
A Delicious Relationship, Tasty Affinity
Fujiwara Momoe, a girl who loves to eat, was raised by her rich parents eating only the best. When her father dies from heart disease and Momoe has to support her and her mother, she cant stand the food that she makes(she never cooked before). One day, she walks into a little French restaurant and recognizes the food from its taste. She had eaten it several years earlier when celebrating her birthday at a 5-star restaurant with her parents. She asks to work there as a cook under the head chef, Oda-san. She falls in love with Oda, but he doesnt notice her feelings and only considers her an annoying apprentice. This series goes through joy and heartbreak, as experienced by Momoe. How does the situation end? 
Oji sama to Neko -  Oji-sama to Neko -  A Man and His Cat -  Le Chat qui rendait l'homme heureux
Fuyuki Kanda est un homme seul et triste. Un jour, il décide d'entrer dans une animalerie où il remarque Fukumaru, un chat pas très beau, gros et plus très jeune. Ce dernier semble triste et désespéré car personne ne veut de lui. Pourtant, de manière inattendue, l'homme va l'adopter ! Ainsi commence l'histoire d'un quotidien plein de tendresse, entre un homme et un chat en mal d'amour.


Une histoire d'amour mystérieuse, triste et étrange qui commence lorsque Kouichi un jeune homme qui a perdu son frère jumeau rencontre une jolie fille du nom de Akira.Le duo Masakazu Katsura et Erika Yoshida, une nouvelle fois réuni pour ce One-Shot.
Il y a six mois, Yanai Makoto, un employé de bureau normal, est devenu le garant de son ami pour un prêt important, mais à la fin, son ami s'est enfui et lui a laissé une dette énorme de 30 millions de yens. Yanai est devenu un prostitué afin de rembourser la dette, jusqu'au jour où il est tombé sur un yakuza qui a déclaré avoir eu le "coup de foudre" pour lui et était prêt à payer 5 fois son prix si Yanai devenait sa pute personnelle...
おまえをオタクにしてやるから、俺をリア充にしてくれ!, I’ll Make You into an Otaku, so Make Me into a Riajuu!, Omae wo Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore wo Riajuu ni Shitekure!
Ω wa Pink no Yume wo Miru, Ωはピンクの夢を見る
Utsumi, un salarié Alpha, désire secrètement Mochizuki, son subordonné Omega. Afin d'obtenir cet homme imprenable, il décide d'utiliser le médicament aphrodisiaque, "Pink Potion". Cependant, par erreur, celui qui a pris la potion est l'un de ses autres subordonnés, Suzuki, un Beta antisocial avec lequel il ne s'entend pas. Le médicament n'est censé fonctionner que sur les omégas, mais Suzuki entra en chaleur sous l'effet de celui-ci. Ne pouvant résister face à ses instincts, Utsumi ravagea le Suzuki sans défense...
Hongou and Ogawa are back. These two polar opposites are always fighting, but secretly in love. Now as roommates turned lovers they must deal with graduation and life afterwards.
主に泣いてます, Mostly Crying
Konno Izumi, a beautiful life drawing model tormented with the unrelenting curse of her excessive beauty.
Omukae ni Agarimashita. 〜 Kokudo Kōtsūshō kokudo seisaku-kyoku yūmei suishin-ka 〜 -  お迎えに上がりました -  お迎えに上がりました。〜国土交通省国土政策局 幽冥推進課〜
The god that got banished to the mortal world got an offering... Huh...what?! It's a guy?!
One Piece dj - Return to Innocence
A One Piece pixiv doujinshi. Luffy accidentally walks in on Robin taking a bath. While waiting for her to finish, the two have a heart-to-heart-talk. Robin begins to realize where her place where she belongs is.

