
A popular idol, Haruki, is the star of a commercial for an immersive virtual reality game called “Yellow Brick Road”. To help with the promotion of the game, his manager persuades him to enter the game as a “guardian” and defeat a band of thieves. However, Haruki encounters an adventure he never could have imagined!
D.C.III ~ダ・カーポIII ~ -  Da Capo 3 -  Da Capo III
An island named Hatsune-jima shaped similarly to a crescent moon is famous for its cheery blossom trees, one of which is rumored to make any wish come true. One day, the unofficial newspaper club decides to challenge the official newspaper club to see who can write a better article. Ricca Morizono, the president of the newspaper club, accepts the challenge along with Himeno Katsuragi, Charles Yoshino, Sara Rukawa, Aoi Hinomoto and the only male member of the club, Kiyotaka Yoshino, the protagonist. However the girls start to find Kiyotaka quite a distraction.


Le monde est sous la coupe d'entités maléfiques, issues des expériences scientifiques d'un génie malfaisant, le comte millénaire. Seule une lignée d'exorcistes spécialement entrainés semblent être en mesure de combattre ces créatures qui s'attaquent aux humains. Allen Walker est l'un d'entre eux et fait partie des plus jeunes recrues. Mais ses extraordinaires pouvoirs trahissent aussi un terrible secret, pourquoi sa main gauche est-elle celle d'un démon ? Quelle est cette cicatrice qui le défigure, et quel lien possède-t-il avec le comte ?
Miyu, whose mom was chosen to be an astronaut, was sent to live with Kanata, a boy she just met. Soon after, Kanata's father leave the two to live alone. Amidst the panic, a mysterious UFO came... and out popped Ruu and his babysitter-pet Wannya. For the sake of Ruu, the four of them start living together...... 
Daten no Inugami -SLASHDØG- -  Daten no Inugami SLASHDOG -  Daten no Inugami: Slash Døg -  Fallen Dog God - SLASHDOG- -  SLASH/DOG -  堕天の狗神-SLASHDOG- -  堕天的狗神 -SLASHDØG - 
Pris d'une forte fièvre, Tobio Ikuse, un lycéen de deuxième année, a été contraint de manquer son voyage scolaire sur un luxueux paquebot avec ses camarades de classe. Quatre jours plus tard, Tobio entend la nouvelle de la disparition des professeurs et des élèves de deuxième année de son école, et cela le dévaste. Quelques mois après l'incident, Tobio, qui s'est lentement remis de la perte soudaine de ses amis, rencontre à nouveau l'un d'eux par hasard. Poursuivant son ami disparu Sasaki, Tobio parvient finalement à le rattraper, mais il est choqué de voir Sasaki aux côtés d'un monstre lézard qui l'attaque en même temps que le monstre. Coincé par le monstre, Tobio est secouru par un autre survivant du paquebot de luxe disparu, Natsume Minagawa, qui lui tend alors un œuf avant de se séparer. Plus tard dans la nuit, Tobio se retrouve à nouveau attaqué, cette fois par deux personnes avec des monstres. Au milieu du chaos qui s'ensuit, de l'ombre de Tobio, sort un chiot qui le sauve. Après avoir repoussé les deux monstres, Natsume s'approche à nouveau de Tobio avant de décider finalement de l'emmener dans leur cachette.
ディア グリーン
From Intercross: Aoi has always been the delinquent kind of girl, not taking her future seriously. She's always being compared to her talented older sister, and she's already so fed up with it. As a child, she has always loved the flute, but even then, she gave up because of her lack of self-confidence. While in her secret quiet place, she runs into genius photographer Yohsuke who can hopefully give her the confidence to move on in life.
でぃえっちえぃ, でぃ・えっち・えぃ, D.H.A, DHA
Ai Shiratori is your average junior high school student with a crush on a boy, Hikaru Kamishiro. With a love so rampant and true, and an imagination as wild as any girl's Ai sometimes has rather... ecchi dreams. But none of those dreams could ever prepare her for the reality that came to her in the form of the Archangel Raphael.You see, Hikaru Kamishiro is not your average boy. Hell has plans for him and Heaven isn't about to let those plans come to fruit. While Hell sends their Hell's Apostles to get Hikaru to commit the seven deadly sins and drag him into hell, Heaven sends their secret weapon: Ai. What is Ai's mission? Nothing short of consummating her love with her beloved Hikaru... but wait by consummating you mean... sex?! Can Ai handle the Archangel's request and save her true love?
Todoke kono omoi -  届けこの想い
ひあいもうそう -  被爱妄想 -  被愛妄想 -  Hiai Mousou
A teacher named Kadomae Kazuma has the principal's daughter Noeda Kanade for his class in a new school semester. At first glance, she appears to be a quiet girl, but she's awakening her aberrant love towards Kazuma!? This is a psycho love story that accelerates thoughts and actions!
