
地上はポケットの中の庭, The Land Is a Garden in Your Pocket
A garden with thistles in full bloom scented like black tea, a garden visited by a beetle who speaks the human tongue, a garden filled with laughter and a freshly baked Mirabelle tart, a garden where walking 47 steps will show you a sea lion's broken pool...
蝶よ花よ (わたなべあじあ) -  Of Butterflies and Flowers
From Blissful Sin: Lately Tamao has been finding the pink nipples of his cute and slutty papa, Kouzuki, irresistible. On his 20th birthday, his papa tells him that they aren't really father and son. Well, of course they DO IT, don't they?
デガウザー -  消磁抹煞
Yaguchi, who got on board the ship as a cargo ship temporary worker to repay debts. But that was the beginning of a spectacular human experiment. Suddenly, the ship shook greatly and the scene in front of it began to distort with a fierce headache. Before the request to move to grasp the situation, a disastrous scene unimaginable has spread .... Astonishing national overturn suspense where the world's largest urban legend "Philadelphia Project" and the modern world are intertwined!
Jaki -  邪鬼
Tanaka Masashi's submission for the 8th Tetsuya Chiba Awards, published by Dark Horse in issues 40 to 44 of Cheval Noir.[b][i]* Note:[/b] Read L to R [b]→[/b]
A l'âge de 6 ans, Rintaro est diagnostiqué avec le Syndrome d'Henisei Tashu Ijou, c'est à dire le Syndrome du pervers. Cette maladie peut le tuer si celui ci se trouve excité sexuellement.Pour le sauver et lui faire vivre une vie saine, son père l’emmène dans les montagnes pour lui apprendre à contrôler son corps et son esprit avec l'Art Martial du Koei Sougetsu pendant 10 ans. Quand il a eu 16 ans, il a décidé d'entré au lycée Nangokuren, reputé pour être la plus grande école de garçon dans le pays mais en réalité, c'est une école composé de 99% de filles.Lors de son premier jour au lycée, Rintaro apprends que la première règle est « Observe la loi de la Nature », ce qui a fait du campus une zone de guerre. Que va faire Rintaro après avoir attiré l'attention des 3 « Dragons », les leaders féminins des trois plus grandes factions?!
休憩中 <3
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
Isekai Futa Elf -  エルフデッキと戦場暮らし
Our unnamed protagonist is an ordinary high school boy who loves Magic Walker - a super-popular card game. In particular, he loves the Elf Deck: a selection of cards that, while seemingly weak, can be incredibly powerful when played right. One day, while on his way to get a new elf card, he gets bullied by his peers. One thing leads to another, and soon he wakes up in another world... in the body of the elf character he was hoping to get his hands on. And wouldn’t you know it, he can summon elf cards from his old world too. From the duo who created [url=]Mazumeshi Elf to Yuboku gurashi[/url], and the author of Dungeon Nursery.
Arrivé à l'université, Naoto revoit son ex-petit ami, Taichi, avec qui il avait rompu et n'avait plus revu depuis. Ces ex-compagnons se retrouvent à devoir partager la même université, les mêmes cours ainsi que les mêmes amis... Mais alors que Naoto avait réussi à tourner la page sur leur relation, il retrouve néanmoins l'ami qu'il avait perdu en Taichi. Mais leurs sentiments d'antan viennent les perturber, et c'est sans oublier Fumi, une amie des deux garçons qui éprouve des sentiments à l'égard de Taichi...
At the new age, technology is able to bring out the online game NEO UNIVERSE (NU) where players game online with their souls. 17 year old Ganda manages to get a copy from his brother who happens to be a Game Master in NU and also gives him the opportunity to become a GM aswell.Entering the game for the first time, however, Ganda knows nothing of the world and while trying to obtain some simple directions, he becomes involved with possible the wrong kinds of people. It seems though, that Ganda has a large potential as a player 
Histoire principale : Fairy Tail.
ファミリー!, Family, Mái Ấm Gia Đình, Oh! Family, Oh! Family!, That Family is this Family!
This story takes place in Florida, USA. The main characters are the lovable members of the Andersons; each one has his or her own different characterstics which conflict and support the others'. By going through many events (meaningful ones as well as weird ones) together, the bond between them grows stronger and tighter.
キスよりも早く, 新娘16岁, 親吻前, 結婚後, Faster than a Kiss, Kiss Yori mo Hayaku, Sooner than a Kiss
After losing their parents, Fumino and her brother hop from one relative to another. Getting tired of all those moves, she finally decides to quit school and work to support her brother on her own. As they sat on a park bench, her teacher appears in front of her and agrees to her demands of marrying and supporting both her and her brother!! Is he serious or just playing around...?!--Also contains the oneshot called Tsukio to Himawari in vol. 1.
Published in Cannabis Works (2003)
Le manga Fire Emblem Gaiden est l'adaptation manga d'un jeu du même titre. Elle a lieu après qu'Alm quitte le village et rencontre Cellica au château.
ファンファンファクトリー -  ファンファン工房 -  funfun工房 -  Funfun Factory -  funfun工房 -  Quỳnh Hương- Tháng ngày yêu dấu
From The Wafflehouse: Chiya brought Michiru to a very interesting cafe on her birthday. Upon eating the customized dessert, she was possessed by a prank-loving witch who intended to bring unfortunates to the ten "Hoshi no Juusha"--the other ten boys who had also ordered from that day's special menu?! Join Watanabe on this fun, magical and Panic adventures!
