
野蛮の園, Savage Garden (NISHIKAWA Rosuke)
High-class Robotics School a.k.a. Kousen is a high school that professionalizes in robotics. Although they have won many robotic competitions, they are not very well known for anything. The story doesn't focus on the school itself, but revolves more around a boy named Kaneko (which is actually a girl's name) and his misfortune in the school. He is forced to cross-dress and do various "things" throughout the school year. No one knows what will happen in this school, especially when the senpai (upperclassmen) are a bunch of perverts!
两个野兽男友, 野獣、ふたり。, Two Beasts, Yajyuu Futari
Yukari and Haruhi are the same age while Ruka is 4 years younger and they are all childhood friends. The three of them get along well with each other, but unexpectedly Haruhi confesses his love to Yukari and the two begin dating. But, Ruka forcibly chases after Yukari causing her heart to wander between Haruhi and Ruka. Although she doesn’t want to break up with Haruhi who is nice to her, she can’t stop the heat that she feels when she is with Ruka… The everyday peaceful life has turned into a continuation of storms!Also contains:Yokujou Princess (Princess's Desire)Shiyou Yo (Let's Do It)
Yakiniku shop Sengoku -  焼肉店センゴク
やくもたつ, 八雲立つ, 出云传奇, 出雲傳奇, Eight Clouds Rising
Kuraki Fuzuchi is a quiet young man who has immense psychic powers and sword skills. He later meets Takeo Nanachi, a college student with similar latent powers. The story opens with Nanachi traveling to a small shrine in the mountains for a festival that only occurs every 49 years in order to purify his (now deceased) grandfather’s sword. There he meets Kuraki and later accidentally stumbles upon Kuraki’s initiation ritual as a Shaman. From there on, their lives are inexplicitly intertwined as they encounter various ghosts, spirits, demons, and other characters with supernatural powers while the author also provides a parallel running story depicting their previous life. 
The God who Lives in the Mountain
Atop the mountain, there lived a deity with a tiger in his household. A fair maiden ventured alone... to see the deity of the mountain.The head of a village plagued by a man-eating tiger offers his daughter Hyeon-na to any man who successfully disposes of the tiger. Dismayed at being treated as a trophy, Hyeon-na sets out alone to the mountain where the tiger lives... Collection of five short stories. 
山本善次朗と申します, 我是山本善次朗, 我的名字是山本善次朗, Between the Worlds, I am called Yamamoto Zenjirou, Tôi là Yamamoto Zenjirou, Yamazen
Hotate is a 10 year old girl who was living at her grandmother's house since her mother died. One day her grandmother tells Hotate that she can't care for her anymore because of her age and that she's going to have to live at her uncle's house. After moving to her uncle's house, she attends a new school, but things aren't easy because of her special ability to see the dead. Can she make friends with students in her new class? And what's the secret behind the bond between her and her uncle...?!
Shion est un jeune garçon à la solde de l'union des Omyou. Ses missions consiste à assassiner afin de détruire des nations.Sa vie basculera lorsqu'il deviendra le garde du corps de l'impératrice Iyo alors qu'il a reçu l'ordre de la tuer.
Sasano, élevé par ses deux sœurs aînées, a toujours été dans les choses girly, comme les shojo manga et les peluches. Quand il commence à développer un béguin pour un camarade de classe populaire nommé Koga, Sasano se demande si ses affections pour les choses mignonnes ont un commun sur son orientation romantique.
The Dark Tome,闇異本
Le quatrième volet de la série Ihon.
闇のイージス, 어둠의 이지스, Aegis in the Dark, Aegis of Darkness
Karito Tate is a bodyguard who takes on various jobs to protect VIPs using martial arts, various firearms, or high-tech gadgets.
暗键师, 闇鍵師, 암건사, Jyonosuke, Yami Kagishi, Yamikagisi
The shogunate installed by the Tokugawa is abiding order, the people live in peace and in a relative prosperity.However, the dark part of the human heart does not cease to arouse their cupidity : it is the ideal doorway for all demons that, by possessing humans, seek to pass into their world.Exorcising these demons is Jonosuke's mission, the master of keys. Known for being the best locksmith of Edo, Jonosuke uses particular locks to put the wicked spirits under lock and key. With the help of the bewitching O-kin, a divine who uses unorthodox methods, Jonosuke is going to meet during his demon hunt some notables of his time, who will prove to be precious allies when he faces a plot aimed at the upper spheres of State.
