
さきっちょだけでも -  Even Just the Tip -  Les Sciences et les Fantaisies -  Sakiccho dake demo -  Sakiccho Dakedemo
Collection of short stories: 1. Okuyami Moushiagemasu (Please Accept My Condolences) 2. Waterproof + extra [Waterproof the Two of Them After That] 3. Underground 4. Kanojo wa Shinda (She Died) 5. Les Sciences et les Fantaisies When salesman Yoroizuka runs into his ex-boyfriend Tatemichi Koreeda, he's uncomfortable. But Koreeda gets Yoroizuka assigned to help him in the lab, and Yoroizuka starts to remember all the good times he had with the unromantic mad scientist. If only he could remember why they broke up... 6. Sakitcho Dakedemo (Even Just the Tip) A talented art student, despairing with his creativity drying up, spies a ramen shop worker in a street and accidentally catches a glimpse of an intriguing tattoo on the shop worker's nape. This intrigues him to visit the ramen shop next night where he finds himself talking to the shop worker. More often they meet and talk, wilder his fantasies become, blurring a line between reality and fantasy.
A short 4koma about a girl with a mean look and her two new classmates.
桜の花咲くころ, 桜の花咲くころ 北条司短編集, Ciliegi in fiore
Collection of four stories.1. Sakura no Hanasaki Kukoro Prequel to Komorebi no Moto de...2. Family Plot Losing your memory is not only painful for themselves, but also for people who love you. Hideyuki, a photographer, tries to find the memories that bind him to his son and the woman he loved.3. Taxi Driver A story about a vampire who works as a night taxi driver. His victims are his clients...or so it should be, for his good heart often remains with dry mouth, and when a young girl asks for his help, the real trouble begins.4. Shoujo no Kisetsu - Summer Dream Misako was always afraid of water, a distant memory that resurfaces in her dreams, until she finds herself trapped in a strange realm, somewhere between her dream and her past....
Chaque jour, sur le chemin de l'école, tu passes prés de moi.
Sakura Wars
De Tokyopop : Nous sommes en 1921, et c'est un Tokyo où de monstrueux robots à vapeur s'écrasent lors d'une fête d'observation de fleurs pour se faire couper le souffle par une jeune fille en kimono et pantalon hakama traditionnel. 8 ans après la terrible guerre du démon, le Japon est un endroit prospère et pacifique. Voici l'enseigne Ogami Ichiro, qui vient d'obtenir son diplôme de l'Académie navale. Il est affecté à une base à Tokyo, mais découvre bientôt que son quartier général est le Théâtre Impérial et que sa première mission est de collecter des billets à la porte. Il fait ses petits boulots au théâtre, entouré de belles filles qui semblent en savoir beaucoup plus que lui sur ce qui se passe, mais il est sur le point d'être entraîné dans un monde de robots, de démons et de filles sexy en uniforme.
さくら前線, 櫻花最前线, Cherry Blossom Front, Lovely Days, Sakura Zensen-A Memory of Lovely Days, Sakura Zensen: Lovely Days
At first, Sakura Nakahara, had a crush on Takehiko, her childhood friend who was cool, smart and excellent at sports. Lately, however, Sakura started to become really close with her 'supposed to be' enemy, Yuki. Yuki, on the other hand, knows that Sakura likes Take, and tries to help them get together even though he likes Sakura too.
桜ヶ丘エンジェルズ -  Cherry Hill Angels
[From Shoujo Magic]: Takasuka Yue is best known for her work "Good Morning Call" / 『グッドモーニング・コール』 ("Guddo Mooningu Kooru"), but this adorable work should not be overlooked. The heroine and her conflicts are some of the cutest things you'll ever see! Haru, an energetic, honest, and sweet young girl, meets the popular grade schooler Yashima at a bowling rally, and she unintentionally develops a strange interest in him. He's very forward about wanting to date Haru. However, Haru is in love with her childhood friend, Yuusaku, who thinks of Haru like family and rejected her love confession before he left for America one year ago. But now Yuusaku is back! How will both boys respond to learning that they have competition for the role of most important man in Haru's life?
Ryuuko and Sakurai Mei were childhood friends. After being separated for several years, Ryuuko returns with the intention of confessing to Sakurai. To his surprise, Sakurai is changed from a cheerful girl to a gloomy loner. Fortunately, a miracle happens; they body swap! Now, it's his chance to help Sakurai regain her shining smile.Nakamura Ryuuko y Sakurai Mei son amigos de la infancia. Después de varios años alejados uno de otro, Ryuuko regresa con la intención de confesar su amor por ella. Pero cuando se reencuentran Sakurai Mei no es la misma chica alegre y brillante que solía ser sino una solitaria y sombría. Luego de un hecho inesperado Ryuuko se propone a volver hacerla sonreír como en los viejos tiempos pero ¿Un cambio del destino de encargará de lograrlo?
