the NOL imposed a harsher rule on the world, punishing any rebellion against the NOL with death.In December A.D. 2199, several years after the Second War of Magic, a branch of the NOL was utterly destroyed by an SS-class rebel named "Ragna" also known as the "Grim Reaper", in an attempt to destroy the Librarium. The NOL, hoping to stop him, immediately announced the largest bounty ever, available to anyone who could capture him. Interestingly, Ragna possesses a powerful form of Ars Magus known as the "Azure Grimoire." This led the NOL, as well as the other fighters, to hunt Ragna not just for his bounty, but also his Azure Grimoire.BlazBlue - Chimelical Complex, is the manga adaptation of BlazBlue - Calamity Trigger, the hit fighting game developed by Arc System Work.
BlazBlue Phase 0 prologo, BlazBlue Phase 0 Prologue -Comic Side
BlazBlue - Phase 0 ~Prologue~ is a single volume gift that came in the Japanese version of BlazBlue Continuum Shift II for Nintendo 3DS. This manga summarizes the first act of the novel BlazBlue Phase 0, telling the story of the first meeting between Ragna and Celica and later with Mitsuyoshi. Perfect companion material for
Boku no Hero Academia 【doujinshi】Kirishima Eijirou x Bakugou Katsuki
Kirishima Eijirou Shusai Shinbokukai -  切島鋭児郎主催親睦会
Title is self explanatory. Don’t expect much.
Over Drive Girls -  超可動ガールズ
[hr][b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
The End of Goldfish Kingdom
Mikaze-chan rentre chez lui après un festival avec un poisson rouge. Elle apprend vite que le monde n'est pas juste.
Ann is living with her sweet boyfriend. Until she starts to remember something of her past, and why is her ex stalking her? Note: First WEBTOON
L'histoire se passe au Royaume-Uni, au 19° siècle. Heaven est une jeune détective toujours accompagnée par Hawson, son subordonné. Un jour, un client leur demande de retrouver un trésor à partir d'une simple lettre manuscrite laissé par sa défunte tante... Accompagnez Heaven dans cette aventure et découvrez son talent de déduction hors-normes!
A young princess from a foreign land has decided to travel to Japan and train to become a "yamato nadesico" ideal lady. This 'bride training' is overseen by two teachers. However, she's really immature and plays around all the time. Most of her attempts at training end up in childish fun! [tethysdust]
Boku no Hero Academia 【doujinshi】Kirishima Eijirou x Bakugou Katsuki
Jun Watanabe est un paria ordinaire. Il est en troisième année de lycée, mais il a l'air d'être en première année. Il veut jouer au foot, mais il est nul en sport. Et pour couronner le tout.... il est gay. Cependant, quand Akihiro, le géant de l'école, vient à son secours, Jun découvre que les apparences peuvent être trompeuses, que les premiers amours sont souvent pleins de malentendus, et que ce qui compte le plus, ce n'est pas l'apparence, mais ce qu'il y a dans le cœur.
オニデレ, 鬼骄, Oni Dere
Tadashi is in his second year of junior high school and is a member of the handicraft club and loves nothing more than knitting. Unfortunately he's in secret relationship with Saya, the member of a notorious all-girl gang, who says she will kill him and herself if anyone is to find out about it.
Alcohol Is for Married Couples -  Cô vợ bợm rượu -  El alcohol es solo para parejas -  Love Is Like a Cocktail -  Алкоголь для супружеской пары -  お酒は夫婦になってから
The "slightly sweet tipsy couple comedy" manga centers on the 28-year-old senior public relations company staff member Chisato Mizusawa. The story follows Chisato's daily life as she enjoys her husband Sora's cocktails. Chisato has secrets that only her husband knows.
Sa capacité à détecter les mensonges a fait d'elle un officier de justice hors pair - même si elle est hantée par son incapacité à sauver ceux qu'elle aimait d'un destin horrible il y a de nombreuses années. Maintenant, elle utilise son don puissant pour défendre les sans-défense quel qu'en soit le prix - même si cela signifie faire équipe avec un assassin mortel pour combattre le mal dans un monde devenu fou.
A self-published doujinshii consisting of a few short stories.
