
姑獲鳥の夏 -  The Summer of the Ubume
Ucchare! Goshogawara is a high school sports manga centered on the titular character, Goshogawara. He’s one of the strongest teens in Japan, regularly placing high in the ranks of the individual competition at Inter-High, the major high school sporting event for most athletics that aren’t baseball. The only fly in the ointment is that he’s never been able to join the team sumo competition, because there have to be five members available to do it, and his school’s sumo club hasn’t had that many people for longer than he’s been a member.In fact, Goshogawara is the last and only member of the club, and he’s a senior. After this year’s Inter-High, he’ll have to retire to focus on college prep studies, and the club will be officially closed for good.So what does he do? In his own meek and humble fashion, he decides he needs to ask people from other clubs for help, but his stutter and general shyness make it difficult. Eventually a friend of his from the judo club agrees to temporarily join, as a point of honor, giving up a few weeks of training in his favored sport in the process (the Inter-High competition for judo is about a month after sumo).The second is a ne’er-do-well who’s tired of his slacker friends and sees in sumo a chance to go for the glory. He’s also an inveterate schemer and cheat who has the build of the proverbial 98lb weakling.Third is an upstart in the wrestling club who dreams of going pro in the future, and is sick of the seniority system in his club getting in the way of a good challenge. After he sees the sumo training in action, he decides to switch clubs so he can get in on that.The last is the fattest kid in school, all bulk and absolutely no bite. The others literally kidnap him from the Go club to try and convince him to join.
Préquel de Grendizer.
Préquelle de Grendizer.
宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロック -  Captain Harlock -  Space Pirate Captain Harlock -  Space Pirate Captain Herlock -  Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Harlock
In the future, humanity has slowed down to the point that everyone has become so content with their lives, that they no longer bother to dream. In this time, those with dreams took to the sky to explore the sea above. It's the year 2977. After a strange black sphere crashes on Earth, Tadashi Daiba's father is killed when he tries to discover what the mysterious object is. Tadashi is asked to help defeat these new foes by an outlaw, the simple space pirate Harlock. And together Captain Harlock promises to protect Earth, the place that turned its back on him, against these new enemies.
うえきの法則, Law of Ueki, Peraturan Ueki, The Law of Ueki
A group of powerful beings called tenkaijin are holding a special tournament. The rules of the game--each tenkaijin selects a kid in junior high to be his champion and grants him a special power. The kids take each other on in heated battle, but if they hurt innocent bystanders, then they lose one of their natural-given abilities. Every time they win a battle, they gain a new ability. The ultimate winner of the tournament is granted any power of his choosing, and the tenkajin who he represents succeeds in becoming the next god. Kosuke Ueki has been chosen to fight in the tournament. His special power--the ability to turn garbage into trees.

Ueki Plus

Ueki PlusUeki Kousuke est maintenant au Lycée. Mystérieusement, tous ceux qui ont participé au Battle game d'il y a deux ans ont perdus la mémoire à propos de la personne la plus importante à leur yeux. Ueki, lui, est le seul à ne pas avoir été touché. Il fera tout pour ramener la mémoire de ses amis.
At a mysterious antique shop that appears only on rainy days, Sou finds the keepsake of his grandfather that he supposedly lost a long time ago. He asks the owner, Tsukiji, who has a different air about him, to hand it over to him, but it's not money that this shop accepts as payment. With a fearless smile, the condition that Tsukiji put forth is "Please give birth to my child" -- ?!
うっかりチェリー -  Nemurenu Yoru ni Nomikonda Hoshi
5) Nemurenu Yoru ni Nomikonda Hoshi Sawa is confessed to by Shiroi, a kouhai in his art club, but as he struggles to come to terms with being confessed to by a boy, Shiroi manages to act entirely too normal. Does Sawa really matter to him all that much? Contains art classroom sex and what may possibly be the mysterious usage of painting supplies as lube. Please do not attempt this at home. - Vices and Devices.
究极维纳斯 -  究極ヴィーナス -  究極維納斯 -  얼티밋 비너스 -  Naughty Honey -  Ultimate Venus -  Kyuukyoku Venus
Poor Yuzu is an orphan who's too clumsy to hold a job. She's reduced to living in a playground -- until a handsome stranger named Hassaku informs her that she's heir to a fortune, and whisks her into a world of wealth, power, and more hot suitors than she can shake a scepter at! But there's a catch: Hassaku must turn this klutz into a lady of refinement, or Yuzu will lose everything! Also included in this manga is an extra story called Naughty Honey: "The boyfriend I made in college cheated on me." When she caught her boyfriend sleeping with another woman, Kayako Ueno broke his front teeth... and it will cost her a hundred-thousand yen to repair them. So she takes a part-time job as a home tutor-- for playboy Haru-kun.
UBS: Ultra Battle Satellite, a reality show program in real time where several fighters win awards by the heads of other fighters. The more victories accumulate, the more money will but increasingly their reward will increase to defeat you. No rules, no law and no mercy! Obviously, we are not responsible for any, bruised, cut, fracture, injury or perhaps death... Say gold attracts strong. This is an absolute truth for all ages and cultures.
The story of castle otaku, Ume, meeting a sexy blonde escort girl named Shigure...Is that really it or is there more? Read and find out!
Legend Of The Golden Witch -  When Seagulls Cry Episode 1: Legend Of The Golden
Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3.Histoire postérieure : Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4.Nous sommes le 4 octobre 1986. Le leader actuel de l'une des plus riches familles du Japon, Ushiromiya Kinzo, n'a plus que quelques mois à vivre. Afin de décider du prochain héritier, la famille Ushiromiya organise une réunion sur l'île Rokkenjima. Mais, une mystérieuse lettre d'une prétendue sorcière plonge l'île entière dans le chaos.
Cet Épisode nous rapproche d'Eva Ushiromiya, ses traumatismes, ses rêves et sa promesse avec la "sorcière" qui vit en elle : devenir la Chef de la famille, coûte que coûte. Au-dessus de l'échiquier, alors que Battler se remet à peine de son humiliante défaite lors de la deuxième partie, Béatrice compte bien continuer à le torturer, et bien vite les évènements tragiques se remettent en marche, tandis que la Sorcière dévoile un peu de son passé. Mais cette fois, tout pourrait ne pas se dérouler comme prévu....


