
アドルフに告ぐ -  Adolf ni Tsugu -  Adorufu ni Tsugu -  Histoire des 3 Adolf -  Tell Adolf
The story of three individuals named Adolf: a Jewish boy living in Japan, a half-Japanese/half- German boy, and the leader of Nazi Germany. Reading direction: Right to left
アラバスター, Arabastaa
James Block is a former sports star whose criminal endeavors landed him in jail. In prison he meets "Dr. F", a strange old man who tells James about a beam that can turn living things invisible.After escaping from prison, James finds and uses the laser on himself. But, because the beam has not been perfected yet, it only rendered his skin invisible, leaving his insides visible to the outside. Angered at his disfigurement, James takes the name "Alabaster" and begins eliminating the hypocrites and the boastful. He is joined by Ami Ozawa, the granddaughter of "Doctor F", who was rendered invisible after the doctor used his pregnant daughter as an "F Beam" test subject.On their trail is Rock, a vicious FBI agent.
Angel's Hill, エンゼルの丘
The story revolves around a mysterious place called "Angel's Island" that resides somewhere on the ocean seas. Living on Angel's Island are a species of merpeople that can live in both the sea and on land. They have the form of a human, but can breath in water as well as on land. Luna is a princess of this species of mermaid living on Angel's Island, but is exiled for breaking some of their rules. As punishment, she is placed inside a sea shell, and set adrift across the sea. Meanwhile Eiji Kusahara, the son of a wealthy Japanese family, meets Soleiu (Luna's older sister) and they try to discover the mysteries behind Angel's Island.
エンゼルの丘 -  Angel's Hill
The story revolves around a mysterious place called "Angel's Island" that resides somewhere on the ocean seas. Living on Angel's Island are a species of merpeople that can live in both the sea and on land. They have the form of a human, but can breath in water as well as on land. Luna is a princess of this species of mermaid living on Angel's Island, but is exiled for breaking some of their rules. As punishment, she is placed inside a sea shell, and set adrift across the sea. Meanwhile Eiji Kusahara, the son of a wealthy Japanese family, meets Soleiu (Luna's older sister) and they try to discover the mysteries behind Angel's Island.
Tetsuwan Atomu 鉄腕アトム
En l'an 2003, le monde est couvert par la technologie et la science, et les robots vivent en société avec les hommes. Au Japon, le respectable Docteur Tenma est une figure dominante des sciences, et a contribué à la modernisation du pays. Un jour, son fils unique, Tobio, se fait tuer dans un accident de voiture. Pris de désespoir et ne pouvant accepter cette perte, Tenma décida de faire bâtir un robot à l'image de son fils afin de le remplacer, et fut muni de super-pouvoirs pour qu'il ne soit plus victime de quelque accident.Bien que le nouveau Tobio s'humanisa et développa l'âme d'un garçon humain, Tenma se rendit compte qu'un robot ne pourrait jamais remplacer son fils après qu'il s'aperçut qu'il ne grandirait jamais comme un vrai enfant. Il le rejeta, le renia et le vendit à un cirque de robots dont le directeur était très cruel envers les artistes. Mais Tobio fut recueilli par un savant, le professeur Ochanomizu, qui le prit sous son aile et décida de faire de lui un super-héros, renommé Astro, qui combattra pour la paix, la justice et la tolérance dans un monde où les robots sont souvent objets de discrimination par les humains.
Astro Boy
The famous character created by Osamu Tezuka, returns in a new three-volume manga inspired a recent television series. A robot designed in the image of a child finds himself forced to fight to protect his fellow human beings.
Aliens have created a tomcat endowed with the seven exceptional faculties similar to Astro Boy's. Supporting his owner, Tsugio, who is a sissy boy, this tomcat named Atomcat runs actively far and wide through the universe. --- This is a fascinating work resulted from Tezuka Osamu's challenging endeavor and daring to remake "Astro Boy."
Commercialisation en france stoppée.Entouré de mystère, Black Jack, surnom de Kuro Hazama, est un mystérieux chirurgien défiguré (il a une greffe de peau au visage). En marge de la société, il pratique une médecine qui peut sauver des vies contre des millions de yens. Sans diplôme, il accomplit des miracles. On fait appel à lui quand tout espoir a disparu ou pour garder le secret sur les maladies des personnalités importantes.Mais parfois, même l’homme le plus présomptueux, ne peut prétendre maîtriser la vie.
He complete biography of Buddha, as seen by Osamu Tezuka. Received the Bungei Shunju Manga Award in 1975 and ended in 1984. The manga Buddha is fiction with many characters who represent various life morals. Example Chapra and his mother show the love of a mother to a son.
