
高校鉄拳伝タフ, High School Exciting Story: TOUGH, High School Iron Fist Legend: TOUGH, Koko Tekken-den TOUGH, Koukou Tekken-den TOUGH, The Legend of the Hig
Nobody enjoys a good fight more than "Kiibo" Miyazawa, a high school student whose father is training him in the family's secret martial art. Kiibo dreams of becoming the next Bruce Lee, but his awesome fighting skills may soon surpass his idol's
High School Exciting Story: Tough -  Koukou Tekken-den Tough -  Shootfighter Tekken -  Tough Season 1 -  Koko Tekken-den TOUGH
Jeeg -  Kotetsu Jeeg -  Kotetsu Zieg -  Koutetsu Jiigu -  Steel Jeeg -  鋼鉄ジーグ - 
L'histoire raconte l'histoire d'Hiroshi Shiba, un coureur automobile qui est mortellement blessé lors d'un accident de laboratoire, mais qui est ramené à la vie par son père, le professeur Shiba, un scientifique et archéologue de talent, qui enquête d'ailleurs sur les reliques de l'ancien royaume du Yamatai. Le professeur découvre une minuscule cloche de bronze aux pouvoirs sorciers, et peu après, il est assassiné par les sbires de la reine Himika, le souverain du royaume des Yamatai (parfois traduit par Jamatai), qui veut s'emparer de l'ancienne cloche et de son pouvoir.
Sweet Allegiance to the Lorenzi Family Tonight
Rita, une jeune fille possédant les rarissimes « yeux dorés », est kidnappée par des trafiquant et vendu au enchères. Elle qui a perdu sa voix suite a un passé tragique et de nombreux traumatismes sera achetée par Albert, un boss de la mafia. Son premier ordre est : « Tu deviendras ma femme » mais elle découvrit un sombre côté de cette personne dirigé par les fusils et les crimes. Que deviendra le destin de Rita après avoir été accueillit par un dangereux mafieux ?
Sweet Allegiance to the Lorenzi Family Tonight -  今宵、ロレンツィ家で甘美なる忠誠を
Rita, a girl with the legendary "Golden Eye," was caught by a human trafficker and put up for auction in the black market. It was the mafia boss, Albert Lorenzi, who won the auction, taking home Rita who lost her voice and was in despair due to past trauma.Rita follows his sweet whisper, "You'll be my bride," but discovers the ruthless side of him who points a gun at people with a smile on his face!What kind of fate is awaiting Rita who’s greeted by a dangerous mafioso?!
クジャクの教室, Kujaku no Kyōshitsu, Kujaku no Kyoshitsu, Kujyaku no Kyoushitsu, Peacock Classroom
雲のグラデュアーレ, Graduale Der Wolken, Graduale of the Clouds, Kumo no Guradyuarae, Kumo no Guradyuare, L'Escadrille des nuages (French)
The country called Yukifune is now in an age of air travel, and a group called Saratros exists during these times. Armed with blimps and gliders, what is the Sarastros' true nature, and what is its purpose?Meanwhile, the army's watch for the Saratros takes a mysterious turn... and soon, Koto, the girl with the golden hand, will deal with the world as she makes her way out of the huge fighting stage!
暗くなるまで待って, 等待黑暗降临, Wait Until It Gets Dark, Wait until It's Dark
Ushio just transferred from a prestigious high school. While running an errand after school, she collides with Mitsunashi, who's known as a studious robot, and breaks his glasses. Afterward, Mitsunashi invites Ushio to join the Astronomy Club. Will love blossom under the stars?
Judo Boy -  Kurenai Sanshirō -  Scarlet Sanshiro -  紅三四郎
The series stars a teenage martial artist named Sanshiro, trained in the Kurenai School of Jiujitsu and centers around his search for his father's killer. Accompanying Sanshiro is an orphaned boy named Kenbo and his pet dog Boke. Sanshiro's only clue to his father's murderer is a glass eye left on the scene of the crime, suggesting that his father's murderer was one-eyed. Thus many of the villains Sanshiro fought during the course of the series were one-eyed or had one eye concealed with an eye-patch.
クロクロク -  Kuro Clock -  Kurokuroku
Yusa Chiaki is a ordinary high-school student, whose motto is simplicity and frugality. Her favorite character is Uesugi Youzan. One day while going to search for a part time job she gets chased by kappas and a mysterious man rescues her. What will happen to her now?
