

Ils sortent ensemble depuis un certain temps maintenant. E pourtant, il a l'impression qu'ils ne ressemblent pas vraiment à un couple normal, puisqu'ils passent leur temps à baiser. Il va donc essayer de changer les choses, en proposant quelques sorties de couple histoire de changer ça. Malheureusement, leur pulsion sexuelle prend toujours le dessus.
From Go! Comi: On the distant planet of Deloca, teenagers enroll in an education system like no other – a mobile journey that takes place onboard a train. There are standard School Trains for general studies...and then there's the Special Train, an expectional institution whose students receive anything but a normal education. Reiichi is a student contented to obediently follow the tracks laid out before him…but when Arena, a rebellious girl with a mysterious past, enters the scene, his life is completely derailed! While dodging the persistent investigator after Arena, Reiichi and his unintended partner-in-crime experience a school year never to be forgotten.
Alto has always been followed by misfortune and his problems show no sign of coming to an end when he is suddenly kidnapped by pirates. He learns from them that the clover shaped mark on his body proves that he is the descendant of a legendary pirate. Finding the individuals who possess the spade, diamond, club and heart marks is said to lead the way to valuable pirate treasure.
초월자 학원의 수강생이 되었다 -  I Became a Student at Transcendental Academy
Kiss Players -  Teletraan 15 -  Toransufōmā Jouhou Kanrikyoku Teretoran 15GO!GO! -  Toransufōmā Kisu Pure -  トランスフォーマー キスぷれ -  トランスフォーマー情報管理局テレトラン15GO!GO!
1-2+extra) Narushima, an elite detective of the Metropolitan Police Department who is guarding an important person at football stadium happens to meet his old friend, Fujisaki. When they were promising football players in same team, Fujisaki always dominated Narushima and deprived all of Narushima including of his pride and girlfriend. But Narushima realizes that Fujisaki becomes a sniper. He failed to catch Fujisaki and Fujisaki also failed to kill the VIP. They meet again and make love together... 3) An ex-member of swimming club encourages a retired member by fatal injury to tell the ace swimmer his feeling. Ace swimmer accepts it because he loves injured butterflies... 4) A teacher tries to find out the reason why his student acts rebelliously only against him...
Kim Jinho and Heo Chundo are trying to find ways to spend their lazy summer days. Suddenly, two women appear before them with a job proposition for them. Details? None, except that they will be "treasure hunting." With nothing better to do--and no other choice available to them--they are forced to accept. And so begins their journey of exploration, adventure, gags, dungeons, magic items, and guardian beasts.
The world changed because one girl lost the one dearest to her. The grief-stricken girl kept searching for a way to bring him back to her, eventually became a scientist, creating a substance that looked to have promising results.That substance was ‘Metaphysic particles’ which could transform mankind’s wildest dreams into reality, wondrous particles that could smash the divide between the spirit and the being.But a grave error occurred in the research before it reached completion, and the Metaphysic particles were spread throughout the world. Incredible occurrences were happening throughout the world.‘Monsters’ which preyed on humans appeared, recognized by the masses to be a consequence of the Metaphysic particles. It appeared to them to be the girl’s fault, and they ostracized her, calling her ‘The Witch’.But from the masses emerged people who could use the Metaphysic particles to do battle with the monsters, Knights of Justice who transformed their beliefs into magical creatures to defeat the monsters. Using the twelve devices ‘Accessories’ that could magnify these beliefs, they became known as ‘12’This is a story of a world where dreams become reality…
Trigun Tribute -Rising-
L'histoire se concentre sur Rai The Blade, l'un des Gung-Ho Guns, qui vit dans une petite ville-plante.
トライピース, 戰爭仲裁者, Tri-Piece, Tripeace แก๊งป่วนชวนรักษ์โลก
Nana, a young boy suffering from extreme amnesia, has forgotten his real name. After helplessly witnessing the unjust death of three children during one of his trips, he vows to eradicate all wars of the surface of the earth.He then joined Tripeace, a small group of activists whose members use all kinds of weapons and will stop at nothing, not even violence, to bring peace to the world. But soon, the new registration number 102078 of Tripeace is faced with a dilemma: can we protect peace at all cost?


트럼프! -  Trump
Le grand-père maternel de Jiyoung lui a appris le secret des Trumps et la Règle pour contrôler les Trumps. En allant à sa nouvelle école, elle rencontre un super modèle qui se bat contre un type utilisant un pouvoir spécial qui semble être celui que le grand-père de Jiyoung mentionnait. Malheureusement, elle se retrouve impliquée dans leurs combats, et les rencontre même dans sa nouvelle école. Elle comprend alors que ce sont des Mediums appelés Trumps (ou Cartes) ayant des talents spéciaux. En restant avec eux, elle se rend compte qu'elle possède aussi un pouvoir spécial. Est-elle aussi une Trump ou la Règle ?