Midorimaru, an uncouth prince, becomes involved in his father's secret plans, and soon after encounters a peasant school teacher, Tae. As war approaches, circumstances even come to affect the beautiful noble Yayoi and enemy ninja in ways no one would have anticipated. This is a fast-paced story with overt characterization that reflects on the fairness of love and war.
ダイモンズ, Dämons
Haight and Andrews are successful engineers working for a company on the verge of developing a history-making breakthrough on nanotechnology; however, when Haight discovers a new technology that will help people live better and cure a few diseases, Andrews decides to use this technology for military purposes. Aware of his intentions, Haight resigns from the company taking all the documents and research about his discovery with him. Andrews becomes angry at this and prepares a trap for Haight. Andrews and his five maniac sidekicks brutally torture Haight and kill his loved ones, then sever both his arms and leave him for dead.Luckily Haight is rescued by a mysterious doctor and his assistant. Both men are experimenting with the strange power of "The Zetsmos," which is the ability to control the ghost inside the body while one is still alive. Reports of people that had their limbs severed confirm that they can still "feel and move" their limbs even if they are not there, but with the Natural power of the Zetsmos, the body can assimilate any kind of material and make it part of the body (such as wood, paper, water, metal, etc.) and recreate the limb that was gone.However, awakening the Zetsmos is a painful and dangerous process; the bearer has to put himself between life and death to awaken it. But Haight will stop at nothing to hunt down those that made his life a living hell, and he's determined to use the mysterious power to carry on his revenge. 
Dororo to Hyakkimaru
Dororo, a young orphan thief, falls into the company of Hyakkimaru, a powerful demon-hunting Rounin. Before Hyakkimaru's birth his father, a greedy feudal lord, made a pact with 40 demons and let them each take a piece of his unborn son's body, in return for granting him great power. Hyakkimaru was born without arms, legs, eyes, ears a nose or mouth, a barely human creature, and his father had him thrown in the river. He was rescued and raised by Dr. Honma, who made him artificial limbs and helped him learn to fight the demons - each time he defeats one he reclaims one piece of his body. Now he and Dororo travel together through the war-torn countryside
Marvelous Melmo
A fantasy story for kids featuring a girl named Melmo, who can change her age as she wishes by eating special candies. Melmo's mother dies in a traffic accident, leaving young Melmo and her younger brother Totoo. Anxious, Melmo's mother in heaven asks God to prepare some magical candies, and hands them to Melmo. There are two kinds: Melmo can grow 10 years older to become any sort of adult she wishes by eating a blue candy. By eating a red one, she can become 10 years younger. Using these miracle candies, Melmo disguises herself as a nurse, schoolteacher, policewoman, and overcomes troubles together with her brother, Totoo
Duke Goblin -  Goburin Koushaku -  ゴブリン公爵
陽だまりの樹, El Árbol que da Sombra, Tezuka's Ancestor Dr. Ryoan, The Shade-giving Tree, The Tree in the Sunlight
Hidamari no Ki is about a friendship between a samurai and a doctor in the final days of the Tokugawa Shogunate.It received the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1984 for general manga.
Angel Gunfighter, 拳銃天使
The rogue cop Ham Egg is plotting to take over a small town on the border region between New Mexico and Arizona. Only one thing stands in his way: a Native American sharpshooter known as "Monster". Aiding Monster are two other young sharpshooters, Anna and Jim, who combat Ham Egg and his gang to end corruption and liberate the town.Cover image shown is from the edition published 1993.
きりひと讃歌  -  Eulogy to Kirihito -  Kirihito -  Ode to Kirihito
Two young doctors, the passionate and well-liked Osanai and the ambitious Tatsugaura, are both investigating the mysterious 'Monmo' disease, found only in one remote village, which causes bizarre bone deformation, making its victims take on a beastlike appearance before their deaths. Osanai, caught between the allure of his urban medical world and the rural peace offered by the remote village, does his best to help the victims retain their humanity in the face of a medical establishment which views them only as guinea pigs and oddities. Meanwhile, Tatsugaura schemes against Osanai and tries to infect his rival with the disease in order to gain fame from researching the results.
空気の底, Bajo el Aire, Kuki no Soko, Under the Air
Kuuki no Soko is a collection of short stories drawn by the genius mangaka, Tezuka Osamu, between 1971 and 1972, and is known in Japan as a true masterpiece.Belonging to Tezuka's most mature period, it touches many genres: from pure science fiction to historical fiction to contemporary drama. We find stories of industrial espionage, animal testing, and racial animosity, as well as stories about the more complex dynamics of the human mind.And the human mind is the leitmotif of the entire volume, namely the duality present in every one of us - mercy, love, and understanding, existing together with cruelty and violence until something upsets the balance and we discover a side hidden even from ourselves... a side we are not always prepared to confront...
ライオンブックス, Raion Bukkusu
A collection of short stories.