Le shogunat installé par les Tokugawa fait régner l'ordre, le peuple vit dans la paix et dans une relative prospérité. Pourtant, la part sombre du coeur des hommes ne cesse d'exciter leur cupidité : elle est la porte d'entrée idéale pour tous les démons qui en prenant possession des humains, cherchent à passer dans leur monde. Exorciser ces démons, c'est la mission de Jônosuke, le maitre des clefs. Connu pour être le meilleur serrurier d'Edo, Jônosuké use de cadenas un peu particuliers pour mettre sous les verrous les esprits malfaisants. Avec l'aide de l'envoutante Okin, divinatrice aux méthodes peu orthodoxes, il va au cours de sa chasse aux démons, rencontrer des notables de son temps, qui s'avèreront de précieux alliés lorsqu'il s'agira de faire face à un complots visant les hautes sphères de l'état...
Black Urban Legend -  Drive -  Black Site -  Fushichou -  Mienai Furi -  闇都市伝説
Recueil de plusieurs histoiresHistoire 3 : Hitomi a une très mauvaise vue. Ses lunettes gigantesques l'amochissent et déforment son visage. Tout ce qu'elle rêverait c'est de pouvoir porter des lentilles de contact. Un étrange site lui proposera alors une solution miracle. Mais ces fameuses lentilles ne lui feront pas seulement voir le monde plus net...Histoire 4 : Ichika se désespère de ne pouvoir voir plus souvent son petit-ami Ren. Elle découvrira alors un site lui permettant de le filer en douce via un GPS. C'est alors qu'elle fera une découverte qui lui glacera le sang...

Yanchaka !

Yancha ka! - Yankee -  Wana ni Hamaru / やんちゃか! ―ヤンキー、罠に嵌まる―
« Fais de moi ton disciple. "Kudô, beau jeune homme aussi cultivé que sportif, s'inscrit dans un lycée réputé pour être "bourré de Yankees" pour la simple et bonne raison que celui-ci se trouve juste à côté de chez lui. La cérémonie d'entrée est à peine terminée qu'il se retrouve déjà encerclé par une bande de sales types. C'est alors que débarque l'élève le plus fort de toute l'école, Taiga Kishimoto, qui ne tarde pas à les faire déguerpir d'un seul coup de boule ! Il a beau avoir une apparence extravagante avec ses cheveux blonds et ses piercings, lorsqu'il dit à Kudô, avec un grand sourire, de venir le voir s'il a encore des problèmes, cette étrange alliance de charme et de force ne manque pas de faire craquer ce dernier... ! ?
La Duchesse du Grenier ; The Duchess of the Attic ; Yaneurabeya no Kōshaku Fujin ; 屋根裏部屋の公爵夫人 ; 阁楼里的公爵夫人
A cause d'une rumeur, Opal fut considérée comme une fille facile. Suite à son mariage politique avec le jeune duc, Hubert, la nouvelle vie de la duchesse commença dans un grenier poussiéreux remplis d'hostilité à son égard.Cependant, la duchesse n'aime pas perdre, elle ne laissera pas son destin se finir comme ça.
屋根裏の魔女, 阁楼上的魔女, Woman in the Attic, Yane Ura no Majo, Yaneura no Majou
A collection of interlinked oneshot stories, Yaneura no Majou tells the story of students from Sannosan High School as they are preparing for the Culture Festival. • LilithAsumi is responsible for writing the play that will be performed this year, but struggles to relate to her own characters—especially that of Lilith the Witch—until she reflects on her relationship between her childhood friend Asami. • Ground WoodpeckerMichi loves fortune telling, but when she helps her childhood friend Satoshi with his crush on fellow classmate Mikako by performing a magic trick, something seems strange. Her magic actually works! Satoshi begins to change and even gets the girl; however, Michi becomes obsessed with the bird that she saw while performing the trick... and she joins the bird watching club in order to find it again. • EveSuzuki Mie is the president of the bird watching club and is assigned to put the yearbook together with committee member and star of this year's play, Kawahara Hisaki—who plays Adam. After getting to know each other, Hisaki-kun discovers that Mie is dating a girl: also named Suzuki Mie, the girl who has been cast in the role of Eve in the play. • Lilith and VenusMikako has always envied her older sister's relationship with her boyfriend Motomu-kun. Thus, the beautiful Mikako begins dating Satoshi, who seems to possess similar qualities to Motomu. However, when she finds that they aren't so similar after all, she's faced with a crisis. 


Un nouvel étudiant du nom de Masato Takasaka est transféré dans une école pleine de délinquants qui est actuellement ravagée par une bataille entre les divers comités d'activités étudiantes, ses attentes éphémères d'écolières délicates et aimantes et une vie scolaire paisible s'envole. Il rencontre la reine déclarée de l'école Onizuka en se promenant dans un couloir, qu'adviendra-t-il de la vie scolaire dont il rêve ?