One Punch Man

One Punch Man -  onepunchman
Saitama est un jeune homme sans emploi. Un jour, il rencontre un homme-crabe qui recherche un jeune garçon au menton en forme de fesses. Saitama finit par rencontrer ce jeune garçon et décide de le sauver de l'homme-crabe, qu'il arrive à battre difficilement. Dès lors, Saitama décide de devenir un super-héros et s'entraîne pendant trois ans. À la fin de son entraînement, si intense qu'il en perd les cheveux, il remarque qu'il est devenu tellement fort qu'il parvient désormais à battre tous ses adversaires d'un seul coup de poing. Sa force démesurée est pour lui source de problèmes, puisqu'il ne trouve pas d'adversaires à sa taille et s'ennuie dans son métier de héros. Bien qu'il ait mis un terme à un bon nombre de menaces toutes plus dangereuses les unes que les autres, personne ne semble remarquer l'incroyable capacité de Saitama, à l'exception de son ami et disciple Genos.
斩鬼一族箱入娘, 鬼切大人的箱中娘, 鬼切様の箱入娘, Onikiri-sama no Hakoiri Musume
A boy opens a chest at his father's temple, and inside pops out a Hanyou, a half demon, half human girl who wishes for nothing more than to avenge the death of her mother, and herself by her father. It just so happens to be that the boy looks just like his ancestor, the one who killed the girl and mother.
Arranged an Offline Meeting with My Online Game Friend, but My Demon Boss Came Instead -  Online Game -  オンラインゲーム -  オンラインゲーム仲間とサシオフしたら職場の鬼上司が来た
【Boss in real life, gaming partner online】【Brushing by each other at top speed――☆】Hashimoto, an average salaryman, works under the harsh leadership of his high-spec cum handsome demon boss, Shirase-san, day by day. The only thing Hashimoto looks forward to is to talk to his gaming friend who he met online, UMA, complain to him about his boss, and joke around together with him. Feeling at ease around him, Hashimoto eagerly plans for his offline meeting with UMA with high hopes, but——?!
Только чувство онлайнオンリーセンス・オンライン온리 센스 온라인
À l'aide d'un système appelé " Sens ", chaque joueur crée son propre personnage " unique " dans le nouveau VRMMORPG " Only Sense Online ". Faites la connaissance de Yun, novice dans le monde des jeux vidéos, équipé des pires " Sens " possibles. Ses sœurs, des habituées de ce monde, critiquent son choix d'équipement, mais sur son chemin, Yun rencontrera des maîtres dans l'art de l'artisanat. Suivez les aventures de Yun qui de novice absolu, révolutionne le monde d'OSO en devenant le " Support " ultime !
女の子ってホントにもう -  女生真赖皮 -  Onna no Kotte Honto ni Mou -  Being a Girl Really is... -  Да бъдеш момиче наистина е...(bulgarian)
From Fateful Encounters: Story1 - Junior high third year Yue is convinced that being a girl really, really sucks because of... that you-know-what time of the month. But her opinion starts to change when she stumbles into the infirmary one day and accidentally comes across a certain boy named Sagami!
すすめ!乙女ロード -  Susume! Otome Road
Wakaba Chiharu is a fujoshi, but hides it from her friends. She fantasizes about male classmates being intimate and uses them for her manuscripts. But somebody is interfering with her daydreams...
オオカミくんはこわくない -  Ookami-kun is not scary
Ookami Kakushi: Fukahi no Shou -  Spirited Away by the Wolf God -  Wolfed Away: Deep Scarlet Chapter -  おおかみかくし ~深緋〈こきひ〉の章~
A 16-year-old boy, Hiroshi Kuzumi, has recently moved into a new town in the mountains. The town is separated into new and old streets by the river, and many mysterious local cultures still remain. Although confused and enjoying his new life, one person kept her distance from him: class committee member Kushinada Nemura. In their few encounters she gave him a word of advice: "Stay away from the old streets."
Miname Nanako is determined to see Ooma's "100 Faces Apparition". While following him around with her camera, she figures out what is causing his nickname. Determined to assist him with his troubles, she will not take no for an answer!
Un jeune étudiant transféré du nom d'Oogami Diachi, musclé et entrainé à de nombreux arts martiaux, découvre que ses camarades cachent un secret.Dans quel genre d'histoire ses camarades veulent-ils l'introduire ? Voici la naissance d'un nouveau manga de super héros retraçant les aventures de deux puissants personnages !
Osuppabu…Tte Nanndesuka! ~Sutte Suwarete Hajimaru Koi no Hanashi~ -  雄っぱぶ…って何ですか! ~吸って吸われて始まる恋の話~
Heibon naru Koutei 平凡なる皇帝 平凡的皇帝
Adaptado de Boku no Osekkai Darling, ahora el personaje principal es el hijo de Nobu.Adapted from Boku no Osekkai Darling, now the main character is Nobu's son.
おれと一乃のゲーム同好会活動日誌, 我与一乃的游戏同好会活动日志, Ore to Ichino no Game Doukoukai Katsudounisshi
オレと彼女の萌えよペン -  我与她的漫画萌战记 -  Ore to Kanojo no Moeyo Pen
Meet Kimijima Sen, an aspiring manga artist who specializes in hot-blooded battle shounen genre. In order to polish up his techniques to achieve his goal of professionally debuting, he became the assistant of the pro manga artist Ikigoma Agito-sensei. A not-so-normal high school girl who loves drawing moe manga, eroge and has an extreme fetish with beautiful girls and big breasts.
Oresama na Pet -  Pet of Love -  俺様なペット
A collection of short stories:1. Pet of LoveA young man is living alone, but can't live independently, so his best friend is forced to take care of him.2. Remote ControlIs basically about two boys, one of whom is playing a game with the other while pretending to help him become popular. But they both slowly realize it's something else entirely.3. Iron Road of LoveA dreamless 17 year old finds something to live for when he meets a 25-year-old fellow train enthusiast.4. Drunken Dog NightEitoku is a guy that spends his time either working (by finding "customers" for women) or getting drunk and bringing home strange things, and one night he runs into Hajime, and ends up bringing home the most eccentric thing of all.5. Unforgettable LoveAn apprentice hairdresser finds it hard to move on when his sempai leaves the salon to visit England.