
Après avoir vécu avec un père abusif et une mère fugitive, deux frères decident de vivre par eux-mêmes. l'histoire suit leurs vies ensemble et leur rencontre avec la personne qu'ils aimes.


Naoto Ninomiya vient de décrocher son diplôme d'infirmier et est maintenant à la recherche d'un emploi. Heureusement pour lui, Sakajou Saori, le médecin connu pour son "traitement par les coups" est disposée à lui prêter main forte.


Ji-Hae est éperdument amoureux de son camarade de classe Seung-Hyu. Elle a fait tout ce qu'elle pouvait pour pouvoir gagner son affection, mais en vain. Lorsque son dernier régime franchit la ligne, Seung- Hyu décide qu'il en a assez ... et la pousse involontairement au bas d'un escalier ! Ji-Hae se réveille dans l'au-delà, pour apprendre que ce n'est pas son heure n'est pas venue. Mais pourquoi revenir en arrière quand l'amour de sa vie la déteste à mort ? La possibilité de voyager dans le passé pour réparer cette relation dans une vie antérieure est accordée à Ji-Hae. Pour se rapprocher de Seung-Hyu du passé de soi-même, Ji -Hae se déguise elle-même comme un garçon et se joint à la Hwa-Rang, une équipe Coréenne de tir à l'arc d'élite dont les membres sont tous des Bishonens !
砂礫王国, Gravel Kingdom
A kingdom in the middle of the desert is the last city of humans that were against the Sand People. However, their next king, Kirameki, didn't want to fulfil the throne. The Sand People took the chance to kidnap the prince and replace him with an imposter, Kirameki's half-brother, Saga, who is a half human and half Sand Person. Kirameki was made to do hard labour then. However, he came back on the day of the Water Festival to get back his kingdom with Serafita (Water Goddess)'s help.
ササメケ, 好想踢波
Rakuichi was a better soccer player than anyone when he was in elementary school. But after 3 unsuccessful years in Italy, he returns home in defeat. Upon arrival he's confronted by a host of different characters; his cousin Biwako, who is now a teacher despite her uncontrollable personality; his childhood friend Inae who is cute and nice, but who turns into a crazed stalker when it comes to cool, attractive guys; Touzan who is cool, mysterious and seems to be good at everything; and Maiko, who is incredibly beautiful, but turns violent on the slightest whim. Great artwork, hilarious comedy and a unique style are the hallmarks of this manga. 
囁くのはその指 -  指尖的輕喃 -  The Finger to Whisper -  Whisper of the Finger
One day Hatsuki was hurt on campus and was helped by Watakabe Tatsuyuki, the most famous idol in school. Hatsuki, being gay, secretly fell in love with Watakabe. However, Watakabe doesn't have any interest in Hatsuki until one day when Hatsuki found out the truth about Watakabe's words: "I killed my little brother."
Satoko and Nadaサトコとナダ
Ma première fois en Amérique, et ma première fois avec quelqu'un d'autre. Si c'est nous deux, tout deviendra agréable ! Une charmante histoire d'amitié entre une Japonaise et sa colocataire musulmane.Satoko, une étudiante japonaise qui étudie en Amérique, a une nouvelle colocataire : une Saoudienne nommée Nada ! Ils ont peut-être des coutumes différentes, mais grâce au respect mutuel - et aux aventures hilarantes de leur vie quotidienne - Satoko et Nada prouvent que l'amitié ne connaît pas de frontières.
サトリくんとツンデレくん, Satori and Tsundere, Satori ve Tsundere
Satori Shin, dokunduğu kişinin düşüncelerini okuyabilen bir öğrenci. Şimdiye kadar yanlışlıkla sınıf arkadaşlarının düşüncelerini okumuş olsa da bu gücü kötü amaçla hiç kullanmadı. Bir gün her zaman dibinde biten sınıf arkadaşı Asaba Yoshiki'nin düşüncelerini okuduğunda aslında kendisinden hoşlandığını öğrenir. Dışarıdan bakıldığında sadece Satori'yle uğraşmasına rağmen içinden "çok sevimli", "onu seviyorum" gibi şeyler düşünen Asaba, Satori'nin ilgisini çeker.
100 Grams of Sugar, A Little Love -  砂糖100グラム、恋少々
Uno, a former bartender and flirt, comes to the cake shop where the serious new patissier, Fujisaki, works. At first, Fujisaki dislikes the frivolous Uno, but he gradually begins to be attracted to Uno's friendliness and surprisingly talented work...?Flirty cake salesperson x serious patissier. Yuzu Marita's clumsy sweet hearted love!!
Mr. Sato And Miss Tanaka, Mr. Sato And Miss Tanaka – The Blood Highschool, Satou And Tanaka, Satou And Tanaka – The Blood High School, Satou-kun To Ta
Satou is a vampire who fell in love with a human, Kumiko. But his love was spurned so he vowed to come back in 50 years. Years later, Kumiko is now an old lady with a granddaughter, Tanaka, a high school-er who is a splitting image of her in her youth. Satou has now infiltrated Tanaka's high school in a mission to make her grandmother fall in love with him.
Satou-kun is Peeping. ~I am Peeping in the Girl's Hearts With God's App~ -  佐藤くんは覗ている。~神様アプリで女の子のココロをノゾいたらど××だった
Satou Kazuya is a 30-year-old office worker and a virgin. His daily routine is Playing Eroge while Masturbating. One night he got the "Peeping Application" from God, It was not an ordinary application but an application that could read a woman's heart.
Sato-san está a la izquierda -  Sato-san ha Hidarigawa -  Satou-san está à esquerda -  佐藤さんはひだりがわ
Two office ladies in love.