"Combattez jusqu'à ce que vous mourriez. Combattez jusqu'à en mourir !"
The life of a cat, in 4 pages.
Kurosagi: The Black Swindler, The Black Swindler, 诈欺猎人, Cheating Hunter
黒鷺死体宅配便, Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, Kurosagi's Corpse Delivery Service, The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
Your body is their business! Five young students at a Buddhist university, three guys and two girls, find little call for their job skills in today's Tokyo...among the living, that is! But all that stuff in college they were told would never pay off--you know, channeling, dowsing, ESP--gives them a direct line to the dead...the dead who are still trapped in their corpses and can't move on to the next reincarnation.The five form the Kurosagi ("Black Heron”-their ominous bird logo) Corpse Delivery Service: whether suicide, murder, accident, or illness, they'll carry your body wherever it needs to go to free your soul! The kids from Kurosagi can smell a customer a mile away--it's a good thing one of the girls majored in embalming!
黒執事 dj - One's dear One - 
Black Butler : Sebastian x Ciel
Sakurai Mikito is a wimp who is constantly bullied and never fights back, as he doesn't want to hurt others.This all changes when a mysterious sphere enters him - Zakuro. He soon begins to feel different feeling desires to eat... humans. Is he still human, or will he succumb to his desires and fully become a monster?
A kindly shoemaker becomes the Earth Princess' exclusive shoemaker.
City Hunter - Rebirth, 今日からCITY HUNTER
A forty-year-old single woman, obsessed with City Hunter manga, is hit by a train only to find herself in the world of her favorite manga. Big fan of Ryou Saeba since her teenage years, she will do all she can to live a love story with him.
Kyô Kara Ma no Tsuku Jyûgyô; 今日からマのつく自由業!; A partir d'aujourd'hui -  je suis Mao
Ce manga est basé sur l'anime du même nom et conserve tout l'humour de la série ainsi que les allusions shônen-ai. Pauvre Yuuri ! En se portant au secours d'un camarade de classe, c'est lui qui s'attire les foudres d'autres élèves et se retrouve la tête la première dans les toilettes… Comment ? Ces toilettes ne sont pas ordinaires, et le propulsent dans un autre monde dont il est le roi ??? Attention, car il va bientôt se retrouver entouré d'une famille et d'amis complètement déjantés !
巨漢ハンター -  巨漢獵人
From Nakama: A phantom thief has been creating an uproar, passing through every defense and stealing countless works of art! When he takes a liking to the "maidenhood" a guard sacrifices to him, he leaves without stealing the goods... The guard of a certain art museum is completely taken in by that scheme. Their relationship began with contractual sex but before they know it, the two of them are attracted to each other. However, the thief's younger brother kidnaps the guard to get revenge on his elder brother and a big group gang rapes him-!
Pauvre Yuuri ! En se portant au secours d'un camarade de classe, c'est lui qui s'attire les foudres d'autres élèves et se retrouve la tête la première dans les toilettes… Comment ? Ces toilettes ne sont pas ordinaires, et le propulsent dans un autre monde dont il est le roi ??? Attention, car il va bientôt se retrouver entouré d'une famille et d'amis complètement déjantés !
Light BL Anthology
共鳴するエコー, Asymmetry, Kyoumeisuru Echo, Lonesome Echo, Runner's High
Collection of short stories:• Kyoumei suru Echo• Runner's High (released and translated by Lililicious, Tsubomi vol 1)• Unbalance (released and translated by Lililicious, Tsubomi vol 3)• Asymmetry
Youth Begins in a Corner of the Classroom -  教室の片隅で青春がはじまる -  青春在教室的角落裡開始了 -  青春在教室的角落里开始了
"I want to be the main character." Everyone must have thought so once. But that's not easy... A youth omnibus story dedicated to us of those times.
吸血鬼と僕, The Vampire & I
A dark european ambient and the story of a vampire ... just before dinner time.
究极维纳斯, 究極ヴィーナス, 究極維納斯, 얼티밋 비너스, Ultimate Venus
Poor Yuzu is an orphan who's too clumsy to hold a job. She's reduced to living in a playground—until a handsome stranger named Hassaku informs her that she's heir to a fortune, and whisks her into a world of wealth, power, and more hot suitors than she can shake a scepter at! But there's a catch: Hassaku must turn this klutz into a lady of refinement, or Yuzu will lose everything!
Albinos & Witch
L'histoire d'une sorcière gardienne et de sa fille adoptive.