
When Shizuka comes back after being away for 13 years, the courageous Kosuke she hopes to find has grown into a perverted total coward. But then again, she had changed a lot too, growing into a true brawling queen. Angel by the infamous U-JIN follows the comedy story of our two heroes. WARNING: This manga's explicit sexual scenes makes it offensive for young viewers. If you still choose to read, do it at your own risk!

Fiery Enemies

Ennemis Ardents -  Fiery Enemies -  뜨거운 웬수 -  火热的冤家
Sur son lit de mort, une grand-mère laisse derrière elle un dernier souhait terrifiant: que sa petite-fille se remette avec son horrible et infâme ex-mari ! Ga Ryung jure de vivre seule pour toujours, même si cela signifie renoncer à tout son héritage. Mais lorsqu'un incendie catastrophique menace de priver Ga Ryung de son empire de la mode durement gagné, elle est obligée de revenir sur sa décision.
学園天国, Gakuen Tengoku, L'Amour en Cours
Oshino Makoto just started as a temporary teacher at an all girls academy where he finds his childhood sweetheart working as a teacher.Can his rekindled love survive the onslaught of sexy students begging Makoto to rescue them from the schemes of perverted teachers?


histoire alternatif de Gantz écrit par Hiroya OKU
Après la mort de l'empereur Li Xi, le seigneur Yong Lin se révolte contre l'héritier légitime pour s'emparer du pouvoir, plongeant ainsi le pays de Li dans une guerre civile sans merci.Afin de sauver son frère d'une défaite imminente, Xueya, le 7ème prince du royaume, accepte de se marier avec Jin Bi Hui, l'indomptable fille du roi des Mers, en échange de renforts militaires. Mais ce mariage politique survivra-t-il à la guerre et aux complots? Qu'adviendra-t-il de l'avenir du pays de Li lorsque la fougueuse jeune fille s'apercevra que le cœur de Xueya appartient à une autre femme ?
桜通信, 樱花通信, 樱花通讯, 樱通信, Cherry Tree Communication, Sakura Diaries, Sakura mail
A Keio College (top notch Tokyo college) exam candidate, Touma Inaba, is interupted when a cute young girl, Urara Kasuga, arrives at his hotel room door. She later turns out to be his cousin who he barely remembers from his childhood. Urara, who had felt something special for him (an other-than-cousinly-love), invites Touma to live with her since he has no place to stay other than the hotel room. Before taking the test, Touma meets Meiko Yotsuba, a beautiful, sophisticated woman also trying to get into Keio. Meiko gets into Keio but Touma does not, due to a cold Urara had given him shortly before. Although he did not make it, he pretends he does to earn the respect of Meiko. Touma is caught up in a love triangle with Urara and Meiko, while struggling to keep Meiko believing he's really a Keio student and still be there for Urara at the same time.
Un gamer se retrouve propulsé dans un autre monde et prend la place du jeune maître de la famille Fang qui est mort assassiné. Il est aidé par le "Système" qui le guide à travers des fenêtres d'annonces...
闇の中のクラウン, Yami no Naka no Clown
Everyone in the world is born with two things: the ability to collect Life's Light and a Light Vessel in which to collect and hold it. Most people use their vessels to assist them in doing various tasks, but occasionally someone is born with a vessel that allows them to do battle. The protagonist, Ruyu, stumbles upon the end of a battle only to find one survivor. Could the young boy she saved be connected to the king's men who entered the town with the intent of killing everyone?