桜雪, 桜雪 ichtys作品集, Sakura Snow
1) No One Can Do ItHajime is a wandering samurai, who carries a musori sword and is aiming for the top. His goal is to have a fight with the famous Muichi, but upon his arrival in a village his sword gets stolen. And to top it all Muichi turns out to be… 2) ShenziThe year is 2007 A.D. The advance of civilization has led to remarkable achievements. Those achievements have paved a way for a project which successfully used neural energy to evoke the latent abilities in humans. Those who gained powers beyond the average humans are called Shenzi. 3) Snow-like Cherry BlossomsOne day problem student Karukami gets off on the wrong train station. There he meets Sakura Kisaragi, a cheerful girl that is waiting for her lost dog. A heartwarming story about trust and life. 4) Tower of BabelIn the Tower of Babel people live while they are served by robots. But something goes wrong and the robots turn against humans, it is now up to violent princess Reiche and the swordsman Farose to make things right.
En Enfer la loi est dictée par le plus fort, ainsi fonctionne ce monde. Il n'y a pas que les humains ayant commit des crimes qui sont envoyés en Enfer, les espèces dites « menaçantes » par les « Supérieures » y sont directement envoyées même si elles n'ont pas commit de crime. Certains n'ont pas le statut de menaçante, mais ils ont refusé la vénération des Supérieurs, eux aussi sont envoyées dans le bas monde. Bien évidemment les plus faibles ont vite été tué ou réduit à l'état d'esclave, mais il existe un groupe décidé à faire changer cela...
Moving from S city to coastal city Q, Dahlia Lime was enrolled in Mingtang Private Highschool. Taking the wrong road, on the first day of school, she accidentally witnessed the crying of Julian Summer, who is a delicate and good-looking top student in Mingtang High School, and their first meeting turned to be an unpleasant one. Then, fate brought her to Jared, the Prince Charming of all girls at school, and they even appointed to gamble through basketball. Being noticed by two top lady-killers in campus, even Dahlia herself was amazed. However...As they got familiar with each other, their relationship began to shift. A series of hilarious and warm stories thus happened among them.


Dans ce monde, il est un être plus cruel que tous les autres. Sheila, la reine des démons, a éradiqué de sang-froid plus de la moitié de l’humanité, et soumis tous les monstres jusqu’au dernier. Face à elle, les hommes se sont donné un Héros, Exa, un homme convaincu que la coexistence est possible entre humains et démons. Il refuse donc de tuer, avec une exception : la reine des démons elle-même.Intriguée par ces principes atypiques, Sheila décide de se joindre à lui dans ses voyages pour l’observer. Mais dans cette guerre à mort, elle n’a pas l’intention de le laisser en vie très longtemps…
シューピアリア・クロス, 魔王爱勇者第二部, 魔王爱勇者Cross, Superior Cross, Superior†
The demon queen subdued enormous and powerful monsters and slaughtered over half of the world's population. Surviving members of the human race elected a hero to slay the demon queen, beseeching release from her oppressive rule. However, he questions his mission to eradicate the monsters: in his opinion, they too are conscious and alive, and so he anguishes over that fact. Sheila the Demon Queen became interested in him and joined his journey, hiding her identity and with the plan to kill him after she has gained his trust. Eventually, she realizes that she fell in love with the hero, and hence their journey begins...
アイドルマスター2Colorful Days, The [email protected] 2: Colorful Days
FFVII dj - Promise, FFVIII dj Transformation, Final Fantasy VII dj - Promise, Final Fantasy VIII dj Transformation, Gensou Suikoden dj - Temptation, O
A series of gags from several, uh, series. We’ve got school plays! Poisoning attempts! Failed recruiting attempts! Sibling affection (?!), over-protective siblings, and S&M. A little something for everyone.Series included:Final Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy VIIIGensou SuikodenOre no Shikabane wo Koete YukePersonaWild ARMsWild ARMs 2Xenogears
Zelda no Densetsu - Kaze no Takuto - Link no 4-koma Koukaiki
The Legend Of Zelda : The Wind Waker est un recit du voyage de Link. Durant son voyage, il rencontrera beaucoup de monde et se retrouvera dans un nombre indéfinissable d'ennuis avant d'être finalement confronté à son destin.
A 2012 two-part oneshot by Imitation Crystal about people who just can't seem to get along.
Lucas est un jeune chasseur, payé pour traquer une mystérieuse créature, responsable de la mort de nombreuses personnes.Sur son chemin, il retrouve de vieilles connaissances, qui feront ressurgir de douloureux souvenirs de son village natal.
无常道 -  Judgement Road