DenYuDen -  The Legend of the Legendary Heroes -  The Legend of The Brave of The Legend
L'histoire de nos héros commence à l'école militaire royale spéciale de l'empire de Roland, là où sont entraînés ceux qui ne font qu'alimenter des guerres sans fin. D'un côté, Ryner Lute, un jeune étudiant qui ne semble savoir faire qu'une seule chose, la sieste, malgré toutes les tentatives de son amie Kiefer pour le motiver. Mais en réalité, Ryner cache un important secret : il possède l'Alpha Stigma, un pouvoir qui lui permet de copier toutes les magies. Beaucoup considèrent ce pouvoir comme monstrueux et trop dangereux pour exister, mais d'autres y voient un moyen de réaliser leurs rêves... C'est le cas de Sion Astal, fils illégitime d'un noble et d'une roturière ainsi que chef de l'escadron de Ryner. Sion n'a qu'une idée en tête : devenir roi pour abolir la domination sur l'empire des nobles corrompus qui se servent des guerres pour défendre leur seul intérêt. En fouillant dans le passé de Ryner, Sion découvre son secret et lui demande son aide. Malheureusement, tout se précipite lorsque l'escadron est envoyé au front à la suite d'une attaque d'un empire voisin. Quel avenir attend nos deux héros ? Que sont-ils destinés à accomplir ensemble ? Vous le saurez en plongeant dans cet univers d'heroic fantasy où se mêlent magie, guerre et humour.
Naoto Saki is a typical young boy. He gets average grades in school, and nothing about him really stands out. His favorite thing to do is sleep - which doesn't exactly endear him to his teachers when he dozes off in class. Whenever he falls asleep, Naoto dreams of the same fantasy world. Then one day, Naoto gets magically summoned into the very world he had once only seen in dreams! All at once, he's caught up in a battle between the powerful beings called Elphis, and a group of human-like beings called the Sand Dusts. For Naoto, this desert world of Orgos is no longer a dream-he can feel pain here, and possibly even die. He decides he'd rather not risk his life, and would like nothing more than to return home. But the pretty sorceress who summoned him in the first place has other plans for him.
Diabolik Lovers Daylight serisinin karakterlerinin chibi hallerinin işlendiği 4 panelli özel manga serisi.
Diabolik Lovers More, More Blood serisinin karakterlerinin chibi hallerinin işlendiği 4 panelli özel manga serisi.
Daiya no A dj - Rain
When Okumura has to monitor Sawamura for a week to prevent him from injuring himself, he becomes intrigued by his senpai.
ディナーのあとは大人の時間 -  晚饭后是大人的时间
『ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド』アンソロジーコミック
The first anthology comic of the popular Disney smartphone game "Twisted Wonderland" is here!Featuring the artist that did the original character designs: Yana Toboso. As well as many other manga artists.
DJ Michi -  DJ道
A DJ manga.
Japan in the future has a massive over-population problem. Scientists have traced the root of this problem to one particular individual, Junta Monamari. According to their records, Junta was a "Mega-Playboy" who had sired children with over a hundred women. Each one of his sons had inherited the Mega-Playboy gene too, so the problem grew exponentially from thereon. Enter Karin Aoi, a "DNA Operator". Karin is sent back to the past with a mission: to alter Junta's DNA and prevent him from ever becoming the Mega-Playboy, thereby eliminating the world's overpopulation problem. Junta's DNA can only be altered by shooting him with a special bullet called DCM which contains the chemical for suppressing the Mega-Playboy DNA. In return, Karin gets a vast sum of money... enough to make all her dreams come true. Will Junta become the playboy he is destined to be, or will his better self prevail? But Karin is falling for the real Junta too... and what of the sweet and kindly Ami who has secretly loved Junta all her life? What will happen to future Japan?
Japan in the future has a massive over-population problem. Scientists have traced the root of this problem to one particular individual, Junta Monamari. According to their records, Junta was a "Mega-Playboy" who had sired children with over a hundred women. Each one of his sons had inherited the Mega-Playboy gene too, so the problem grew exponentially from thereon. Enter Karin Aoi, a "DNA Operator". Karin is sent back to the past with a mission: to alter Junta's DNA and prevent him from ever becoming the Mega-Playboy, thereby eliminating the world's overpopulation problem. Junta's DNA can only be altered by shooting him with a special bullet called DCM which contains the chemical for suppressing the Mega-Playboy DNA. In return, Karin gets a vast sum of money... enough to make all her dreams come true. Will Junta become the playboy he is destined to be, or will his better self prevail? But Karin is falling for the real Junta too... and what of the sweet and kindly Ami who has secretly loved Junta all her life? What will happen to future Japan? 