Après avoir été mis à la porte des dortoirs principaux pour avoir fait venir un chat errant, Kanda Sorata est forcé de vivre dans les salles plus petites où les élèves en difficulté sont envoyés pour vivre. Bien qu'il ne s'occupe pas de ses colocataires, Sorata ne peux pas attendre de sortir des salles de Sakura. Mais quand Shiina Mashiro se déplace dans le dortoir, tout change. Mashiro est un génie artistique qui, à un jeune âge, a remportée de nombreux prix pour ses compétences, mais en raison de son enfance étant axé sur l'art, elle n'a pas le sens commun et les compétences sociales. Forcé de prendre le rôle de prendre soin de Mashiro, Sorata apprend sur lui-même et commence sur la voie de l'amélioration de soi.
Jump Giga 2021 Winter mini one-shot. It seems like forever ago that Kuro was captured by scientists for examination. No matter how much he pleads to them that he's human, they simply see him as another test subject...
サムライ ベイビー, Samurai Beibii
The two high school girls, Hanazono Mito and Tatsuda Seshiru, have been friends since kindergarten. But while Seshiru is an honour role student, Mito is constantly breaking school rules. One day, Mito helps Seshiru evade the advances of the arrogant Ran, a rich boy and model who mistakes Mito's interference for jealousy (because of course every woman wants Ran for herself! Yeah, right). This lands Mito in hot water with Ran's fangirls, who later gang up to kick her ass! A new transfer student with wild hair is the one who saves her, but he won't tell Mito his name...!?
A short and sketchy one-shot that is mostly improvised to practice my manga skills. This one is about a samurai battle.
サムライうさぎ, 武士兔精神
The main character Udagawa Gosuke has received his father's dojo, mainly because his father and older brother were made to commit hara-kiri. He wasn't really supposed to get it simply because he's a second son. But due to the way his pops and brother died, he doesn't have a whole lot of self confidence, so he practices fencing day-by-day at a nearby dojo. However, because the people at that dojo are asses, he soon tries to invent a dojo and a style for people who just enjoy it.However what really sets this aside from most shounen is that the main male and female characters are actually married. (At age 15 no less!)The girl Utagawa Shino is the younger sister of his senpai, and is a bit...weird, to say the least. She makes rabbit masks to help bring in a bit of money, although to say that she's obsessed with rabbits would be an understatement. She claims it's because "the rabbits will someday reach the moon." When Gosuke invents his new dojo, he decides to make a style of swordsmanship known as "Rabbit Style Fencing."
3 ken Tonari no Tooi Hito -  3軒隣の遠い人 -  The Guy Three Doors Down
What if you were to meet your childhood friend again after ten years of separation? This was exactly the case for Mitsuya, a recently transferred company executive who found out that the person living three doors down from his new apartment was none other than Noboru, his older brother's best friend... and his first love. As a young and brash middle schooler, Mitsuya had forcefully kissed Noboru and drove him away. Deeply regretting his action, he kept a tight lid on his feelings. But now, being with Noboru again is bringing all those heated memories back, as if they were never gone to begin with. "Merry Checker" is adapted from this manga.


Êtes-vous sûr que personne ne s’invite chez vous pendant votre absence ? Ne vous est-il jamais arrivé, en regagnant votre domicile à la fin de la journée, de remarquer d’infimes changements ? Un coussin qui aurait légèrement changé de place sur le canapé, une bouteille de jus de fruits un peu moins remplie que lorsque vous l’avez rangée dans le réfrigérateur le matin, une bouteille de shampoing que vous étiez persuadé d’avoir refermée mais que vous trouvez ouverte ? Vous vous êtes fait la remarque, puis vous êtes passé à autre chose, car après tout, c’est très probablement votre mémoire qui vous joue des tours, quoi d’autre…Pour Yoko, c’est la réalité. Ordinaire à premier vue, cette jeune fille de 21 ans s’est évaporée pour échapper à sa vie « d’avant ». Nous ne la voyons pas, mais elle est là, juste sous nos yeux : elle vit chez nous pendant notre absence, allant d’un appartement à un autre selon ses besoins et ses envies.Si cette nouvelle existence se déroule dans l’insouciance et l’enthousiasme, Yoko déchante rapidement. Elle se croit seule dans son cas, elle va découvrir toute une société parallèle où la violence est omniprésente. Immigrés clandestins, criminels en cavale ou simples citoyens ayant tourné le dos à la société pour des raisons plus ou moins avouables, les sangsues se disputent nos domiciles, qu’elles appellent des nids, s’affrontent dans de sanglantes guerres de territoire et se livrent à des vendettas qui tournent volontiers au massacre.
さんじんさどう -  散人左道
Fubuki, a man with silver hair and black eyebrows, is somewhat of an expert at taking care of people's monster problems, for a price of course. Yoru is a strange orphan girl who runs across one of his fights with a demon cat and insists on becoming his student. The two of them make an amazing team, whether they're fighting monsters or (as happens more often than Yoru would like) running from them!
Sabbat of the Witch -  Sabbath of the Witch -  Son of a Witch -  Sonova Witch -  Sonovawitch -  サノバウィッチ
One day, high schooler Hoshina Shuuji, who can sense peoples' feelings through his ordinary five senses, accidentally sees the popular Ayachi Nene masturbating in the school library. Nene is a member of the Occult Club, and commonly offers her classmates advice through fortune-telling. When Shuuji goes to apologize to her, he learns two things: the Occult Club is going to be closed due to lack of members, and Nene is actually a witch that is collecting 'soul fragments' that come from strong emotions. After he accidentally absorbs her collection of soul fragments, he decides to join her club, help her collect more, and try to find a way to give back the ones he took.
