
ティンクティンク, ティンク★ティンク, テインク*テインク, Twink*Twink
Vanilla and Chocolat are twin gods of a peaceful tropical island. Short vignettes highlight their everyday lives in the magical setting.
Raised in the hope that I would be a boy full of courage and strength, they named me "Yuu."To be a girl filled with kindness and love; that's how my twin sister, "Ai," was raised.That's how our parents named us-But... Our parents' wishes were reversed.A story about twins who risk everything to protect one another and to find his or her happiness in the switch they call twins game. (Premiered in Waai Mahalo)
My Son Is Probably Gay -  Our Son is Probably Gay -  うちの息子はたぶんゲイ
Une mère élève seule ses deux fils. Dans la vie quotidienne, elle remarque certains détails concernant son fils aîné qui l'amènent à penser qu'il soit gay.
Please Don't Be Born Again -  生まれ変わらないでいてくれ
A bishounen and a former bishounen try to find out who's killing the other bishounen.
ウメニウグイス, 單戀少女的妄想日記
The leading lady here is a girl called Ume-chan. That isn’t her first name, it’s actually a nickname based on her last name, Umehara. I won’t say what her first name is, because it’s kind of funny, and it’s sort of a surprise in the scene where it’s first revealed. Anyway, Ume-chan is suffering from an unrequited crush on a boy in her class. His name is ISEZAKI-kun. He sits directly in front of her, and she spends a lot of her time observing him and writing down her thoughts in a little notebook devoted entirely to him. Ume is fairly comfortable with her situation of loving him from afar (well, from one seat behind). After all, there is no hope for her. Isezaki-kun has a girlfriend who is pretty and nice, and practically perfect. He seems to really like her. So Ume spends her time writing about him instead.
海ニ眠ル花, Sleeping Flower
The young pirate head Sakaki met the autistic but beautiful samurai Murou...Why did Murou have the other half of the treasure island map left by Sakaki's grandfather? Why did Murou keep to himself? Could Sakaki open Murou's closed heart? And how should he handle his best friend who loved him, Juurou? 
A high school student, a model, a crush, an illness? This is about a high school student who is a model and has a illness that causes her to sleep walk out of her house and to her school almost every night. When she gets there she wakes up every time she tells her teacher she loves him. He never took her seriously, but then he realises he likes her back. Will these 2 get to be together or is the age difference to much? This is a special one-shot in Shinshi Doumei Cross. becoolbeme age rate: 10+ for a worrisom plot
海の天辺, Where the Sea Meets the Sky
"A mermaid will fall in love with the first human she sees."Shiina is your average grade 8 girl----that is, except for her height, which makes her tower over the other people in her class. She's never met anyone SHE had to look up to...until a young male teacher begins teaching at her school. Because of his good looks and easy demeanor though, the other girls in her grade have turned him into the resident school idol, and there's little chance of him ever noticing her.That all changes one day when they end up in the same train during rush hour. She's surprised to find that he not only recognizes her---but he remembered her name! What could this mean?
Đại dương sâu thẳm, 海よりも深く, 바다보다 깊게, Deeper than the Sea
Nemuko, a college student, is told by a fortune teller with spiritual powers that she will die 3 years later. A few days later the fortune teller is arrested for fraud. But on a news program, the fortune teller's words at the time of his arrest are reported, "I didn't take money from anyone who I saw had the shadow of death." Nemuko doesn't remember paying any money, and one after another, other things that he foretold become reality...
Seifuku Shojo Miseifuku -  制服少女未征服
Ko likes girls. Including his childhood friend from next door Mana, who treats him like a brother. She's popular with the boys because of her physical development... or not! The beginning of a sanctuary of fetishism as Ko conquers the uniformed girl!
UNKNOWN -アンノウン-
Wisdom brings good fortune; but wisdom that is too advanced to humans bring destruction.Ox and Ivan, a pair of “wisemen”, are on a journey to collect wisdoms that are in the wrong hands.
運命の恋になりたい -  I Want to be Your Destined Love
From Shinmakoku Scanlations: Sometimes, destiny has other plans in motion. It can initiate love out of nowhere, and for Wataru, it's a bad thing. But Tachibana believes that destiny will bring him the true love he's been desperately searching for, only... he's been looking at the wrong direction!
Beautiful Trap -  美麗的陷阱 -  麗しき罠
From Attractive Fascinante:Itsuki was one of the potential successors of the Toudou family, but was chased out of the family after being framed. Unknown to Itsuki, Kyouya, another potential successor, has been sending money to help him for the past year. Under any circumstances, the members of the Toudou family should never accept another person’s gratitude. Thus, Kyouya wants Itsuki to obey him for the help he has received from Kyouya. Is this a trap set up by Kyouya or does Kyouya really wants to help Itsuki to return to the family?
うそつきリリィ, 愛說謊的莉莉, Liar Lily
Hinata Saotome is suddenly asked out by En Shinohara, a gorgeous boy in her grade. What she doesn’t know, though, is that his hobby is cross-dressing! En has always hated men, and whenever he sees his own reflection, he punches out whatever is doing the reflecting (windows, mirrors…). To combat this hatred, he dresses up as a girl. Hinata decides to go out with him anyway, despite his weird hobby.
Moi qui ne voulait pas grandir, j'ai finalement atteint le même âge que mon grand-frère...ce frère qui nous a aujourd'hui quittés...C'est alors qu'est apparu un ange censé me guider pour retrouver le sourire. Mais est-ce réellement mon frère qui me l'envoie ou bien... ?
嘘つきはだれだ, 愛情騙子, Usotsuki wa dare da, Who's the Liar
Ichita and Hiromu are childhood friends and neighbors. But when Hiromu sees Ichita making out with another guy, he calls it "disgusting" and stops speaking to Ichita. Does Ichita just want his friend back? Or does he want something more from Hiromu?
Breath Of Fire Iv, Breath Of Fire Iv - The Endless, Breath Of Fire Iv - The Unfading Ones, Breath Of Fire Iv - Utsurowazarumono, Utsuro Wazarumono - B
Nina, a wyndian princess, and her guardian Cray are searching everywhere for Nina's missing elder sister, Elina. While traveling to her last known whereabouts they suffer an accident. On her way to a nearby town, Nina meets Ryu, a seemingly amnesiac young man. This meeting triggers a series of events that will involve them with the godly race known as The Endless, immortal dragons with the power to shape the world itself.