やっぱり脱いじゃダメ!, やっぱり脱いじゃダメ!, 还是不可以那个啦, Chura Koiiro, Chura♥Koi Iro, Dekiaki Love Virgin, Rakuen Drops
This ia collection of short stories/one shots.
Nouvel essai du Héro à la Lance Redo of the Spear Hero The Reprise of the Spear Hero Перерождение героя копья 槍の勇者のやり直し 槍之勇者重生錄
優しくしてよ -  Please Be Gentle (AKIBA Touko) -  Yasashiku Shiteyo
When Subaru and Hayato were in the third grade, they became friends with the new boy who had moved in next door, Kengo. Now in high school, he is the only one who can tell the twins apart and one day, he catches Subaru in the act pretending to be Hayato to get a little "sneak peek" at what's to be on the quiz his class will have soon. Subaru is the mischievous type and thinks it's unfair how Kengo is only nice to the other twin, the ever calm and collected Hayato...but is that really the case?
Naughty But Nice -  Sweet but Nasty -  Sweet but Nasty ... -  Unexpected Disaster -  優しいけれど意地悪で
Kakeru's homeroom teacher, Wakasa, is very popular with the female students and is known for being, "super nice." However, one day, Kakeru sees his teacher, who is supposedly "so nice he could never hurt a fly," in the middle of a fight! On top of that, he then finds himself carrying the knocked-unconscious Wakasa home! Is this guy really a nice, kind homeroom teacher, or is he, in reality, someone quite naughty in more ways than one? (DEUX)Collection of oneshots:[*] Yasashii Keredo Ijiwaru de (1st Part)[*] Yasashii Keredo Ijiwaru de (2nd Part)[*] Bouquet for YouWhen young florist Kazuki helps a customer who has allergies, he doesn't expect to see the man again. But pretty soon businessman Etou is becoming a regular part of Kazuki's life.[*] Bouquet for You 2[*] Makezugirai no Bokura[*] Aruhitotsuzen no Sainan (Unexpected Disaster)When the cat he's not supposed to have gets into his next door neighbor's house and makes a mess of some valuable paintings, a young scuba instructor finds himself blackmailed into nude modeling by the perverted artist.[*] Atogaki
やさしい恋が育つまで / Until an Easy Love Grows Up
Résumé a venir... Pour les amoureux des bonzaîs
Kenji works as a shoujo manga creator to support himself and his orphaned sister Yasuko. Kenji was once a gang leader, so while he appears to be a polite and gentle artist that draws girls’ comics, he takes off his glasses and reverts to his aggressive, violent nature to protect Yasuko from harm. 


Shin Tôgûji désespère qu'un jour son entourage arrête de le traiter comme s'il était une fille. Il décide alors de rejoindre un club qu'il pense être assez "viril", en espérant que ça aidera les gens à changer d'opinion à son propos...
Eiga Yōkai Wotchi: Enma Daiō to Itsutsu no Monogatari da Nyan! -  映画 妖怪ウォッチ エンマ大王と5つの物語だニャン!
Told by the events of five different stories, Nate, Hailey, Jibanyan, Whisper and Usapyon must find Lord Enma in order to stop the corrupt actions of Zazel and his plot to separate the relations of humans and Yo-kai.
Eiga Yōkai Wotchi: Soratobu Kujira to Daburu Sekai no Dai-bōken da-nyan -  映画 妖怪ウォッチ 空飛ぶクジラとダブル世界の大冒険だニャン!
A giant whale looms over Springdale, causing the entire world to become a real version of itself. Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan try to find out about the mystery behind the world-switching incident.
Eiga Yōkai Wotchi: Tanjō no Himitsu da-nyan! -  映画 妖怪ウォッチ 誕生の秘密だニャン!
One night, Nate's Yo-kai Watch mysteriously disappears due to the effects of a time paradox, which causes Nate, Jibanyan, and Whisper to travel back 60 years into the past, with the help of Hovernyan and Nathaniel.
Yo-kai Watch Busters-T -  Youkai Watch Treasure Busters
Oneshot basé sur le mode de jeu Youkai Watch Busters T dans les jeux vidéo Youkai Watch 3 pour la Nintendo 3DS.
From bl-gyaru: Tozaki is a university student who aim to be lawyer and work as a part-time staff with Kuze who is Tozaki’s boss. Because Tozaki need to get his essay back from Kazu so Kazu asked him to get it back from his house!?