

Dans les alentours de minuit, Itou Kazuki va porter ses poubelles dans la ruelle a coté de chez lui. Là-bas, il croise une étrange et inquiétante femme, assise sur des ordures. Inquiet, Itou essai de passer a coté d'elle sans trop se faire remarquer, mais la femme l'interpelle en lui demandant s'il a une petite soeur. Il lui répond rapidement, puis revient à son domicile en toute hâte.Dès lors, Itou sera impliqué dans une aventure infernale, où les morts risquent d'être nombreuses...
アイスノオト, The Sound of Ice
Satsuki met Kazuya once at local rink and he taught her jumping. Knowing what school Kazuya attends she aims to get there to meet him again. Will she meet him and get to skate with him again?

Ice Trail

TALE Of FAIRY TAIL ICE TRAIL~氷の軌跡~ -  Tale Of Fairy Ice Trail - Koori No Kiseki
Histoire principale : Fairy Tail.Raconte l'enfance de Grey.
いちゃつきたいの, Icha suki taino
Yugao's grandfather privately owned library stands on a precipice. In this library there is a special room which filled with occult-related books. It is rumored that the room is cursed. Kiryu, a serious man, works alone in this mysterious room. He is crazy about giving lessons to people. Yugao is very fond of him, so she one day she kissed him and he becomes a different person in his attitudes about sex.
Ichiban Nagai Yoru wo Yoroshiku -  いちばん長い夜をよろしく
Nagaoka Sachiko is a 27 year old woman whose live-in boyfriend abruptly left her. A coworker drags her out to a club to meet some fresh men. She bumps into an older man who turns out to be the fairly popular DJ. They talk and get to know each other a bit. However, Sachiko doesn’t realize she’s already met this man--by day, he is her incredibly awkward and bizarrely dressed boss.(Source: the manga habit)
Strawberry 100%
Junpei Manaka sneaks up to the roof to see the sunset. When he opens the door, he startles a mysterious beauty. She panics and runs away, but before not Junpei has caught sight of her adorable strawberry print panties... in EXTREME close-up. With that vision forever burned into his memory, Junpei embarks on a quest to find the girl, and the panties, of his dreams!
Ichigo 100% - (Official Colored) -  Strawberry 100% - Digital Colored Comics
Scene: The School RooftopThe hero (me, Junpei Manaka!) sneaks up to the roof to see the sunset. When he opens the door, he startles a mysterious beauty. She panics and runs away, but not before Junpei has caught sight of her adorable strawberry print EXTREME close-up. With that vision forever burned into his memory, Junpei embarks on a quest to find the girl, and the panties, of his dreams!
Suite spin-off de la première série Ichigo 100%.Cette nouvelle "saison" raconte l'histoire de Nakama, un jeune bouquiniste japonais, tombé amoureux de l'une de ses clientes. Mais sa romance tourne court très vite lorsque, alors qu'il se déclare à elle, Aya laisse s'échapper le nom de Manaka, son premier amour malheureux, et s'enfuit en courant.Qu'est-ce que le destin réserve à ces deux jeunes gens, unis grâce à une culotte aux fraises ?
Rasa Stroberi -  Taste of Strawberry -  イチゴ味
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アイドルは××××なんてしませんッ!, 偶像OOXX什么的才不会做呢!, Idols Don't Do Anything Like xxxx!
Soujirou Yagi (23), an ordinary man in our modern society with nothing particularly special about him, is trapped in the mires of job-hunting failure, but believes that he has finally found salvation when he is offered a career as an illustrious Idol Manager.However, it is soon evident that his new vocation is not the easy, clean and prettily sparkling Idol-Managing life he was hoping for, and the two girls he has been placed in charge of both conceal their own insurmountable and terrifying problems.Between a girl who he can't hope to control and a girl who has no control, Soujirou Yagi (23), the unillustrious Idol Manager, comes to the grim and undeniable realization that if the three of them were to achieve any modicum of success, there are some sorts of things that idols definitely cannot do.
アイドル様の夜のお顔, 偶像男友的假面, Idol-sama's Face in the Night!
Aya is totally in love with Zero, the sexiest idol in all Japan, and wants to have her first time with him! She tries to get close to him by going to his school! Aya meets him and confess to him, but Zero promise her to be her boyfriend at one condition: being his puppet and do whatever he asks her to do! Aya agrees to it but is he really the guy Aya expects him to be?
