
Circumstances of the Supreme Commander and ISoushikikan to Watashi no JijyouThe Supreme Commander and My Circumstances総指揮官と私の事情總指揮官與我的事
Lorsque Kate se retrouve inopinément dans un autre monde, celui qui la sauve est le commandant suprême Arios, un homme aussi surprotecteur qu'il est beau. Tous les jours, il la suit quoi qu'il arrive... elle n'en peut plus ! Pour échapper à ce nouveau style de vie, Kate finit par trouver un emploi mais... ?
Frieren -  Frieren at the Funeral葬送のフリーレン
Frieren est membre du groupe du héros qui a vaincu le roi démon. À la fois magicienne et elfe, ce sont les choses qui la séparent des autres membres. Pouvant vivre plus longtemps que les autres, ses sentiments sont ...
桃花相对论, 相対性モテ論, Soutaisei Mote Ron, Soutaisei Mote-ron, The Special Relativity of Mote
Tachibana Kazuya, Kumazawa Daigo, and Niinuma Hiroko all want to be popular. But they don't know how to do so! So, they try and create a club to research and find out how to become popular.
総天然色乙女組 -  Total Natural Color Maiden Class
Ichinose Akane gets transferred to a new school because of her father's job. She is a normal enthusiastic girl except that she has a retarded sense of direction and highly volatile memory! Wait! That's not normal...!!
サウスプリンス・ノースプリンセス, サウス・プリンス☆ノース・プリンセス
Once upon a time, there was a lazy crown prince named South of the Shield kingdom. He had spent the rest of his days ditching classes and reading picture books. One day, however, the king was ill and it was time for him to step up and replace his father and fulfill his duty as a king-substitute.
Fake Redスパイダーマン フェイクレッドスパイダーマン 偽りの赤 -  Spider-Man: Itsuwari no Aka -  Spider-Man: Fake Red
Basé sur l'itération du jeu PlayStation 4 Marvel's Spider-Man.New-York City, Spiderman est un symbole d'espoir pour les habitants de la mégapole.Yu, un étudiant ordinaire amateur d'escalade, l'admire mais reste en retrait lorsqu'il voit un de ses camarades se faire agresser. Honteux, il tombe alors sur un costume de Spiderman dans une ruelle.En le mettant ensuite, il sauve un enfant d'un incendie. Une semaine plus tard, le vrai Spiderman n'a pas fait d'apparition publique.Lorsque la camarade de classe qu'il aime secrètement, Emma Parson, se fait prendre en otage par des criminels, il remet son costume pour la sauver aux prix d'acrobaties qu'il ne se sentait pas capable. Celle-ci découvre dès le lendemain qu'il est son sauveur.De son coté, Peter Parker est en très mauvaise posture. Il erre dans les égouts en tentant de ne pas voir sa personnalité absorbée par Venom...
スピリチュアル ポリス -  灵魂警察
From Harudaki's translation of the lead-in pages: "A passionate amour. The moment my fingertips touched his skin, I fell in love. An all-new love legend between men by Nitta Youka!!!"
Sana Tsukimori is a 10 year old horror star but she can't grab the attention of her older brother.
スプラウト, 爱情种子, 爱情萌芽
Reality isn't a shoujo manga, and Miku Ikenouchi's friends know that perfectly well. But then again, they are not Miku-chan. The reason for this is that Miku-chan has a boyfriend, a third year, and is content with what she has. But then a chain of events occur which leaves Miku-chan with a rival (for cuteness), her father quitting his job... and a new roommate?
Семья шпиона: Дремота Ллойда -  うたた寝ロイドさん
On August 10 of 2019, humanity received a signal, which was verified for its integrity by hundreds of scientists, from an alien life form containing one message: let us meet on Mars on July 7, 2035. Thus began the creation of a space agency representing Earth as a whole named ST&RS. From there, things progressed quickly with man re-landing on the moon in 2022 and constructing many space stations orbiting Earth and the moon. The Space Academy was created to train the upcoming generation of ST&RS.The same August 10th that Earth received the message, Shirafune Maho spoke his first words and it was “Mars.” Since then, Maho has been an astronomy freak who has nothing but the universe on his mind. He decides he is going to apply for the Space Academy along with his childhood friend, Hoshihara Meguru, and recent transfer and super smart classmate, Amachi Wataru. The trio begins their almost impossible journey of being accepted into the school where only 1% of the applicants are allowed into the academy.
The person I like. I want to know everything about the person I like. Because I like him. Because I like her. Everyone undoubtedly holds the desire to know more about the person they like. Within the varying types of love, this form exists as well.
STAR BLACKS ~スターブラックス~
In 2999, all people of the world had forgotten the existence of God. A seventeen year old girl in high school, Kisaki Aragaki, has been close to the Church’s Sister as a mother. One day Kisaki saw the Church being dismantled by workers and she encountered an Oni (Japanese demon) out of a worker’s body. Her father, Kenzo confessed that Kisaki is a reincarnation of her ancestress who fought against Oni with a Japanese saber called Katana of Oni. Then Kisaki took the inheritance of Katana of Oni and faced down the Oni.
スターオーシャンブルースフィア, Star Ocean: Blue Sphere
Galactic Era 366, a malevolent entity, "The Ten Wise Men", manipulated the Crest of Annihilation in an attempt to destroy the entire universe. Their aspirations were crushed by the heroes' actions across many planets, and the Ten Wise Men were defeated. The Universe was at peace once again. Thereafter, the heroes decided to go their separate ways. And two years later...Precis and Leon are studying abroad on Earth. Then one day, they received an SOS from Opera and Ernest, saying that they had crashed on an underdeveloped planet. And the both of them, gathering some old friends, set off to Edifice to rescue them. But what they will find there will lead them on another adventure in which they will need to save a planet, and possibly the entire universe once again.