舞动的旋律, Do Da Dancin'!
Sakuraba Taiko has been into ballet since she was a kid. Her mother also used to dance, although she gave it up to take a more traditional life path. Therefore, she was eagerly supportive of Taiko's interest in ballet. Taiko's life was staggered by the death of her mother in a car accident, but she has continued to dance, although her heart is no longer in it. Her remaining family and childhood friends support her as she chases her dream to become a famous dancer.
動乱, Douran, Hỏa Phụng Thần Kiếm
General Tokugawa was given 13 sacred swords to bring peace to Japan. However just when Tokugawa started a new dynasty, he was assassinated by his 12 commanders, aka masters of the 12 sacred swords. The last one, Crimson Firebird, was given to Dohran, Tokugawa's naive son . Many years have passed and now, under the cover of a travelling performer, Dohran is seeking revenge and also to bring back the smile in the faces of people.
Nonaga Hiromasa is an up and coming soccer coach who has made a name for himself for bringing multiple teams from literally nothing to the top in the country. What’s even more impressive is that he just entered high school! He was recruited into his current high school as the new soccer coach, and his observation skills and ability to predict the opponents’ movement make his sole presence enough to win games.
どこへも ゆけない気がしてた, 哪兒都去不了, Doko e mo Yukenai Ki ga Shiteta, Not Able To Go Anywhere, You never worried that I'd go anywhere
Two students, one popular and the other an antisocial loner seemingly unconnected except by the window's reflection but looking past the surface perhaps they have more in common than either thought.


Dorukara -  どるから石井馆长变妹了 -  Dolkara
Kazuyoshi Ishii a eu une mauvaise journée. L'ancien directeur de K1, l'un des plus grands tournois de karaté au monde, a été emprisonné pendant deux ans pour fraude fiscale. Au moment où il est libéré et qu'il peut retourner au karaté, il est frappé par un camion. Cependant, juste avant sa mort, un chat qui parle apparaît devant lui. Le chat explique que si Ishii est mort, cela peut lui apporter une nouvelle vie - tant qu'il peut accomplir sa tâche. Sans autre choix, Ishii accepte. Succombant à ses blessures, Ishii tombe à terre, mort. À ce moment-là, la lycéenne Kei Ichinose se réveille après trois jours de coma.
Kaneda Shouta n’a pas été spécialement gâté par la vie. Il n’a pas vraiment connu son père, puisque celui-ci est mort dans un accident de voiture alors qu’il avait dix ans ; à cause de problèmes financiers, Shouta a été obligé d’arrêter ses études. Toutefois il n'a pas perdu espoir et travaille dans une usine sidérurgique afin d’économiser pour aller à l’université. Son enfance difficile l’a rendu peu bavard et asocial ; il tente de noyer sa tristesse dans le travail. Un jour, une jeune étudiante de l’école de Touyou, Yazaki Junko, et ses camarades débarquent chez lui. Ils ont en tête de réparer un ancien prototype de voiture solaire, devenu une épave. Shouta saura-t-il se faire des amis et les aider à remporter la course annuelle de voitures solaires de Suzuka ?

Dorei Yuugi

Un jour, un courrier arrive pour Kai, un lycéen normal, l'invitant à essayer un nouveau jeu mystérieux sur téléphone portable. Mais les personnes dont il prend les photos avec l'application "SLAVE GO" disparaissent l'une après l'autre....
どろんきゅー -  Doron Cute -  Doron x Cute
Sakura Kaho is a high school student who can see ghosts and monsters. Due to that and her scaredy-cat personality, she is often literally loved and stalked by these entities, much to her terror and her fearless friend Aki's entertainment.
ダブルミンツ, 双生薄荷糖
WARNING: Dark themes, rape, murder, etc. "We can't live without each other. You're my other half.""I've killed a woman." The domineering voice on the phone was that of a high school classmate, Mitsuo Ichikawa. Buried memories from the past resurface in the heart of a man with the same name, Mitsuo Ichikawa. It drags him right back into the passions of the past. They reunite as accomplices, yet their relationship as master and servant slowly changes into something new...
Daburu Purei -  だぶるぷれい
Having forgotten his keys, Tamao Hiroi a high-school student, returns home using the back entrance and is surprised to find a stranger in his bed... Soon he realizes this is no stranger but Ran Homura, one year younger, softball ace and one of the most beautiful girls at school! Hiroi watches her masturbating on his bed and instinctively does the same peeking through the glass door. He is soon found out though and a strange 'master/slave' relationship begins!
同級生 (中村明日美子) -  Classmate
A boy met a boy. They were in the flush of youth. They were in love that felt like a dream, like sparkling soda pop.