Having been torn from the earth in ancient times, Planet Mamango is now re-approaching the earth after a lapse of 5 million years. One night, a private detective named Ban Shunsaku encounters a murder, and meets boy researcher Shikishima Kenichi, who holds the key to solving the case. Shikishima discovers that a stone from the Planet Mamango generates huge amounts of energy. Making a rocket out of the energy stone, Shikishima sets up an exploration team and departs for Planet Mamango. The rocket heads straight for Planet Mamango under the command of Shikishima, along with Captain Butamo Makeru, Ayame and Momiji, who are cabbages created by the captain, a rabbit named Mii, and Ban Shunsaku. In due time, the rocket lands on the Planet Mamango, where the group finds a “The Lost World,” an ancient environment where dinosaurs walk about and ferns and cycads cover the ground.
ルードウィヒ・B - 
Découvrez l'enfance et la destinée prodigieuse de Ludwig Van Beethoven, artiste génial, musicien de talent et élève de Mozart.18e siècle, entre Autriche et Allemagne. La destinée de deux enfants que tout sépare, si ce qu'ils portent le même prénom, Ludwig. Le premier appartient à la noblesse viennoise et subit le courroux de son père, tandis que le second est issu d'une famille allemande plus que modeste mais qui nourrit de grandes ambitions à son égard...
マアちゃんの日記帳, Diary of Ma-Chan, Maachan's Journal, The Diary of Machan
Maa-chan's Diary is the first manga created by Tezuka Osamu. He authored it in 1946, and it ran in Shokokumin Shinbun (Mainichi Elementary Schoolchildren's Newspaper). It follows the life of a little preschooler named Maa-chan, who lives in post-war Japan.
The alien invader Goa plots to conquer the Earth. He first warns the Murakami family (father Atsushi, mother Tomoko, and son Mamoru) of their invasion, and demonstrates his powers by transporting them to a prehistoric jungle and destroying a Giant Dinosaur (in reality, Agon, the title monster of a Godzilla-like TV series) before their very eyes. But they will not agree to surrender to Goa, so hope comes in the form of Magma, an armored, golden giant with long hair and antennae. He and his human-sized wife Mol, both created by the wizard Earth (who sure enough lives deep beneath the Earth), are sent to defend our world against Goa.
マコとルミとチイ, Mako, Rumi and Chi
Stories about Tezuka raising his three children.
漫画生物学, Biology with Tezuka
Tezuka teaches about biology in short installments.
A fantasy story for kids featuring a girl named Melmo, who can change her age as she wishes by eating special candies.Melmo's mother dies in a traffic accident, leaving young Melmo and her younger brother Totoo. Anxious, Melmo's mother in heaven asks God to prepare some magical candies, and hands them to Melmo.There are two kinds: Melmo can grow 10 years older to become any sort of adult she wishes by eating a blue candy. By eating a red one, she can become 10 years younger.Using these miracle candies, Melmo disguises herself as a nurse, schoolteacher, policewoman, and overcomes troubles together with her brother, Totoo.
メトロポリス -  Metoroporisu
In a super-advanced city in the near future where humanoid robot technology is very sophisticated, the boy detective Kenichi is caught up in the conflict as the powerful politician Duke Red, distraught over his child's death, hires a scientist to create a replacement, an exquisitely beautiful sex-changing robot child named Mitchy. Note that this original 1949 manga supplies only part of the plot for the recent Metropolis movie, and does not feature Rock, whose role in the film was adapted from Phoenix, Nextworld and other Tezuka manga.
Midnight is the story of a taxi driver named Shinya Mito (whose name is literally Japanese for "mid" and "night") and his various passengers, each of whom he helps in various ways. Shinya drives a taxi as a way to earn money for the treatment of a young woman named Mari, whose brain was injured sometime earlier as the result of an accident Shinya was responsible for causing. The taxi Shinya drives is equipped with a fifth wheel which makes the car more maneuverable under any kind of road conditions.
Future Man Chaos -  Kaos -  未来人カオス
三つ目がとおる -  L'enfant Aux Trois Yeux -  The Three Eyed One -  The Three Eyed One Has Come -  The Three Eyes One -  Three Eyed One
To learn about his roots, Sharaku must investigate the mysterious ruins that a long lost civilization called the Three-Eyed Ones bequeathed to him. In his worldwide search, which takes both he and Chiyoko Wato to locations like Arizona, Easter Island, and Mexico, Sharaku deciphers ancient scriptures and uses gadgets he invents to help solve (or start) problems and mysteries. Sharaku is frequently bullied for his childishness, and as such the story is also about how he fights back when the x-shaped bandage that covers his third eye is removed. Behind the bandage is hidden Sharaku's malicious third eye, and the boy's hidden evil genius emerges when it can see. Sharaku's rivalries with teachers or students are occasionally developed into major plot points.