Shinesman is a comedy series that parodies shows like Power Rangers or Ronin Warriors. There were only ever two episodes released, with notably hilarious dubbing for a show. The manga series has 9 volumes and is drawn by Kaimu Tachibana, who often draws BL, so you can expect there to be innuendo or jokes about the male characters being too close.The main story in Shinesman is that Matsumoto has joined the Right Trading Company, and somehow was picked to become the newest member of a group of superheroes called "Shinesman" (which would sound like "Businessmen" in English). They fight evil aliens who are trying to take over the business world. It's light-hearted and undeniably cute.
Mundane problems happen every now and then. While not life-changing, they certainly can get someone in a pretty pickle! Luckily Nanige-san shows up around those close to her and helps out.
Daisuke took a step. He was asked to join the Tokko (aka Kamikaze) and he accepted, offering his life to his country. Set during the very end of World War 2, this story begins when Daisuke decides to die and tells the reader why he decided to make such an extreme decision. Was it for his country, was it for peace, or was it because everyone else made the same choice? What's in a man's mind when he knows he's going to die? Even in this rather tragic scenario, there is still hope -- perhaps in a picture of your mother, or in a girl, or maybe in the future...
Pochi always helps Takatsuki Kaori whenever she is in trouble. Actually Pochi's real name is Inui Haruka, the third son of if Inui family who have served Takatsuki's family as a loyal guard since a long time ago. It is a story about a master and her "dog".