Save Our Soul

Soul Probation , 灵魂缓刑
Un talentueux assassin mais idiot qui ne connaît pas les sentiments & un conspirateur qui a supporté les difficultés mais qui est dans un état végétatif.
Prohibition of touch!! It is My stuff. / ممنوع اللمس!! هذه أشيائي / 触るの禁止!!俺のモノ。
Akagi Ayane souffre depuis longtemps d'hypersensibilité. Mais elle doit garder ce fait caché, surtout au lycée ! Malheureusement pour elle, un élève de son école, Aizawa, découvre son secret.

Sayonara Game

Arimura, qui a un grand "sister complexe", recherche un tuteur pour aider sa sœur jumelle à préparer ses concours d'entrée. C'est ainsi qu'il fera appel à Ikou, un camarade de classe du lycée plus jeune que lui et avec lequel il avait l'habitude de jouer au baseball.
The near future, the afterworld, and the perfectly normal present day. The five stories in this anthology revolve around the girls who deal with the uncertainties of fate; sometimes happy, other times grim.Toki o Kakeru Mae ni (Before Crossing Time)Otouto-kun (Little Brother)Shitsuren Family Restaurant (Heartbreak Diner)Us, you and me (Us, You and Me)Sayonara Watashitachi (Good-bye, Us/Good-bye My Life)
Sweet and sexy love stories with the theme "entertainment industry" from 7 charming creators. ♥ 7 people, 7 different colors... their love stories begin now! Vol1 - In A Flash by Mum Vol2 - Incompletion by Sagold Vol3 - Don't Piss Me Off by Jeong Seokchan Vol4 - Finally, Again by Yuan Vol5 - End of a Misunderstanding by Kemi Vol6 - Yoon Jiwoon Studio by Juns Vol7 - Benecia by Bbomeu

Scarlet Cross

緋色十字 -  Blood-Red Cross -  Brilliant Red Cross -  Cardinal Cross -  Dark Red Cross
Li Lei An, demoiselle d'une grande famille, rencontre un nouvel élève, Chris. Pour tout le monde, Chris est l'homme idéal mais pour Lei An, il a quelque chose de bizarre, de pas normal.Trouvera-t-elle son secret et ainsi éclaircir ses propres questions ?
Hoken-shitsu no sensei to seito-chan -  保健室の先生と生徒ちゃん
A Nagori Yu project, originally posted on twitter, compiled in pixiv


スクールメイト -  School Mate
Miku et Satsuki sont deux jeunes lycéennes qui débutent en tant que modèles pour photos. Tout irait pour le mieux si seulement Miku n’était pas la sœur du professeur chargé de leur classe.
Yuworui Bada -  유월의 바다
Busan, 1936. Yeon Jeong lives her life without fitting in anywhere, until she meets a mermaid by fate. The mermaid tells her that she has come to pick her up as promised, and asks her to follow her to the place where eternal happiness lies."Can I be happy there at last, living as myself?
セカンド・キス, 第2个吻
A new teacher enters are the girls basketball coach and Miho can't help but look at him other than a teacher. Fate however has a different idea


비 밀 -  Bí mật
Un père qui se suicide le jour des 16 ans de Yuh. Le garçon qu'elle rencontre durant sa détresse Mu Hyu!, est un garçon stupéfiant.Un serment sous un ciel pur : "Je peux tout faire pour toi, du moment que ça te fasse sourire. Je te donnerai tout ce que tu veux."
비 밀 Hemmelig (Norwegian) Секрет(Тайна) (Русский)
by Rosa Negra: A father who committed suicide on Yuh’s 16th birthday. The boy she met during her sorrow; Mu Hyul Ba-dump Ba-dump; a guy so breathtaking. A proposal at a sky resort. “I can do anything for you as long as it makes you smile. I’ll give you everything you want.” All those to interrupt our love are so dead!
Bujangnim-ui Eotteon Bimil -  El Secreto del Jefe -  La vida Secreta de mi Jefe -  Secret of Manager -  Секрет начальника -  部長さまは本日も淫乱なネコである。 -  부장님의 어떤 비밀
I used to have these amazing superpowers! They made me famous—but then, out of the blue, poof! I lost them right before a TV appearance. Ever since then, I’ve been so… ordinary. I even got a normal office job. But I’ve got a new boss, who seemed boring, but he has his own extraordinary powers (and is quite popular with men)! At first, I just wanted to know more, but one thing led to another… we got naked, we keep getting naked. Now, I just can’t quit him. How far is this going to go??
ないしょの乙女リボルバー, 左轮公主, Secret Maiden Revolver
Long synposis: The story is about a high-school student named Lihau Yuexiang / Tachibana whose goal is to be recognized as a manly man. The problem is that he looks exactly like a girl and is constantly bullied by his peers because of this. He is gifted the power to become a gunner princess fighter and hopes to use this newfound strength to prevent the bullying and finally become manly.
Secret Folder -  시크릿 직박구리 -  シークレット・秘蔵フォルダ
Chaque gars sur Terre a un dossier secret rempli de documents sensibles, n'est-ce pas ?Voyez ce qu'il y a dans ce " Dossier secret X ".
Oba Tamako tells of her time being at art high school.
制服あばんちゅーる -  Chemical reaction of high school students -  Seifuku Adventure
Itou Ayako is a third year in high school and the president of the public morals committee. Part of her job is to ensure that the amount of sexual relationships between students doesn't get out of hand. As president, she is expected to set a good example and be a role model for the other students. But what if even she wants to get a boyfriend...? Recently she's become a little bit interested in fellow committee member Kawai Harumori. And so begins a struggle between duty and love.