
Akari and He Are Enviousあかりと彼はなやましい
Pouvez-vous, un homme hétéro, tomber amoureux de moi ?Ses deux amis (hétérosexuels) se sont réunis. Le lycéen ouvertement gay Akari est en quelque sorte mécontent de cela.Est-ce l'envie ? Ou est-ce la jalousie ? ........Que se passe-t-il.Un jour, je trouverai certainement "quelqu'un à aimer" aussi... !Après s'être rendu avec enthousiasme dans un bar gay, celui qu'il rencontre là-bas est un adulte irritant brandissant un argument juste... ! ?Spin off de la bande dessinée pixiv largement parlé "Mikami à Sato wa Mada Yamashikunai" !
Between his intense workload and asshole boss, salaryman Hirokuni is burnt out! He's on the edge of a nervous breakdown when Kai, an childhood friend he used to look after, comes to visit for the first time in 12 years. Kai has recently become homeless, so Hirokuni reluctantly lets him move in.Kai quickly confesses that he is gay, and Hirokuni worries that his chastity might be in danger! But then Kai gets to work, serving up delicious home-cooked food for breakfast, lunch and dinner...Isn't it kind of nice to be taken care of for once...?The domestic story of a handsome, cool guy with great housekeeping skills and a lonely, burned out salaryman!
Bonsai in the Rain -  雨天の盆栽 -  雨天的盆栽