
Kanete Aizen
Aizen Kanou, named after the God of Love, is almost terrified of girls and his luck is not about to get any better when he wishes for a hot girl... and the spirit of his family grants him one - himself. And so Aizen become female to his utter dismay.


«Je veux m'échapper, mais j'ai été apprivoisé»
グリードパケット∞, 手机魔法女, 異界幻想世紀, Greed Packet Infinity, Greed Packet Unlimited, Guriido Paketto Unlimited
"Casio and his little sister Nokia both work as bounty hunters who use magic packets that they download through their mobile phones and cast with the built-in camera to defeat mysterious apparitions called phantasms. The bounties for these phantasms are quite high, but the enormous fees for the magic packets they download and the property damage they create has reduced them to a homeless status living off cup ramen. This all changes when they meet a foolish albeit wealthy, young woman called Sony who didn't bother to properly research Casio and Nokia's true nature before becoming their sponsor. "
Aoao -  青々
Kengo est débordé. Alors que sa femme Ayumi est hospitalisée, il doit s'occuper de sa petite fille Momo. il finit par demander de l'aide à Hitomi, qui est elle-même une petite fille...

Green Worldz

Et si le monde changeait en un instant ? Si la nature devenait folle ? Suivez l'histoire de Green Worldz, où les plantes, carnivores ou non, ont envahi les rues. Où des insectes géants s'y promènent, attendant de se mettre un humain sous la dent.... Comment survivre? Et comment faire revenir les choses à la normale ?
Grimm and Gritty Grimm Gritty グリム&グリッティ
A bittersweet life, everyone is in the grocery stall!
ガーディアン・ガーデン~護り人の庭~, 守护者花园, Guardian Garden
Incoming high-school girl Kisaragi Hinata works at the flower shop her father owns with her best friends. Her mom died while she was still a baby and her dad disappeared 10 years ago, leaving her without a family. She is usually very happy, but still can’t shake off the trauma of losing a family. One day, she gets kidnapped by an organization that seems to know some secret about Hinata. Lucky for her, two beautiful people that have extraordinary abilities and some kind of connection with her dad save her. She then discovers that she can communicate with plants. Could this be why people are after her?
Pairing: Hallelujah x Tieria
群青 愛が沈んだ海の色 -  Gunjou (KANESADA Yukio)
From Midnight Scans: Even though they played together innocently since they were young, somewhere along the way, the seeds of "love" started to grow. Growing up on an outlying island from Okinawa, Kazuya, Ryoko and Daisuke were brought up like a family. They wanted to be together forever, but the three of them have different desires. One wants to stay, one wants to go, and one of them wants to go, but can't. When Daisuke is lured away from the island, Ryoko decides to stay on the island with Kazuya. However, the three of them will experience a cruel fate...!
Боевой Ангел Алита, 銃夢, 铳梦, 총몽, BAA, Battle Angel, Battle Angel Alita, Ganmu, Gun Dream, Tsutsu Yume
Alita is a powerful cyborg with a soft heart and a mysterious past. Her second lease on life isn't easy: her heart is broken, she gains and loses friends to the cruel world of the Scrapyard far below the Utopian city of Tiphares, and she serves many masters in her quest to protect the innocent and create a new life for herself. Related Series Gunnm Gaiden (Side Story)GUNNM: Last Order(Sequel)
Gunnm Kasei Senki -  Gunnm Mars Chronicles
ガンスリンガー·ガール, 神枪少女, GunslingerGirl
Henrietta barely survived a brutal attack that killed her family. 'Rescued' by the Social Welfare Agency, her injuries were repaired with robotic components and she was brainwashed. Lost with the memory of her family's deaths was almost every trace of her own humanity. Now, she is an extraordinarily lethal cyborg assassin, obediently working with her handler Giuseppe to carry out her deadly tasks. Despite her conditioning and programming, Henrietta still has the heart of a young girl. She has not completely forgotten how to love, yet the very emotion is contrary to her training and programming. Can the Gunslinger Girl survive? Can she find peace in a struggle against her very nature?
グラゼニ -  Gurazeni
ぐるぐるめぐる, 愛得團團轉, Guru Guru Meguru
From today, Meguru Kinosaki is a freshman in highschool. But it's not only that she hasn't had a first love yet; she's in fact a clean girl who's never been in touch with any guy apart from her older brother Toshiya. With this pure Meguru, her classmate Yuuma falls in love at first sight. He starts a determined attack, but the over-protective big brother blocks his way! Now Meguru's days start to turn around between a big brother with a sister complex and a pushy boy...!?
Quand Ahryung n'était encore qu'un bébé, sa mère a passé un pacte avec le démon Nachal. Quand Ahruyng aura 15 ans, Nachal aura le droit de prendre possession de son corps qui lui fournira l'énergie Yin dont il a besoin pour devenir plus fort. 15 ans plus tard, Ahryung ouvre le présent que lui a laissé sa mère, contenant une épingle à cheveux. Elle enlève alors le ruban qui l'enserre et libère le démon Nachal.
逆襲のドラゴンライダー, Dragon Rider's Counter Attack, Dragon Rider's Counterattack
On the floating island of Lithos, war is ever-raging and there seems to be no end in sight as the three nations that live atop it vie for control. However, as the battles rage on, it is discovered that the crystal that makes the island's floating possible is diminishing in power and the risk of the island falling becoming ever closer to reality. Seeking to find another place to live, the three kingdoms appoint their own elite soldier, a "Dragon Rider" , to fly to the ground below in search for the utopia known as "Arcadia" where there is no such thing as war.
Gyaru Ijime (Bessatsu Comic Unreal Ijimekko ni Fushigi na Chikara de Fukushuu Hen Digital Ban Vol. 2)
견우와 직녀
Cette histoire, qui se transmet depuis des siècles, est une histoire céleste. Il y a bien longtemps, il y avait 6 Maîtres au Paradis. Chacun avait son propre rôle à jouer afin de maintenir l ’harmonie du Monde.La Maîtresse des Ténèbres avait le pouvoir de créer ou détruire n ’importe quoi. Le Maître de la Lumière tricotait de la lumière pour illuminer la Terre. Le Maître du Feu dansait pour réchauffer la planète. La Maîtresse de l ’Eau brassait l ’alcool et faisait pleuvoir sur la Terre. La Maîtresse de la Terre fertilisait les champs. Le Maître du Vent jouait de la flûte pour générer des vents.Chacun de ces Maîtres possédait un pouvoir suprême, mais ils ne pouvaient cependant pas tout faire eux-mêmes. C ’est pourquoi ils avaient tous à leur service nombre d ’esprits et de servants. Parmi ceux-ci, les plus talentueux devenaient les bien-aimés fils & filles du Maître. Cette histoire raconte la vie d ’un fils du Maître du Vent : Gyon-Woo, et une fille du Maître de la Lumière : Jik-Nyu.
견우와 직녀
Cette histoire, qui se transmet depuis longtemps, est une histoire du ciel. Il y a très, très longtemps, il y avait six souverains au Ciel. Chaque souverain avait son propre rôle à jouer pour l'harmonie du monde.Le souverain des ténèbres avait le pouvoir de dessiner et d'effacer n'importe quoi. Le dirigeant de la lumière tricoté lumière pour briller sur la Terre. Le chef des flammes dansait pour créer des flammes éternelles. Le dirigeant de l'eau brassait de l'alcool et de l'eau de pluie sur la Terre. Le souverain de la Terre labourait les champs pour tout enrichir. Le souverain du vent jouait de la flûte aux vents dominants.Chacun des dirigeants avait le pouvoir suprême, mais ils ne pouvaient pas tout faire eux-mêmes. C'est pourquoi chacun des chefs avait beaucoup d'esprits comme serviteurs. Parmi ces serviteurs, ceux qui avaient des talents supérieurs devinrent les fils et filles bien-aimés des dirigeants. Cette histoire raconte l'histoire du fils du souverain du vent, GYON-WOO. Et la fille du souverain de la lumière, JIK-NYU.
"Become my pillow" is what he suddenly ordered me to do...?!
"Become my pillow" is what he suddenly ordered me to do...?!
Miyuri ne supporte pas la brutalité dont font preuve les garçons. Et particulièrement ceux faisant partie du club de judo. Pourtant du jour au lendemain elle deviendra la peluche vivante du terrifiant Saenami-sempai. Comment a-t-elle pu se retrouver dans une telle situation... ?!

