
Il Poema del Vento e degli Alberi (Italian) -  La Balada del Viento y los Árboles -  Poem of Wind and Trees -  The Poem of the Wind and the Trees -  The Song of the Wind and the Trees -  The Song of the Wind in the Trees -  風と木の詩
L'histoire se déroule en France fin du XIXè siècle. Serge Battour, 14 ans, fils d'un aristocrate et d'une gitane, rejoint l'académie Lacombrade en cours d'année, mais la seule chambre restante est celle de Gilbert Cocteau, un jeune garçon de 14 ans aux mœurs étranges... En plus de sécher les cours, Gilbert a l'habitude de coucher avec n'importe quel élève (ou professeur) plus âgé que lui.La cohabitation sera conflictuelle et difficile pour Serge, qui est un garçon noble et généreux, contrairement à Gilbert qui n'a pas un caractère facile ! Mais Serge voit bien les problèmes de Gilbert, et ne peut le laisser sans rien faire. Il tentera par tous les moyens d'aider ce dernier et de devenir son ami, à ses risques et périls...
夏への扉 -  Natsu e no Tobira (The Doorway to Summer) -  The Door to Summer
Marion is a young schoolboy who prides himself on his adherence to a philosophy he calls "realism". Because of his distain for emotional display, he ignores anything remotely akin to affection. But when Marion is entangled in a romantic affair with an older courtesan, his rationalism is revealed to be little more than a cover for his own emotional immaturity. Learning to love, Marion blossoms under his older lover's care but unfortunately, Marion has yet to learn the true price of the affair. Classic 1976 shoujo by the author of "Kaze to Ki no Uta" and one of the first shoujo titles to include shounen ai elements.
A collection of oneshots.
ファラオの墓, Grave of the Pharaoh, Pharaohs Tomb, The Pharaoh's Tomb, The Pyramid of Pharaoh, The Tomb of Pharaoh
Egypt, a four thousand year old civilization, has now collapse and entered into a war-torn era.There will be a period of power and angry waves. The small country, Esteria, was invaded and destroyed by their neighbouring country, Urjna, and its pharaoh, Sneferu. Prince Sariokis vows to get revenge on Sneferu, and avenge Esteria.Takemiya Keiko's historical fantasy from 1974 set in the ancient Egypt. This is the work that allowed Takemiya to publish Kaze to Ki no Uta with it's success, that was refused by several publishers before.
天馬の血族, 天馬的血族, Crystal Lord Opera, The Clan of the Heavenly Horse, The Pegasus Bloodline, The Strain of the Pegasus
Altojin, a strong-willed warrior with a mysterious tattoo, was raised on the grassland plains of the country of Chigul in the time of Ghengis Khan. One day, while out hunting with the Imperial Prince Olsbolt, she saves his life from a would-be assassin. Olsbolt, suspecting that the assassin was sent by Biruge Han, his father and the reigning sovereign of Chigul, kills his father and thereby takes back his former lover who had become his father's wife. That night, Olsbolt goes to Altojin's home to hide, but while they were away for a moment, her entire family is slaughtered! What will become of the young warrior Altojin and the bold prince Olsbolt? And what mystery lies in Altojin's tattoo? Is it somehow connected to her family's assassination?
Tera e -  To Terra -  Toward the Terra -  Достичь Терры (Russian) -  地球へ・・・
Dans le futur, les ordinateurs contrôlent des aspects de la vie humaine, même les naissances. Personne ne met en doute le nouvel ordre social de la Domination Supérieur à l’exception des Mu, une race mutante humanoïde ayant des pouvoirs télépathiques qui sont forcés à l’exil par le système.Sur une colonie éloignée dont les habitants croient être sur la Terre, vit un jeune garçon du nom de Jomy Marquis Shin. Un jour sa vie se trouve chamboulée quand dans un rêve un Mu lui demande de devenir leur nouveau leader. Ses pouvoirs télépathiques émergent alors et il découvre avec stupeur sa nouvelle nature, arrivera-t-il à mener le peuple Mu sur Terre ?