Kaname Okiura a failli se noyer durant sa petite enfance. Une expérience traumatisante qui le poursuit encore, alors qu’il travaille pour le club de natation de son lycée. Un club qui va voir sa routine chamboulée par l'arrivée d' Amuro Ninagawa, une jeune fille qui vivait jusque là en mer... et qui adore se baigner nue ! Une nouvelle recrue au tempérament enjoué qui semble ne rien prendre au sérieux, mais montre rapidement des aptitudes hors du commun en natation. Une véritable sirène qui gagne rapidement en popularité... et que Kaname est certain d'avoir déjà vu quelque part, mais où ?...
Even if treated cruelly by Kazuomi, Yuuki will never let go of this love. How long will Kazuomi hold on to that coldness? The bad feelings he has after seeing Yuuki...The passion within the hearts, is it love at first sight? -from AF

Undead Unluck

アンデッドアンラック - 
Alors qu'une jeune fille malchanceuse se prépare à affronter la mort, un mort qui veut désespérément mourir apparaît devant elle ! Vicieux, violent et à poil ! Un héros picaresque sans précédent apparaît dans le Shonen Jump ! À lire gratuitement sur Manga Plus.
[From AnimeNewsNetwork]: Tending to his sister, who is paralyzed after a fall from a tree, Tatsuya Kitazaki wants revenge. Yet, just as he is about to cut down the tree, a strange and seemingly ageless girl, Sara Nishikujo, appears to stop him. What's more, the girl seems to have the ability to communicate with plants - and she tells Tatsuya the tree's version of his sister's accident. This marks a watershed in Tatsuya's life, as everything begins to change.
A story about a mysterious girl who doesn't seem to age and the people she affects. Very earth-friendly.
アンダーカレント -  Under Current
The manga begins as Kanae Sekiguchi, proprietor of the Tsuki no Yu bathhouse, struggles to reopen her business after the unexplained disappearance of her husband...
uniforme (español latino)
From Alice Dreams: This is a collection of tied stories of classmates and their love lives revolving around their "cute school uniform".
UNKNOWN -アンノウン-
Wisdom brings good fortune; but wisdom that is too advanced to humans bring destruction.Ox and Ivan, a pair of “wisemen”, are on a journey to collect wisdoms that are in the wrong hands.
Elizabeth Whitehead is a foreign teenage girl with a terminal illness who is particularly fond of air races. When she needed a new engine for her airplanes, she goes to Japan to a famous smith, Aramaki. Aramaki has stopped making jet engines as he still hasn't forgiven himself for contributing to WWII, but upon hearing Elizabeth's situation, he offers his services.
Flower of Destiny (TSUNODA Ryoku) -  运命之华 -  運命の華
From Fantasyshrine:“Wanna sleep with me and see?” said the beautiful young man, Shunen, to the not-so-ordinary salary man Yuuki! “DON’T SUCCUMB TO LUST!” preached the serious Yuuki. Yet, under Shunen’s skillful seduction, Yuuki was unable to resist! As fate would have it, Shunen turned out to be Yuuki's betrothed! And unbeknownst to Yuuki, Shunen has a perculiar quirk... he couldn’t live without sex! This totally turned Yuuki’s monotonous life upside down and inside out! Enjoy this erotic comic of Yuuki and Shunen.
{UNREAL} -アンリアル-
Aucun synopsis disponible.
Boku ga Otto ni Deau made
Basé sur un essai célèbre d’un activiste gay japonais, ce manga raconte l’histoire de sa vie, de son enfance jusqu’à son mariage avec son mari.


Un enseignant est à la recherche d'une école du nom de Seishou Academy, puisqu'il est le nouveau professeur de cette école. Seishou Academy est réputée pour avoir d'excellents étudiants en matière de tir. Toutefois, il se perd en chemin et décide de chercher dans un festival d'été quelqu'un qui connait l'école. Il rencontre une jeune fille à un champ de tir et trouve qu'elle a une adresse au tir de professionel. La jeune fille raconte à l'enseignant qu'elle est un fusil d'assaut, pas une étudiante. Son nom est FNC et elle est un fusil d'assaut de Seishou Academy. Le lendemain, le nouvel enseignant de l'école découvre les étudiants, y compris FNC, pratiquant le tir au M16, et il se rend compte qu'il est venu à une école incroyable. Comment va être son expérience à la Seishou Academy?
うぽって!! なの
Related Series Upotte!! (Adapted From)

UQ Holder !

ユーキュー ホルダー
Pendant les 10 années qui ont suivies la prise de conscience de l'existence de la magie, le monde a connu de très grand bouleversements. Un jeune garçon nommé Touta vit à la campagne loin de tout ces changements. Quand sa vie paisible avec ses amis fut chamboulé par un évenement, il se lança dans une grande aventure !