
天然彼氏ホスト仕様, 我的纯朴男公关, Tennen Kanojo Host Shiyou
Tennen Kareshi Host ShiyouMari is a high school girl who likes to play a lot. Shopping at Shibuya after school, clubbing at night! Like a queen... But because of her father being fired, she must move from Tokyo to the countryside! To the place where even the birds aren't spawning. How can she find love at this kind of place... But a place that doesn't even have a KTV, unexpectedly has a host club..?! Yet the most coolest guy at the host club is a half farmer and half host!?I Just Love YouPink Pure Love1/2 LoversLong Distance Love, Faraway Love
天然パールピンク, 天然粉红珍珠, Hồng Ngọc, Natural Pearl Pink, Pearl Pink, Tennen Paaru Pinku
We follow the bumpy and funny romance between bubbly Tamoko and the serious Kanji. With Kanji's father running an idol agency, and Tamoko being the daughter of their top-selling idol, Shinju, things get complicated. Tamako must hide the fact she is Shinju's daughter to save public face, and at the same time, she is determined to be Kanji's ideal wife (as was promised when they were little kids). It doesn't help that Tamako's pretty clumsy and poor of domestic chores, but no matter what comes down the road, she's not about to give up!
I was a Sword when I Reincarnated!
Sans qu'il le réalise le héro est transporté dans un autre monde et a été réincarné en une épée planté sur un autel. Le monde dans lequel il se trouve possède un système de jeu; HP, MP, Force, Vitalité, Agilité, Intelligence, Dextérité, Titres et Équipement.Avec son instinct d'épée vivante, il voyage pour trouver celui capable d'être son gardien.
天使時計 エンジェル・クロック, Angel Clock
Mikami Tsubasa has been away from school due to a heart condition. On Christmas Eve he decides it's time to start a new life and runs away from home! But before he can get far his childhood friend, Gin, gets into a serious accident. Tsubasa, in desperation, pleas for someone to help his friend. His call is answered by someone rather unexpected though, someone calling himself an "angel"...
Angel Clock -  Tenshi Tokei -  The Angel Clock -  天使時計 エンジェル・クロック
Mikami Tsubasa has been away from school due to a heart condition. On Christmas Eve he decides it's time to start a new life and runs away from home! But before he can get far his childhood friend, Gin, gets into a serious accident. Tsubasa, in desperation, pleas for someone to help his friend. His call is answered by someone rather unexpected though, someone calling himself an "angel"...
ボイルドヘッド -  Boirudoheddo -  Boiling Head
Tête Bouillante... ou la tentative d'une métaphore scientifique fantastique à pénétrer dans une situation de conflit mentale. Une jeune fille s'occupe des engrenages qui font tourner l'esprit d'un robot...
Sacchi Sarenai Saikyou Shoku Rule Breaker -  察知されない最強職《ルール・ブレイカー》
By some ill fortune, Hikaru died in a traffic accident. He was in heaven standing in line, waiting to be judged, when he took an unexpected request to transfer his soul to a person in another world. He received an ability called Soul Board which he could use to allocate points to Skills to make himself more powerful.But there was a catch…「I want you to kill someone for me within an hour. If you don’t, I’ll destroy your soul.」To pull off the task assigned to him, he poured all his available points to the Stealth skill tree.This is a story of a boy who specialized in Stealth. With his skill trees as weapons, he would demonstrate his unrivaled strength in another world.
縛って愛して -  Shibatte Aishite
Oozora Mugi's boyfriend S&M club manager Inutsuka Satomi likes to tie him up! Mugi's loves him, and has gotten used to the bondage, so when his mother starts talking about wedding and grandchildren, he doesn't know if he can leave Satomi and have a regular life. But Satomi has his own ideas on how to keep Mugi contained...
1) After his drink with Barnaby is canceled, Kotetsu make himself drunk in sorrow and bear. Byson can't take care form him this night so KOH Keith is sweart to resist a drunk-become-man-hore-Kotetsu and his sandahool scence. He don't wanna.2) The song "sandawool" from Lisa Robe make Barnaby unable to stop thinking of Kotetsu and all that he feel. Kotetsu play unaware and both know the destrucction this could become.3) Kotetsu and Barnaby can't stop thinking of the stolen kiss... and the awkardness grow, the friends of both try to help them, but Keith is against all that, Barnaby try to fight, but Kotetsu ... and Barnaby is tired.4) Secrets dreams of Kotetsu about love and lost. Kotetsu can't see Barnaby but then they seriusly talk about all. He keeps running from all that he can't face yet. He run of love into lust. He run for Keith but Barnaby will not give up and he know what to do. And kotetsu learn to let go..
Kotetsu se fait inviter par Barnaby pour aller boire un coup, malheureusement, celui-ci annule quelques minutes après. Kotetsu va donc noyer son chagrin avec Antonio au bar des héros... Étant complètement saoul, et Antonio ne pouvant pas le raccompagner chez lui, il demande de l'aide à Keith Goodman. Antonio le met en garde sur les agissements de Kotetsu, car lorsqu'il est saoul, le vieil homme devient un véritable objet de séduction impossible à résister... Keith va-t-il tomber sous son charme ?