[Taken from Daiwon's international licensing's description] Storyline: Jiyoung has been told about Trumps and the Rule to control Trumps from her maternal grandfather. When she goes to her new school, she encounters a super model that fights with a guy using special power that seems to be the one Jiyoung’s grandfather has been talking about. Unfortunately she gets involved in their fight involuntarily, and even meets them at her new school. She gets to know they are psychics called Trumps (or Cards) who have special talents, mingling with them and she realizes she also has a special power. Is she also a trump or the rule?
They Only Remembered Her
Lorsque Clarence avait quitté sa ville natale pour se rendre à la capitale, elle n'était encore qu'une simple paysanne. Mais après avoir accepté de combattre parmi les chevaliers, le destin a fait d'elle une véritable héroïne de guerre. Ceci dit, Clarence se passerait bien du poids des honneurs. Tourmentée par les souvenirs amers du temps passé sur les champs de bataille, elle finit par abandonner son poste et quitter la ville. Mais alors qu'elle espère rentrer calmement auprès de sa famille, sa disparition soudaine cause un véritable tumulte. Elle se retrouve maintenant avec un prince impérial, un grand magicien, un sage prêtre et un chevalier loyal à ses trousses ! Il semblerait en effet que ses camarades de guerre aient gardé de bien plus précieux souvenirs d'elle qu'elle n'aurait pu l'imaginer et ne soient pas prêts à la laisser disparaître si facilement. Alors qu'une véritable quête s'organise pour retrouver Clarence, cette dernière, qui espérait faire table rase du passé, pourrait bien réaliser que certains souvenirs ne sont pas faits pour être oubliés.
YUFUIN Shizuka est un "garçon" au café Tsubaki-kan. Il est beau, élégant, et fait un service exceptionnel. Il n'a qu'une seule faiblesse - les filles ! Il suffit juste qu'une fille le regarde dans les yeux ou qu'elle le touche pour qu'il soit complètement troublé. Malheureusement, la petite-fille du propriétaire va prendre la relève et s'occuper du café, et lorqu'elle découvre son problème, elle pense et décide qu'il ne devrait pas travailler là-bas !
椿館の美しすぎるギャルソン -  Stunning Garçon of the Tsubakikan -  Stunning Garcon of the Tsubakikan -  Tsubakikan no Utsukushi Sugiru Garcon -  Tsubakikan no Utsukushi Su
Yufuin Shizuka is a garçon at the Cafe Tsubaki-kan. He's gorgeous, elegant, and gives superb service. He just has one weakness - girls! Just looking into a girl's eyes or being touched is enough to completely fluster him. Unfortunately, the owner's granddaughter is going to be running the cafe, and when she finds out about his problem, she decides that he shouldn't be working there!
つばめ-陽だまり少女紀行- -  Tsubame
銀つばさ翼, 銀(つばさ)翼, Gin Tsubasa, Tsubasa, les ailes d'argent
Daisuke took a step. He was asked to join the Tokko (aka Kamikaze) and he accepted, offering his life to his country. Set during the very end of World War 2, this story begins when Daisuke decides to die and tells the reader why he decided to make such an extreme decision. Was it for his country, was it for peace, or was it because everyone else made the same choice? What's in a man's mind when he knows he's going to die? Even in this rather tragic scenario, there is still hope -- perhaps in a picture of your mother, or in a girl, or maybe in the future...


つぼみ -  Love Fool -  Camel -  A Passing Story -  Don't Get Me Into It -  Unbalance -  Michi -  Triangle Of Love -  Scissors And Fingers
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - Love Fool,- 02 - Camel,- 03 - A Passing Story,- 04 - Don't Get Me into It,- 05 - Unbalance,- 06 - Michi,- 07 - Triangle of Love,- 08 - Scissors and Fingers.Tsubomi est un magazine trimestriel regroupant plusieurs auteurs autour du Yuri et du Shôjo-ai.