Val x Love

Ikusa x Koi -  Ikusa x Love -  Val Love -  Val x Love -  Vallove -  Любовь Валькирии -  戦×恋(ヴァルラヴ) -  戦x恋
Living in the house of anthrophobic high school student Akutsu Takuma are nine Valkyrie sisters! In order to exterminate the fiends threatening to wipe out humanity, he has no choice but to raise these girls levels. But to do this, he needs to get these girls really turned on. A world-saving, room-sharing, love action story has begun!
ヴァンパイア・ローズ, 白薔薇学園, Shiro Bara Gakuen Vampire Rose, White Rose Academy Vampire Rose
"Supernatural things don't exist in this world!" Kaho Mira absolutely hates all things supernatural, so why does Hikaru-sempai keep persuing her to join the Supernatural Research Club?! But one day, Mira barely escaped the clutches of the White Rose Academy vampire, Rose. Now, she had no choice but to join the Supernatural Research Club with Hikaru-sempai for help! And they unravel much more about Rose they never knew before...
Aiko should be dead, but when she awakes in a secret hospital, she has no recollection of what happened that night. Until a monster showed up and her memories flood back. Her arm changed into a powerful weapon similar to the monster, a chimera arm.The secret organisation Atheos asked her to help them fight off the chimeras. An accident happened that leaded Aiko to understand how much she wants to live, and decided to join Atheos, in order to find her place.
Les parents d'Aiko sont sauvagement assassinés par une créature monstrueuse. Seule survivante du drame, la jeune fille se réveille dans un lit d'hôpital, le bras gauche entièrement bandé. Mais très vite, elle découvre que celui-ci n'a plus rien d'humain, et qu'il possède des pouvoirs aussi -si ce n'est plus- terrifiants que ceux qui ont dévasté sa propre famille...
A doll becomes a super idol. Hijinks ensue.