ファンファン工房, Fun Fun Factory, Funfun Factory, funfun工房
Chiya bought Michiru to a very interesting cafe on her birthday. Upon eating the customized dessert, she was possessed by a prank-loving witch who intended to bring misfortune to the other ten boys who had also ordered from that day's special menu?! Join Watanabe in this fun, magical adventure!
学校の死神さん -  Death Of A Highschool -  Death Of A School
Quel genre de mort désirez-vous ? La rencontre entre un garçon qui veut mourir et un dieu de la mort...
銀の勇者, 银色勇者, Silver Hero, The Silver Hero
Beat has always dreamed of being the Golden Hero of Totia. He made a pact with his best friend Ricercare (Rice for short) to join forces to annihilate the demon king in order to achieve this aim. Yet a twist of fate causes him to abandon his goals and fight alongside Rice to protect the demons. Just how will they fare against the entire nation of Totia? And can Beat protect Rice from the hero of Totia before it's too late? Cute and heart-warming, this amusing five-volume series also includes interesting side stories rich with magic and beautiful art. 
銀河英雄伝説: ヤングジャンプコミックス -  Legend of the Galactic Heroes (New adaptation) -  LoGH (New adaptation)
This is a story of a boy who challenges free diving."Free diving (skin diving)" may remind you of the film "Le Grand Bleu." It is an extreme sport, and each meter added to its record brings us closer to the sea bed and further from the surface where one can breathe again. In this sense, free diving has a direct connection with death, with which our fight continues, refashioned over time, bit by bit.So, why would one free dive, and risk his life? The answer lies within the mysterious bond between the sea and human kind.And in the fast evolving world of competitive diving, new data emerges that casts light on this bond.
Side Dish Which Matches Rice Well
Des recettes pour vous réchauffer le cœur, toutes en couleurs. Se marie bien avec du riz.
ゴン, ゴン–GON–, Dino
Long before the dawn of man, savage dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Now, only one remains — the smallest, wildest of them all! GON marches across the wilderness defending the friendly and furry from the mean and hungry. Told entirely without words, these stories highlight the amazingly detailed art and visual storytelling genius of creator Masashi Tanaka.

Gon Selection

4 chapitres choisis, et un nouveau chapitre ("Une naissance très, très chanceuse").Gon vit avec les pingouinsGon va à la chasse aux champignonsGon fait des voyages dans le désertGon et sa bandeA Very, Very Lucky Birth
ご指名!ホスト教師J -  ご指名ホスト教師J -  男公关教师J -  Go Shimei! Host Kyoushi J -  Go Shimei! Hosuto Kyoushi J -  Go-Shimei Host Kyoushi J
J, a nightclub host in Kabukichou, Shinjuku Tokyo, has risen to the top in a mere 5 years, and is said to be legendary. J’s next challenge is to enter a prestigious school… as a teacher! With high hopes and ambitions, he begins his teaching life. However, his new class seems a bit… odd. Will J be able to teach these children how to love and dream?
Jikan kara no Kage -  Toki wo Koeru Kage -  時を超えるの影 -  時間からの影 -  超越时空之影 -  超越時空之影
Manga adaption of H. P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Out of Time"
はじめちゃんが一番! -  Born To Be Idol -  Hajime is No.1 -  Hajime là số 1 -  Hajime-chan ga Ichiban -  Hajime-chan is No.1!
ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き ~シェルクンチク~, The Violinist of Hameln - Shchelkunchik, Violinist of Hameln - Shchelkunchik
This series takes place in a fantasy world with famous composers' music, magic, friendship and dark secrets. Our main character of this story is a young ambitious, energetic boy named Schel. (Scale, as in the musical term) Because of the general of the MagiCorps saved Schel from a Mozoku (Monsters of this world) he has a dream to become the greatest magician ever. So he travels to the capital Sforzando the magic city and enters the MagiCorps School of Magic. There he meets Great, a violin magical music user, who is also the son of the great hero Hamel, who defeated the Demon King Chestra. As Schel tries to become the greatest magician, he also holds some secrets of his own. But how will Schel survive magic school with so many rivals to compete against?
Dans la fourgonnette qui les mène à la prison, un yakuza fait la connaissance d'un jeune arnaqueur au visage d'ange. Soudain, la fourgonnette est prise dans un accident, et ils en profitent pour s'enfuir. Pour échapper à la police, ils se réfugient dans un collège en pleine montagne.Bientôt repérés par le directeur, ils se voient déjà derrière les barreaux... Mais à la surprise générale, le directeur propose au jeune escroc de devenir professeur dans son collège !Tout en cachant sa véritable identité, il devra donner des "Hammer Sessions", sorte de cours "chocs", afin de remettre les élèves dans le droit chemin. Ce prof hors norme va-t-il réussir à ramener l'ordre dans ce collège où les élèves ne croient plus en rien ? !
華の姫, 華の姫 茶々ものがたり, Princess of the Flower
Chacha, a girl who rushes through life during the Warring States era, is a daughter of a military commander. Even though the men who rule over the country decide her fate, she will never lose her pride, no matter the situation. When her beloved family is taken away from her, and her feelings for her loved-one is trampled, she starts her battle in order to fulfill her only wish!
花と落雷; 花与落雷; Flower and Thunderbolt
Futamura Umiho a rencontré yachiyo qui est une jeune fille avec une forte personnalité ayant crée le club des promesses qui tente d'aider toutes les personnes de son lycée. Au fil du temps Umiho et Yachiyo deviennent amies, et Umiho décide de rejoindre Yachiyo dans son club, ce qui permet aux jeunes filles de faire de belles rencontres.