下次見面就抱你。初戀對象再重逢已狼化…。 -  下次见面就抱你。初恋对象再重逢已狼化…。 -  次に会ったら抱くって決めてたので。 再会した初恋の彼が猛獣化したら…。
An S-ranked Party’s Burden Tamer, I Awoke My True Power by Having My Familiar Killed ~The Exiled Tamer is Actually the Only Necromancer in the World. Unknowingly Becoming the Strongest While Enjoying this Excess Power~ -  S-rank Party no Onimotsu Tamer,
Reconnaître, cartographier, transporter des bagages, cuisiner, monter la garde, prendre des coups... même en faisant toutes ces choses, le dompteur, Randall, est qualifié de fardeau et d'inutile par les membres de son groupe. Ce parti de rang S est rempli de magiciens de génie, d'excellents épéistes, de prêtres célèbres et de grands chevaliers, qui font preuve d'un superbe esprit d'équipe et de dynamisme, et est devenu le parti le plus célèbre du pays. Bien qu'ils soient incroyablement populaires, les membres du parti ressentent une certaine insatisfaction à l'égard de Randall. Ce dernier est bientôt mis à la porte alors qu'il était en train de gagner en influence et libère son véritable pouvoir en cherchant à se venger.
星月下的约定 -  月にキスの花束を -  银色花束 -  A Bouquet of Kisses for the Moon -  A Bunch of Kisses to the Moon -  Bouquet of Flowers with Kisses to the Moon -  Tsuki ni Kiss no
Kahara Hitomi met Nagatsuki Atsuya when she was a child, and they made a promise to see each other again, but Atsuya never showed up. Because of that unkept promise, Hitomi hasn't been able to trust any guy ever since. Although Atsuya broke Hitomi's heart, she can't stop thinking or dreaming about him--even now that she's a college student--and she secretly wants to find her first love again. Then one night at a club, a man named Nagatsuki Atsuya appears before her! But is he the same Nagatsuki Atsuya...?
星月下的约定; 月にキスの花束を; 银色花束; A Bouquet of Kisses for the Moon; A Bunch of Kisses to the Moon; Bouquet of Flowers with Kisses to the Moon; Tsuki ni Kiss no Hanataba o
Quand elle était petite, Kahara Hitomi a rencontré Nagatsuki Atsuya, dont elle tomba amoureuse.Ils se firent la promesse de se revoir encore au même endroit, mais Atsuya ne reparut jamais.Aujourd'hui, à cause de cette promesse non respectée, Hitomi n'arrive plus à croire aucun garçon.Elle ne peut pas non plus s'arrêter de penser à lui ou de le voir en rêve et retourne tous les ans à l'endroit de leur promesse.Etant devenue étudiante, elle rencontre un soir, dans un club, un homme disant s'appeler Nagatsuki Atsuya.Plus elle va le connaitre, plus les sentiments d'Hitomi vont devenir compliqués.Est-il vraiment le Atsuya de ses souvenirs... ?
月と狼男 -  The Moon and the Werewolf -  Tsuki to Ookamiotoko
From Blissful Sin: Twins Keiji and Keiichi are both skilled in martials arts despite their innocent-looking faces. But the younger brother, Keiji, has harbored unrequited feelings for his older twin. What will happen to these feelings when Keiji suddenly enters a one-sided relationship with a schoolmate? What will happen when Keiichi also finds himself a lover? A sexual omnibus full of trials and tribulations in these blue summer love stories.
Tsukihana Maiden Loves The Mongrel -  Tsukihana Maiden Loves The Savage Dog -  月花乙女は猛犬が好き
In the late Taisho era, when Japanese and Western styles were mixed, a young man named Uruya, who has been living in such a turmoil world, meets a lady in a Wafuku called Karin one day. Unlike himself, Karin is a bright and cheerful person, and for some reason, she is interested in Uruya and keeps teasing him. At first, Uruya was unpleasant, but he slowly became addicted to the pleasure and mysterious charm that Karin brings... Romeo and Juliet of the Taisho Meiji era!? Let the immoral romance where corruption and teasing are intertwined begin!Author's Twitter:
殺憑 さつき, Shingetsutan Tsukihime dj - Cursed Killer Satsuki, Tsukihime dj - Cursed Killer Satsuki
A tragic tale about Satsuki's misadventures, piteous overthrows.
Tsukihime dj - Ren's Picture Diary
月影ベイベ -  Moonlight Baby
Kasugai est un jeune homme avec pour seul rêve d'avoir une jolie jeune fille qui lui dit ces mots : " Je t'ai finalement trouvé ". Le jour où cela lui arrive, sa vie devient tout à coup un cauchemar ! Pourquoi Tsukimi, la jeune fille qui a réalisé son rêve porte-t-elle un costume de lapin, et revêt l'apparence d'une fillette ?!
This is a one-shot about a kid who inherited his grandfather’s store, which is filled with special items enchanted/possessed with spirits.
つまりは君が愛しいのです -  最终爱上你 -  After All, I Love You