The [email protected] Dearly Stars: Neue Green -  The Idolmaster Dearly Stars: Neue Green
From Manga-Updates Ryou has always had a problem with his feminine appearance. As a child he was often mistaken as a girl, and to his disappointment, that didn't change even after he got to high school. One day he came up with his best idea yet for gaining masculinity; he decided to become a male idol! His cousin Ritsuko worked in the idol industry, so she was able to get him an audition. Unfortunately for his master plan, the company decided that he would make a wonderful female idol. Now, to even have a chance at becoming a male idol, he must first become successful as a girl!
How To Love: A Secret That Cannot Be Told -  いえない秘密の愛し方 -  無法告人的秘密愛好
Saeki Nao, professeur de lycée, est secrètement une otaku hardcore qui adore les mangas yuri.Un jour, lors d'une convention de doujinshi à laquelle elle participe, Nao est impatiente de transmettre ses sentiments à "Nyapoleon", un artiste qu'elle vénère.Cependant, il s'avère que c'est une fille de son école, Kurumizawa Haruka, et de plus, elle doit l'aider.Après l'événement, elles ont décidé de sortir pour un repas, à la suggestion de Haruka.....Quand elle se réveille le matin, il y a Haruka dans le lit... ?![*][url=]Twitter de l'auteur[/url]
Foreigner -  Dive into the Dungeon -  Kotokunibito Dungeon ni Moguru -  The Foreigner -  Explores the Dungeon
C'est en 1946 que la Terre a appris l'existence d'autres mondes. Comme prévu, de nombreux pays ont immédiatement essayé d'envoyer des gens dans l'autre monde, dans l'espoir d'obtenir des ressources vitales ou des trésors mystiques. Aucun d'entre eux n'est revenu.Et pour être juste, Souya ne s'attendait pas à être l'un de ces explorateurs. Mais il était là, acceptant l'offre d'une société louche de se procurer assez d'argent pour sauver sa petite soeur. Lancé dans un autre monde, il se rend vite compte que son voyage sera difficile - non seulement ses coéquipiers ont disparu, mais la majorité de ses réserves de nourriture et d'armes ont été détruites lors du transfert.La seule voie qui lui reste à suivre est d'aller de l'avant. Avec pour seul guide un compagnon d'IA, Souya s'aventure, espérant trouver quelque chose de valable qui justifiera l'envoi d'une équipe de secours pour le sauver - si une telle équipe arrive.
异域之鬼, 異域之鬼, Foreign Land of Ogres, Iiki no Oni, Iiki Noki
During the age of romanticism in Japan, the capital was leveled to the ground by a powerful earthquake. One of the many orphans it left was Sorato, who was taken in by Baron Kamichika. In his new home, the “Blood Blossom” Estate, Sorato meets the baron’s heir, Garan, and his fiancee, Kiyora, and the three swear their eternal friendship. But that promise is soon showered in blood because of secrets and desires nobody could have ever imagined to exist…
A Fiancée Agreement -  Iinazuke Kyouytei -  The Happy Virgins -  許嫁協定 -  订婚协议 -  혼약협정
Kaneda Wataru tries to be less of a burden to his busily working mother and takes on lots of part-time programming jobs. During times like these, on Wataru's first day in his 2nd year of high school, three girls suddenly appear, kiss him and claim that one of them will have to become his future fiancée...
Ijimetaihodo Aishiteru -  イジメたいほど愛してる
Quatre histoires indépendantes, à la fois drôles, fantastiques, historiques et extrêmement licencieuses.
いじっぱりLOVE・パニック -  いじっぱりLOVE♥パニック -  懼怕愛情的戀人
Ijirushikanai! Nagatoro-san Comic Anthology -  Nagatoro-san wo, Ijiritai!! Comic Anthology -  Please Don't Bully Me, Nagatoro Comic Anthology -  Soko Ijirunsuka, Nagatoro-san! Comic Anthology -  Не издевайся, Нагаторо-сан Антология -  イジるしかないっ!長瀞さん Comic Anthology
Anthology from various doujin artists about Nagatoro and Senpai keeping to the theme of Nagatoro teasing Senpai and sometimes it backfiring on her.
World's End Supernova, A Nasty Person, Evergreen (OOTSUKI Miu)
There are six stories in all, not including the the extra chapters.1. A Nasty PersonAbout a young man who falls in love with his seemingly innocent, cute teacher and somehow winds up in a sexual relationship with him.2. World's End SupernovaAbout a not-so-intelligent rich kid whose father tells him the world is going to end that night so he rushes out and begs the senpai he’s in love with to have sex with him. 3. Amai YuuwakuA cute slice-of-life plot about two men who’re already in an established relationship.4. LineShima and Nobunaga have been together for 10 years. Though they surpassed several trials through their relationship, why is it that Shima still feels insecure? 5. EvergreenTwo high schoolers frustrated due to bad communication skills and lacking confidence. 6. Oto mo NakuDeals with two young college men who become good friends even though they’re extremely different—that is, until one of them ends up wanting more.