En 2021, Harry Makito, magicien de génie, tenait son dernier spectacle de magie. Mais lors de son tour final "L'échapée" de l'incinération, il se retrouve propulsé dans un autre monde. L'Europe médiévale. En pleine chasse aux sorcières.Apres avoir découvert que celles ci ne sont que de vulgaires humaines, Makito est bien decidé a leur montrer c'est quoi, la vraie magie.
ツギハギな彼女; Patchwork Girl
"Combien de fois encore le cœur de cette fille peut battre ?" Kokokokudou Yuuga, un garçon malade avec 5 jours à vivre, rencontre Kurotani Rimu, une fille malade avec 1 mois à vivre. Ils deviennent des amis rapides en raison de circonstances similaires, mais leur relation peut-elle s'épanouir lorsqu'elle est limitée dans le temps ?
Asahi-kun est un jeune lycéen insouciant, qui ne s'attache jamais à aucune fille, ne faisant que s'amuser avec elle. Mais, quand l'élève numéro 1 de l'école, Mitsuki Konoo, surnommée le "Cyborg" lui demande de sortir avec elle pendant un mois, en échange de billet de concert de son chanteur préféré, il accepte immédiatement. Après tout, il a juste à lui montrer ce que c'est que de sortir avec un garçon non ? Il est tout ce qu'il y a de plus préparé pour ça... cependant, ce qu'il n'était pas préparé... c'est aux réactions de son cœur ....
After reading a popular cell phone novel, Manami becomes obsessed with vampires. When she meets the new substitute teacher for her class who is very similar to the vampires in her novel, she obsesses with her as well. After going on a "date" with Shishido-sensei, she goes home with her but quickly finds that she has bitten off more than she can chew...
ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き, 魔法提琴手, Cây đàn kỳ diệu, Hamelin no Violin Hiki, Hameln, The Violinist of Hamelin, The Violinist of Hameln, Violinist of Hameln
Pandora's Box led a cursed existence. Through the curiosity of a woman, evil was unleashed and very nearly covered the world in darkness. Miraculously, humanity managed to seal Maou Kestra back into the box, but only with immense sacrifices. Even without their lord, the demons are still a formidable force that has only grown stronger with time, locked in the abandoned capital of the North, Hameln. Fifteen years have passed since that fateful battle...Enter Hamel, a travelling minstrel who is so self-centered that he'd sooner cook his guardian crow (and family friend), Oboe, than go hungry for even a minute. Welcome to the world of music and hilarious insanity that is the Violinist of Hameln. Watch as Hamel takes cheap shots at his opponents and bashes pigeons with his giant violin and turns them into dinner.How WILL the world be saved from Maou Kestra (it's a pun for orchestra, if you haven't noticed) with a hero such as this?
ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き ~シェルクンチク~ -  The Violinist of Hameln - Shchelkunchik -  Hameln no Violin Hiki - Shchelkunchik
This is the sequel to Violinist of Hameln. So read that first. This series takes place in a fantasy world with famous composers' music, magic, friendship and dark secrets. Our main character of this story is a young ambitious, energetic boy named Schel. (Scale, as in the musical term) Because of the general of the MagiCorps saved Schel from a Mozoku (Monsters of this world) he has a dream to become the greatest magician ever. So he travels to the capital Sforzando the magic city and enters the MagiCorps School of Magic. There he meets Great, a violin magical music user, who is also the son of the great hero Hamel, who defeated the Demon King Chestra. As Schel tries to become the greatest magician, he also holds some secrets of his own. But how will Schel survive magic school with so many rivals to compete against?
Continued Violinist of Hameln -  Zoku Violinist of Hameln -  続 ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き
In a dreamworld-turned-reality, the 5 Great Hopes from the original Violinist of Hameln series find themselves in the grimdark nightmare world governed by the Fairy King Balalaika. They discover an alternate story of themselves as well as their past memories from the original prequel.
Yuudai, being a son of a family that makes fireworks really wanted to turn eighteen so that he could finally be able to help out in thier family business. His childhood friend Hana, also wanted the same thing to make Yuudai happy. Little did Hana know, that for Yuudai, being with her again is the most happiest thing that could ever happen to him. And she also doesn't know how much he is suffering to after a tragic incident that separated their paths. --from sakurakisses
药师寺凉子之怪奇事件簿, 薬師寺涼子の怪奇事件簿, Ryoko's Case File, The Strange Case Files of Ryōko Yakushiji, Yakushiji Ryoko no Kaiki Jikenbo
The story revolves around Ryouko Yakushiji, a brilliant 27-year-old elite investigator with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Together with her subordinate Junichirou Izumida, the two often investigate bizzare and supernatural cases. In addition with the paranormal, Ryouko also has a longstanding rivalry with Yukiko Muromachi, another talented police investigator.