The King's Star -  The Star of a Supreme Ruler -  The Star of an Autocrat -  The Supreme Ruler's Star -  覇王の星 -  覇王星 -  패왕의 별 - 
Star Dust Memories /スターダストメモリーズ / 스타더스트 메모리즈
Stardust Memories est une compilation de nouvelles d'êtres humains dans un futur lointain où nous avons voyagé profondément dans l'espace. Chaque histoire décrit un dilemme moral que les gens qui voyagent dans l'espace peuvent vivre, ce que nous n'avons pas encore déterminé dans le monde actuel.Stardust Memories parle de problèmes tels que les implications de faire voyager les gens pendant des années, voire des décennies, dans l'univers froid, calme et sans fin. Une autre histoire raconte comment la présence humaine dans une galaxie étrangère affectera l'environnement. Les sujets sur lesquels l'auteur décide d'écrire sont intéressants et font réfléchir sur l'avenir.
ステイゴールド~恋のレッスンAtoZ -  Stay Gold (OOTSUKI Miu) -  Stay Gold - Love's Lesson A to Z -  Stay Gold: Love Lesson
After a failed attempted at bleaching his hair and ending up in a fight on the day of the entrance ceremony at his high-school; Ken is already off to a bad start with a bad first impression as nothing more than another delinquent. Mizuki, Kens best friend and secret crush, was the only person he met after that not to label him negatively just because of his appearance, but maybe that's because neither is Mizuki just the cute and innocent guy he appears to be.
Stay Homeラブコメ
A short encounter guided by fate during the coronavirus pandemic.
From Blissful Sin: ("Still..." is the second part of Seiryou Saikyou Monogatari - Yano x Ishida Hen) It's been eight years since Ishida and Yano shared a very awkward moment during their graduation from Seiryou High. After college, Ishida hadn't seen or heard from his best friend for over three years. One day, he briefly glimpses Yano on a passing train. When did he come back and why do his friends insist it couldn't possibly be Yano? Ishida begins a desperate search for his missing friend with the old Student Council in tow. Still... is part of Seiryou Saikyou Monogatari ~ Yano x Ishida Hen
Shuuhei is an endlessly enthusiastic pizza deliveryman with almost no ambitions or skills, and he's determined to date Hitomi, a high school girl who made the mistake of kissing him once. When he asks her what she likes in a man, one of the things she mentions was the ability to play a musical instrument. In response, he decides to learn to play the trumpet. But learning about the trumpet and jazz music is going to change his life in more ways than he imagined...
ストレンジャー, 异乡人, 異鄉人, 陌生人
As the town’s sheriff, Fran was on an errant for his people. Alas, on his journey back, his horse died. Stranded in the middle of a desert with his only transport to civilisation dead to the world, Fran had to endure scorching heat to reach his town. Wandering for days, his weakened body betrayed him, only to be saved by a Native American…
Le monde est en plein chaos. La paix a été oubliée. Anzu, qui a apparemment perdu tous ses souvenirs de sa vie précédente, mais son souvenir d'être humain, découvre qu'il est devenu le dernier androïde restant dans le monde de Navania. Poursuivi par d'innombrables sorciers, chasseurs de démons et entités démoniaques pour réclamer sa forme unique et puissante, Anzu se lance dans un voyage pour trouver sa véritable identité et comprendre la raison pour laquelle il a été créé dans ce monde infernal.
Ichigo Kissu -  ストロベリィキス
“Even though he’s this close, I can’t reach him at all.” A popular male model, Nashiro’s parents died and he was passed around from relative to relative until he arrived on the doorsteps of Mitsuki’s home. Entranced by his smile, Mitsuki has always been in love with him. However, he’s well-known for dating beautiful women, and she doesn’t feel up to par with these girls. Will she ever be able to make him look at her?
Kanata vit depuis peu dans un dortoir et tout allait bien jusqu’à ce qu’il entende de drôles de bruits dans sa chambre. Serait-ce des fantômes ? Ces bruits empêchent rapidement Kanata de dormir. Que fera Onda, son camarade de chambre, pour régler ce problème ? D’où viennent ces bruits ?
ストライクウィッチーズ 片翼の魔女たち, One-Winged Witches, Strike Witches - Katayoku no Majotachi
AKA: One-Winged WitchesThe story centers around the Isle of Wight Detachment Group. One day a sergeant from the Britannian commonwealth, Wilma Bishop transfers to the group and their new adventures begin.
ストリングス・ドールズ -  The Strings Dolls
One day, Shiro and his little sister, Koyori, who has been permanently crippled after an accident, download a peculiar game called "Strings Dolls." Whenever you have someone in your camera screen, the game allows you to move them around like a puppet. Shiro and Koyori are filled with joyl to realize that this magical game can, at least temporarily, restore her ability to walk! Other people, however, use it for much less noble purposes. Among the others who have downloaded the game is a mysterious player called Miyabi, who appears to be using the game to kill off his fellow players. Will Shiro be able to track down who is behind this game, and find the murderous Miyabi before it's too late?
発情マテリアル -  Estrogenic Material -  Hatsujou Material -  Stroke Material - My Fuckin' Lover
Very funny story with a title we could NOT resist! People have gone so far as to call Kaname-kun a "sex machine" and "a man who exists solely for obscenity and sin." But now he's fallen in love for the first time with the super cool beauty Yumi-sama. Even when his only reward is her cold gaze, he persists in his desire to win her love--but he's struggling and suffering because his wooing technique gets incredibly clumsy when he actually cares about the result!
Monsieur loup, est-ce que vous voudriez bien me manger ?