池袋発、全セカイ行き! -  由池袋出发,迈向世界 -  Ikebukuro Hatsu -  Zen Sekai Yuki!
Il est toujours un choc pour Saga Shigekata qu'il se tient à Ikebukuro Krea Academy, une école relativement nouvelle, avec un programme très particulier. Il était censé assister à une grande école normale, mais quand ses parents ont découvert les croquis qu'il dessinait, ils l'ont envoyé ici. Cette école est relativement nouvelle et est connu comme l'école otaku où les aspirants artistes de manga se réunissent pour apprendre à créer leur propre chef-d'œuvre. Shigekata rencontre une première année, nommée Miyakawa Hinari, qui semble être dans un cosplay mais plus tard, il découvre que non seulement elle est sa camarade de classe, mais qu'elle elle est également le président et fondateur de Krea Académie. Il commence à se faire de nouveaux amis qui l'inspirent pour produire des illustrations avec beaucoup de passion.
いきのこれ! 社畜ちゃん -  活着!社畜酱 -  Survive! Company Slave
イクメン執事~ドピュッと授乳タイム~ / Ikumen Butler: Spurt Milk Time
"Si vous ne me dites pas exactement ce que vous voulez, que puis-je faire ?" C'est le genre de chose que ce majordome à la langue acerbe dit à son maître égoïste et enfantin. Un jour ordinaire, ils trouvent un bébé abandonné sur les marches du manoir ! La famille décide d'élever le bébé comme le leur, mais le maître devient bientôt jaloux du bébé prenant tout le temps de son majordome aussi il fait quelque chose d'incroyable ! Découvrez les jolies taquineries du maître et l'esprit sadique et sec du majordome !
I Want to Spoil Ikuro-san (43 y.o.)
En tant que manager d'une pâtisserie chic nommée "Kuma Purin", on m'a dit qu'aimer les choses viriles ne me convenait pas. Un jour, cet homme mystérieux dans un costume noir et aux yeux de tueur est venu devant ma boutique... Il s'est avéré qu'il était tout mon contraire ! pris la team Monkague
幾つになっても可愛い子 -  長大後一樣可愛 -  长大后一样可爱
アイル, 梦幻篮球, 아일, Generation Basket, I'll (Generation Basket), I'll Generation Basket, I'll/CKBC
Akane Tachibana is a freshman high school student who, despite his talent for basketball, decides to abandon sports clubs due to the pressure put on him by them. Once he arrives at Kouzu High, however, he meets the only other basketball player who has ever caught his eye on the courts and decides to join the team. The first match of the season is an exhibition game against the league's strongest team, Hyamazaki—the team that Hiiragi's father coaches and in which his older brother plays for. Hiiragi ends up playing in the second half of the game, and they seem to not be working well together on the court, losing the game, until unintentionally one of the senior players on the team challenges them to beat him. They join forces, inspiring the team to victory. Thus starts the story of a group of teenagers working to reach the top, fighting tooth and nail the entire way.
Imakoi -  Now, I am in love. -  Right Now, I'm in Love -  今、恋をしています -  此刻、我正坠入爱河。 -  此刻、我正墜入愛河。
The manga centers on the relationship between a scary and popular, but actually gentle high school boy, and a "life-size" high school girl. Satomi decides to try her best with love in high school. She's curious about the boy who saved her from a pervert, but she has trouble deciding if the boy is scary or kind.
今更ファンタジー; Too Late for Fantasy
Lorsqu'on lui donne une lampe magique, Tohru Sugamo, 37 ans, souhaite que son rêve d'enfant se réalise et acquiert tous les pouvoirs qu'il a déjà imaginés en tant que romancier en herbe, mais il s'avère que les idées d'un élève de 8e année ne sont pas les plus originales...
Imitation Happy Life -  イミテーションハッピーライフ
Sensei et mes jours heureux et remplis de mensonges.Uno, un professeur d'école secondaire, retrouve son ancien élève et amoureux, Someya. Uno, qui ne pouvait se débarrasser de ses sentiments pour Someya, accepte sa proposition "d'être dans une relation amoureuse sans attache" et couche avec lui. Les deux passent leurs journées paisiblement et joyeusement comme le temps où ils étaient amants. Puis, par hasard, il assiste à l'arrivée de Someya dans un love hôtel avec une femme. Uno insiste sur la vérité, mais sent que quelque chose ne va pas avec la réaction de Someya...