
困った時には星に聞け!, 微忧青春日记, 괴로울 땐 별님에게 물어봐!, Komahoshi, Komatta, Komatta Toki niwa Hoshi ni Kike!, No One Can Force to Stop Others, When You Are Troubled, As
Fujishima Takara goes to high school and will start living in a dorm because he has lost all his family except for his father, who's always away for his work. Takara has to share a room with Hosaka Kiyomine. Living together isn't easy, and many rows ensue. Kiyomine is very introverted, while Takara is just the opposite. At first the two get on each other's nerves because of those differences. But things turn towards friendship and later on towards love.
Embarrassing Guys -  困ったヤツ
Miyamoto and his childhood friend, Matsunaga, have a physical relationship since way back. However, just when Miyamoto tries to sort out his feelings, Matsunaga discloses a shocking revelation— he has done it with women before! This pushes Miyamoto to accept Eto’s persistent pursuit. However, to Miyamoto’s surprise, his body reacts to Eto’s touch even though his heart belongs to Matsunaga. And then, Matsunaga discovers them…!!
コンノキコノハ -  Leaves Of The Deep Blue Tree
C'est l'histoire d'une petite fille nommée Akino qui est allée à la montagne à l'automne avec son père . Quand elle est allée à la montagne, Akino vit les feuilles bleues d'un arbre . Même l'arbre lui-même était bleu. Elle a rencontré un garçon nommé Konoha, dont l'esprit se trouve dans l'arbre. Akino continua à le voir, mais elle ne peut le voir qu'en Automne, car c'est la seule saison, il sort.Suivons l'émouvante histoire d'amour entre Akino et Konoha, qui fera verser quelques larmes aux plus sensibles d'entre vous. un autre Chef d'euvre signé "Sahara Mizu" , à ne manquer sous aucun pretexte.
There's No Way This Is Fate -  こんなの運命じゃないから勘違いしないで
Yuuzen, Kouetsu, and Ginga have been best friends since preschool, and they're at the top of the pecking order at a prestigious academy for only the most elite alphas. With their good looks, money, and academic prowess, they enjoy life on easy mode... at least, until one day, Yuuzen displays symptoms of being an omega! Unable to resist Yuuzen's pheromones despite the medicine they take, Kouetsu and Ginga give in to their instincts. Taking turns, they force themselves upon a confused and ecstatic Yuuzen...
This Teacher is Definitely Doing this on Purpose. この教師 -  絶対わざと. 這個老師絕對是故意的
Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life -  Sounds of Life -  Stop at This Sound! -  Stop This Sound! -  Задержите этот звук! -  この音とまれ! -  一弦定音! - 
Depuis la remise des diplômes aux membres seniors du club, Takezou est devenu le seul membre du club "Koto" (instrument à cordes traditionnel japonais). Maintenant que la nouvelle année scolaire a commencé, Takezou devra chercher de nouveaux membres dans le club, ou le club sera dissous. De nulle part, un nouveau membre fait irruption dans la salle du club presque abandonnée, demandant à rejoindre le club. Comment Takezou pourra-t-il maintenir son club en vie et faire face à ce coquin de nouveau membre ?
この空に響け -  向天空大聲呼喊愛 -  บรรเลงรักให้ก้องฟ้า (Thai) -  Kono Sora Ni Hibiki Ke
1:Une belle histoire de musique, d'amitié et d'amour. Ils sont trois, deux frères et leur voisine unis pas la musique et une promesse... Et tandis que le sombre et indifférent Hajime en fait voir de toutes les couleurs à Miura, le lumineux Ryou semble veiller sur eux avec bienveillance et sagesse. A moins que les deux frères ne soient pas vraiment ce qu'ils paraissent... 2:Une histoire de chats… L’un est un vrai, l’autre est une jeune fille. Que voulez-vous, quand on est amoureuse, on fait un peu n’importe quoi, y compris accepter d’être considérée comme un chat. Après, peut-être que le dit « maître » est maladroit et ne sais pas trop quoi faire avec ses sentiments, vous ne croyez pas ? 3:Elle adore le basket, elle consacre sa vie à ce sport et ne pense qu’à ça du matin au soir. Tout l’opposé de son « rival », qui ne considère le basket que comme un passe temps ! Mais il semblerait que les apparences soient trompeuses…
この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! - 七夕
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url]
Kono Yo wo Hana ni Suru Tame ni -  Kono Yo wo Hana ni Suru Tameni -  To Make This World a Flower -  この世を花にするために -  この花
Ryotaro is a boy who loves robots and lives out in the country with his three sisters but he's headed to Tokyo for high school. Before leaving, he runs across a humanoid military robot and has a fateful encounter with its pilot, a cute teenage girl who calls herself La Vie en Rose. Ryotaro will almost certainly meet her again in Tokyo, considering his family connection to the production of these humanoid robots--his father worked with them.