Haa Haa

Shibata Seiko remplace une professeur dans une école de garçons partie en congé de maternité. Un poste de rêve puisqu'elle désire plus que tout enseigner.Lors de son premier jour,elle tombe dans les bras d'un homme superbe mais qui se montre quelque peu déplacé. Avec ce mauvais souvenir en tête , elle se présente au bureau de sa nouvelle école et qu'elle ne fut pas sa surprise de retrouver l'homme en question qui s'avère être aussi professeur !!
NISHI Yoshiyuki
"Mutants have popped up in Tokyo. These mutants are the relatives of gods and upon consuming human blood they transform into their awakened state which resembles the god that they are related to. Hachi has a nose as good as any dog's. After his best friend is attacked by a mutant he drinks her blood in order to save her.
裸の王子様 -  A Prince Exposed
Chiemi est une jeune fille romantique qui rêve du grand amour et qui a une idée bien précise de comment ça devrait se passer, mais voilà qu'un jour Kenzo-kun, le type le plus effrayant de toute l'école, l'aborde...
From Intercross: A rich guy who has a life like that of a celebrity now has to experience destitution! Let's see how he'll cope with this dramatic change.
白鸟恋语, 羽衣ミシン, The Swan Robe
Civil engineering student and reknowned bridge otaku Youichi helps a swan stuck on the scaffolding for a bridge under construction, only to be visited that night by Miwa, a beautiful woman claiming to be the same swan Youichi rescued. Miwa stays with Youichi in order to pay back her debt, but he is, understandably, less than convinced that she is what she says she is. But, Youichi not being one to look a gift swan in the beak, or more importantly not one to leave a woman in need hanging, things soon develop in the way you might imagine.(Then again, maybe not exactly like you imagine...)
Medical Examination Record of the Fallen Spirits Doctor ~ Holy Knights and the Divine Work of Healing ~ Второй шанс павшего духом врача ~Святые рыцари