Video Girl Ai

Den ei shojo
Yota Motéuchi est un adolescent mal dans sa peau. Grand romantique timide, il ne sait pas comment avouer à Moémi, la plus jolie fille de la classe, qu’il l’aime. Mais Moémi aime Takashi, le meilleur ami de Yota, qui se moque complètement d’elle. Un soir de désespoir, Yota entre dans un étrange vidéoclub et pénètre de plain-pied dans un univers parallèle. Il loue une cassette dont va sortir Aï, une jeune fille dont la mission sera de l’encourager et lui faire prendre confiance en lui. Une complicité naîtra entre eux et Yota va ressentir un sentiment très fort pour Aï… Hésitant puis volontaire, Yota finira-t-il par trouver le grand amour ?

Vinland Saga

Сага про Вінландヴィンランド・サガ海盜戰記
Depuis qu'Askeladd, un chef de guerre fourbe et sans honneur, a tué son père lorsqu'il était enfant, Thorfinn le suit partout dans le but de se venger. Mais bien qu'il soit devenu un guerrier redoutable, il ne parvient toujours pas à vaincre son ennemi. Au fil des ans, enchaînant missions périlleuses et combats afin d'obtenir des duels contre l'homme qu'il hait plus que tout, le gentil Thorfinn est devenu froid et solitaire, prisonnier de son passé et incapable d'aller de l'avant. Jusqu'à ce que la vie le force à regarder le monde différemment....
[From Lililicious]: Visitor on a Moonlit Night is a surprisingly sweet ghost story.

W Juliet II

คู่รักสลับขั้ว ภาค 2 -  W Juliet 2 -  WジュリエットII -  W-Juliet 2 -  W-Juliet II
Histoire dérivée : Kyou mo Ashita mo.Après son 20e anniversaire, Ito a épousé Makoto et ils ont commencé à vivre ensemble. Ito enchaine son emploi à temps partiel et son travail au théâtre, mais elle n'est pas sûre de savoir comment gérer le succès soudain de Makoto.

W Juliette

W Juliet
Ito Miura, une jeune lycéenne à l'allure un peu masculine, fait du théâtre dans le club de son lycée. Elle accueille une nouvelle élève, Makoto Amano, une jeune fille d'une extraordinaire beauté, et découvre accidentellement que cette dernière est en réalité... un garçon ! En fait, Makoto s'est travesti pour relever le défi que lui a lancé son père : ce dernier s'oppose à ce que son fils suive la carrière d'acteur à laquelle il aspire, à moins qu'il ne parvienne à terminer ses études déguisé en fille. Si personne ne découvre la supercherie, cela prouverait, de fait, qu'il est capable de jouer la comédie... Réussir à donner continuellement le change en tant que fille va demander à Makoto pas mal d'efforts, certains élèves s'ingéniant à lui courir après (les garçons) ou l'accablant de questions pour des conseils de beauté (les filles). Protectrice, Ito sera heureusement toujours là pour désamorcer les situations les plus extrêmes... jusqu'au moment où elle-même aura besoin d'aide.
Tu veux une copine Otaku ?Évidemment, la réponse est NON, mais............ Elle vient à l'école seulement 3 jours par semaine, a un corps malade, est intelligente, super populaire, et est une beauté rafraîchissante, une " mystérieuse héroïne ", Shiraishi Yuki. Et un "protagoniste ordinaire" Sakai Haruhiko, rien ne se détache de lui et c'est un gars inoffensif qui ne semble pas du tout être un protagoniste. L'héroïne que le protagoniste est tombé amoureux sans rien savoir, est en fait une super otaku hikkikomori ! ! ! Ainsi, c'est son histoire pour comprendre son passe-temps, tout en marchant sur le chemin épineux de l'otaku qui commence.