この勇者が俺TUEEEくせに慎重すぎる這個勇者明明超強卻過分慎重이 용사가 나TUEEE 주제에 너무 신중해
L'histoire débute lorsque la Déesse Listarte invoque un héros pour l'aider dans un monde de jeu vidéo. Le héros, Seiya, est exceptionnel dans tous les domaines, mais est incroyablement prudent. Par exemple, il achète 3 sets d'équipements (un à porter, un de rechange, et le rechange du rechange) ou il utilise tous ses pouvoirs face à un simple slime (juste au cas où).
Just the Two of Us, Looking Forward -  この先は二人きりで
El resultado de cuando viaje en el tiempo a mi segundo año de secundaria y me confesé a la profesora que me gustaba en ese momento. -  Hasil Dari Ketika Aku Melompati Waktu ke Masa Saat Aku Kelas 2 SMA dan Menyatakan Perasaanku Kepada Guru yang Aku Suk
J'étais employé d'entreprise dans la trentaine, quand je me suis réveillé et que j'ai découvert que le temps avait fait un bond au printemps de ma deuxième année de lycée. À l'époque, il y avait un professeur que j'avais regretté de ne pas avoir avoué, alors je lui ai avoué dans le feu de l'action, et maintenant nous sortons ensemble ! Cependant, le professeur est celui qui ferait de n'importe quel homme une personne bonne à rien, alors je finis par être beaucoup gâtée par elle. Tout en sortant secrètement avec mon professeur (amant) surmené, une douce vie d'école remplie de flirts m'attend. Une lycéenne de 2e année avec un moi de 30 ans à l'intérieur et le professeur (amant) que je veux dorloter, notre comédie romantique quotidienne commence.
This is good. -  こういうのがいい
Do what we want, when we want, with the person we want. Such a relationship needs no label.- [url=]Author's Pixiv[/url]- [url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
公僕の警部 -  The Police Inspector of Public Slave
A helpful text message went out to people whose lives were in danger, guiding some of them to safety. This guidance system called itself the "Police Inspector." Later, a few people whose lives had been saved by the "police inspector" received another text, asking for help. This is how a group of three disparate people, high-schooler Natsumi, Shogo, and the gangster Teru, found themselves together, taking cues from a mysterious texter as they tracked down a criminal. But who or what is this mysterious texter, and can they really trust it?


Angleterre, 1899,Une jeune fille s'échappe d'un centre hospitalier spécialisé dirigé par le docteur Hans. Celui-ci lance tous ses hommes à la poursuite de la jeune fille qui semble avoir certaines particularités.Au cours de cette poursuite, elle chute du haut d'une falaise, directement dans la charette d'un jeune garçon, Joshua.Koudelka perd alors la mémoire...Pourquoi le docteur Hans veut-il tellement la récupérer ?Quels terribles mystères sa mémoire renferme-t-elle ?Quel est cet hôpital si étrange ?
Exchanging Presents Has a Dangerous Scent...!?
combines the three yandere traps from the author's three previous one-shots Hatsukoi Lovers, Onii-chan Complex, and Houkago, 2-C no Kyoushitsu de.
Kou no Dori
Kosokuihan -  Oppose School Rules -  校則違反
1-2) Chill OutTakafui manages a gay dance club, and when the owner introduces new hire Tomoya, it's love at first sight for Takafui. Unfortunately, he can't even get Tomoya to look at him, let alone talk to him or see him outside of work. Will Takafui's drinking buddy, Yukihiko, acting as Cupid, be able to bring them together?3-4) Strawberries and ChocolateHaruhiko has been in love with his best friend Jyunya for a long time. It becomes harder and harder for him to sit through the details of Jyunya's sexual exploits. Unable to sit and watch from the sidelines, he bribes his younger brother into seducing Jyunya's latest boyfriend away from him. How can his plan possibly go wrong?5-6) Abortive FlowerUchida thinks that he likes his art teacher, Yoshino-sensei. He struggles with the uncertainty of knowing how deep his "like" really runs, and how he can communicate his feelings to his teacher.7) Apartment ZeroAndou left his hometown following an unsettling "kiss" incident with his best friend Nei-chan. Now, two years later, he finds himself broke and homeless, and breaks into an apparently abandoned apartment building for a place to stay. But he wakes up to find the irate true tenant of the apartment, his old friend Nei-chan, who also fled their hometown about the same time. When will the two friends face the incident that caused their estrangement?8) Pretty in PinkWatabe was dumped by his boyfriend because they had few interests in common. Luckly for Watabe, his dad was transferred about that time, and moving saved him the humiliation of having to run into his former boyfriend every day. All he wanted was someone to share his tastes in designer clothes, trance music and art films. Strangely, the clerk at the video store in his new neighborhood seems to share his tastes in a lot of things, and is just Watabe's type in looks too. So why is Watabe running as fast as he can in the opposite direction?9) Abortive Flower?A short trailer which features a conversation between friends on the permanancy/ impermanancy of gay partnerships.