Figurine otaku Hitsuji Yamashita gets bullied. Tough girl Sakura Sakurai beats the [email protected]#* out of anyone that pisses her off and in ch.1 she ends up beating the hell out of the bullies because they were disturbing her sleep. Anyway when she turns to Hitsuji, she ends up putting him in a leg lock because he forgot to thank her. She stops and then realizes who he was. A black cat passes by and grins and suddenly there's a puff of smoke and in the smoke the goddess of destruction Sakura Sakurai has shrunk to the size of a doll. There is more than enough ecchi that takes advantage of Sakura's new size. And with her having to keep this tragedy from spreading to people's ears, she has to keep it a secret and Hitsuji helps.
Come to where the Bitch Boys are -  Yarichin Bitch Club
Le nouveau Toono s'installe à Tokyo pour être transféré dans une académie entièrement masculine, entourée par les montagnes [Académie privée Mori-Mori]. Notre sympathique personnage Yaguchi est le premier à se lier d'amitié avec lui, mais le manque d'intérêt pour le sport venant de Toono, l'oblige à rejoindre le club de photographie au lieu du club de football avec Yaguchi. Non seulement il s'appelle le club de photographie, mais aussi "The Yarichin Bitch club", dont les membres sont d'excellents senpai. Outre Toono, le club compte également un nouveau membre : Kashima senpai, ils ont tous les deux commencé le même jour, et ils ne semblent pas avoir de problème du tout, même lorsque Toono est confessé dans le club ! Toono pense que Yaguchi est adorable, mais il finit toujours par rougir chaque fois que Kashima est proche. Mais par-dessus tout, il y a des sentiments que l'on retrouve entre les senpai...Moins...
ヤリチン☆ビッチ部 dj - 輪っ! Yarichin Bitch Bu dj - Wah! Yarichin Bitch Bu dj - Wa! Yarichin Bitch Club dj - Wah!
Une histoire parallèle de la série "Yarichin Bitch Club". C'est une histoire sur le passé de Tamura et Yuri.Yuri x Tamura, Tamura x Yuri.
Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club; Yarichin Bitch Bu; ヤリチン☆ビッチ; ヤリチン☆ビッチ部
C'est l'histoire deTakashi Touno qui est transféré dans un nouveau lycée. Tout content, il pense qu'il déménage à Tokyo et qu'il aura ainsi une vie de lycéen épanouie, près des quartiers branchés, avec une petite-amie et tout ce qu'il s'en suit ! Mais à son grand désespoir il se retrouve dans lycée privé pour garçons Mori Mori, au fin fond des montagnes japonaises. Il apprend que les premières années doivent obligatoirement rejoindre un club. N'étant pas sportif et préférant un club plus calme il a choisi le club de photographie. Mais quelle sera sa réaction quand il découvrira que ce club de photographie est loin d'être un club normal ?
[From PresenceDear]: On his first day at a new school, Sakai is given the desk next to Katou. Even though Katou seems a little surly, by the end of the day, the two boys become friends. As time passes, Sakai makes another friend, and then another... But, as Sakai's popularity increases, Katou's behavior becomes more and more strange.
弱虫ペダル -  弱虫脚踏板 -  โอตาคุน่องเหล็ก -  飆速宅男 -  Weakl
Sakamichi Onada est un lycéen et surtout un complet otaku. Rien ne lui échappe en matière de manga, jeux vidéo et autres figurines. Son envahissante passion le pousse même à effectuer en moyenne 90 kilomètres hebdomadaires à vélo !Mais un beau jour, Sakamichi croise dans un maid café un camarade de son lycée nommé Shōkichi Naruko. Celui-ci voit alors en Sakamichi un incroyable potentiel et décide, avec son ami Shunsuke Imaizumi, de le couper de sa solitude et de l’intégrer au club de cyclisme pour concourir.


Orion se réveille sur une île, dans le lit d'un jeune autochtone nommé Tooya. Alors que celui-ci le questionne sur sa venue dans l'île, il réalise qu'il ne se souvient de rien. Il se rappelle juste qu'il était venu chercher quelque chose. En attendant de retrouver la mémoire, il va vivre paisiblement avec le jeune homme, jusqu'au moment où il va se rendre compte que ce qu'il éprouve pour le jeune homme va bien plus loin que la gratitude...
ユウキュウノカナタ, Yukyu no Kanata, Yunatama
Collection of short stories.
The hero suddenly proposed to me -  but...Yuusha-sama ni Ikinari Kyuukonsareta no Desu ga勇者様にいきなり求婚されたのですが我突然被勇者大人求婚了
Une certaine belle princesse a été capturée par un roi démon, et un héros est sorti avec son groupe d'aventuriers pour la sauver. Quand il est revenu avec succès, il a demandé le mariage comme récompense... mais pas avec la princesse, avec sa servante Aria Milford ! Aria a été aussi choquée que n'importe qui d'autre, car elle se considère volontiers comme un personnage mineur dans cette histoire ! Le héros est déterminé à gagner sa main et son cœur, mais que fera-t-elle ?
勇者様にいきなり求婚されたのですが -  我突然被勇者大人求婚了 -  Yuusha-sama ni Ikinari Kyuukon Sareta no Desu ga -  The hero suddenly proposed to me, but . . .