山椒は小粒で -  Sansho wa Kotsubu de -  Sansho wa Kotsubude
サンタだった神谷君; Kamiya-kun -  autrefois Père Noël
Attristé de n'offrir que des jouets qui dépriment les enfants au lieu de leur donner le sourire, le Père Noël Kamiya démissionne et choisit de venir vivre sur Terre en tant qu'humain.
Good boys and girls make Santa come.
サファイア リボンの騎士 -  サファイアリボンの騎士 -  Sapphire: Princess Knight -  Sapphire: Ribbon Knight
Description [Edit] summary by Divine Sanctuary Sapphire was supposed to be a tomboyish junior high school girl who's not interested in boys, but it all changed on her 14th birthday. Not only did she find out that she's princess Sapphire, the Ribbon Knight, but she also has to protect a country called Silver Land!? Based on the original work by Tezuka Osamu. Rad thia manga from right to left
砂礫王国, Gravel Kingdom
A kingdom in the middle of the desert is the last city of humans that were against the Sand People. However, their next king, Kirameki, didn't want to fulfil the throne. The Sand People took the chance to kidnap the prince and replace him with an imposter, Kirameki's half-brother, Saga, who is a half human and half Sand Person. Kirameki was made to do hard labour then. However, he came back on the day of the Water Festival to get back his kingdom with Serafita (Water Goddess)'s help.
I am Sarutobi! -  Ore wa Sarutobi da! -  おれは猿飛だ!
Sasaki-kun ga Juudan Tometa -  Sasaki-kun Has Stopped the Bullet -  佐々木くんが銃弾止めた
Pour Sasaki, son professeur Kawaguchi est un Dieu. Elle lui a appris à ne pas avoir honte de ses propres rêves et l'a fait se sentir pleinement capable d'aller de l'avant et de les réaliser, quelles que soient les chances de réussite. Pourtant, un jour, des problèmes du passé de Kawaguchi la suivent dans la classe. Alors que son dieu risque d'être totalement humilié, Sasaki entreprend de protéger son professeur en se servant de ses propres enseignements : se battre pour l'impossible.
ササクレ・メモリアル -  Barbed Memories -  Sasakure Memoriaru
Yajima Shigeru realized himself falling for straight boys and has repeated one-night stand to flee from his failing love. This time, his bad decision force him to kiss his current love who is a married junior from his work place! The train conductor happened to see the drunken Yajima planting a kiss on his junior. After being denied by his junior, he's picked up by the conductor, Mita Yuusuke, who claims that that he fell in love at first sight?!
A Demotion Isn't That Bad; 左遷も悪くない
Ulises est un brillant mais inflexible soldat. Rejeté par ses supérieurs et rétrogradé à un poste dans une zone rurale il rencontre sa nouvelle épouse : Lea. La punition qui aurais dut être une chose terrible ce transforme en une bénédiction où Lea et sa famille inculque l’amour d’un foyer à Ulises. La vie quotidienne apaisante d’un militaire et de sa jeune épouse maladroite.
Satou-kun is Peeping. ~I am Peeping in the Girl's Hearts With God's App~ -  佐藤くんは覗ている。~神様アプリで女の子のココロをノゾいたらど××だった
Satou Kazuya is a 30-year-old office worker and a virgin. His daily routine is Playing Eroge while Masturbating. One night he got the "Peeping Application" from God, It was not an ordinary application but an application that could read a woman's heart.
砂糖菓子の弾丸は撃ちぬけない, 糖果子弹, 糖果子彈, A Lollipop or a Bullet, A Lollypop or a Bullet
This short manga is based on the novel; Sugar Candy Bullets Can’t Pierce Anything. The plot follows two girls and their summer-time adventures in a rural area.Nagisa Yamada is a bored teenager who finds everyday life extremely unappealing - thus she plans on joining a Military School as soon as possible. A strange new student named Umino Mokuzu (who claims to be a mermaid) transfers into Nagisa's school and, much to our heroine's bewilderment, soon begins to follow her around incessantly.Initially, an annoyed and discomfited Nagisa strives to avoid any encounters with Mokuzu. But she soon begins to comprehend the pain and sadness concealed beneath this strange girl's cheerful and carefree demeanour...
殺戮の天使; 杀戮天使; Angel of Slaughter; Massacre Angel
L'histoire prend place dans le sous-sol d'un immense immeuble abandonné où Rachel Gardner, une fillette de 13 ans se réveille sans aucun souvenir de ce qu'il s'est passé.Alors qu'elle errait en cherchant une sortie, elle rencontre un mystérieux garçon muni d'une faux, se prénommant Zack.Tous les deux ont alors décidé de s'associer pour trouver une issue...
サバンナゲーム The Comic, Savanna Game: The Comic, Savannah Game - The Comic