鋼鉄の華っ柱, 鋼鐵的華之柱, Koutetsu no Hanabbashira, Steel Septum, Steel's Flower Stake, Supporting Flowers with Steel, The Flowering Pillar of Steel, The Steel
Omaezaki Sanemichi was born into a near-perfect existence. His family is wealthy and powerful, and he's good-natured, smart, and athletic as well! All the girls at his high-school dream of having a Cinderella-style romance with him, and, though they are desperately jealous of him, none of the boys can come up with a legitimate reason to publicly hate him.But one day the unthinkable happens: Sanemichi's family's flagship company collapses and his father flees. Sanemichi and his former servants, the teenage siblings Natsuno and Asasuzu and the absent-minded old man Furukawa, are left without a dime. Will Sanemichi be able to maintain his gentlemanly behavior despite the humiliation and many hardships that face him?
一式さんは恋を知りたい。 -  鋼鉄のリンナは××されたい。 -  钢铁直女想被xx
コウヤニケモノドウコクス, 荒野に獣 慟哭す, In Wilder, The Beast Doth Lament, Kouya
Kubisuji Ni Banpaia -  A Vampire At My Neck -  Un Vampire A Mon Cou
Dans un lycée tout ce qu'il y a de plus normal, une jeune fille fait la rencontre d'un beau et ténébreux vampire. Tout d'abord intriguée, elle tombe vite sous son charme.Mais choisir un vampire comme élu de son cœur, n'est-ce pas choisir la difficulté...?
Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible
Shiraishi est un garçon des plus ordinaires, si bien qu'il est invisible aux yeux de ses camarades et de ses pairs. Un véritable figurant. Kubo, sa belle voisine de classe qui le remarque tout le temps, ne peut s'empêcher de réaliser des expériences ludiques sur lui pour évaluer à quel point il est vraiment "invisible"... Elle se déclare même être son héroïne !
くだみみの猫 -  狐耳巫女媚猫娘 -  管耳猫
Neneko was a "hikikomori" girl who was afraid of her surroundings because she was possessed by a "Kuda-fox". One day, she received a letter asking her, 'Will you come to our clinic to work as a miko?' Looking for a clue on how to exorcise the "Kuda-fox", Neneko started working at the clinic that specialises in exorcising evil spirits. Miko x Shikigami x Bindings! The bindings-type master servant love comedy begins!
クジラにキスする日 -  The Day I Kissed a Whale
High-school senior Nana seeks to photograph a whale in dedication to her dead boyfriend.
クマさんと一緒 -  Together with Mr. Bear
A little girl Rin and her bear protector happen upon Sayuri, a survivor of the zombie apocalypse. Rin seems to be living an idyllic life in her lone mountain home, but how is it that she and Mr. Bear have managed to go unnoticed by the zombie hordes?
Kumo no Ue de Kiss Shiyou -  Kumo no Uede Kiss wo Shiyou -  Let's Kiss Above the Clouds -  雲の上でキスをしよう
1-2) Kumo no Uede Kiss wo ShiyouYoung, earnest flight attendant finds himself attracted by the dashing pilot... whose charm also makes the young uke insecure. Will this sex-based relationship survive? Also, why is the dashing pilot kissing someone else after sleeping with the uke?3-4) Zettai FukujuuOn the outside Nachi is a student living with his cousin Shinya for free in exchange he's the "maid". What no one knows, not even his friend Kanda, is that he's also Shinya's sex partner. With Shinya's rude, arrogant behavior to Nachi how long will this "master" and "servant" relationship last? How long will Nachi be able to keep the truth about his relationship from Kanda?5) Kumo no Uede Kiss wo Shiyou extra
クニミツの政, Kunimitsu
Eighteen year old Mutou Kunimitsu sees how political injustice is committed all the time and that the government is profiting from the poor and labor class. So, he decides to change all of Japan. Here starts the legend of the man later known as the "Japanese Don."
暗くなるまで待てない, 紅色情人夜, Can't Wait Until Dark
1) Kuraku Naru Made MatenaiKahoko is like a lovely princess who looks good carrying a parasol. However, she’s actually a half vampire who can’t handle horror movies! She longs for a love like that of normal humans, but whenever she gets into a good mood with her beloved Komaba-kun, fangs start to show... She’s in agony between her instinct and her reasoning...2) I Can't Stand Not Kissing YouNatsumi has a crush on her childhood friend, Chihiro. But recently in her dreams Natsumi attacks Chihiro by biting him on the neck...3) Pink Mosaic KissTomano Miya is always being pestered by AV solicitors. One day Taku from her class helps her out, but only because he wants her in his movie! Supposedly he makes girls look ten times more beautiful...4) To the Point that I'm DizzyRokurou is the hot captain of the swim club that Megumi is interested in. After running into him and winning the contest, she seems to have made an impression on Rokurou. Is he just playing with her or is he being sincere?
Kurama’s Inspiration
The forth entry in the 2015 Golden Future Cup