
Nakanishi, delinquent just out of reform school, tries in vain to get free of his past. His new job does not satisfy him and he has to suffer the provocations of his boss. One day, an acquaintance from the net introduces him to a game to help him relieve him of his stress: Duds Hunt. One rule: no holds barred... Also contains Awakened Dreams, a colored short story.
What do two Japanese detectives, a naked man on a city street, and a roundworm from Botswana all have in common? In the first volume of Manhole, Ken Mizoguchi and Nao Inoue investigate a string of bloody and mysterious murders, but their work uncovers a deadly biological agent which poses a threat of epidemic proportions. An unlikely lead starts them in the pursuit of a mysterious self-titled photographer, but meanwhile the infections keep spreading. The series may be best described as the thrilling combination of a detective story with biological horror.


Yokokuhan -  予告犯 - 
La section de lutte contre la cybercriminalité de Tokyo est sur les dents. Un individu coiffé d'un masque en papier journal poste sur Internet des vidéos menaçantes où il prédit les pires crimes : incendies, agressions, viols... Le problème ? Dès le lendemain, ses prophéties se réalisent à la une des journaux télévisés.Qui est-il, comment procède-t-il, quelles sont ses motivations ? C'est le début d'une course contre la montre qui mène les inspecteurs jusqu'au siège vide d'un cybercafé de la banlieue de Tokyo. Mais tandis que l'enquête piétine, contre toute attente, le soutien populaire grandit autour du mystérieux personnage. Marginaux, employés tyrannisés par leur hiérarchie, internautes qui hantent les forums de discussion : ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à se retrouver dans son combat...
An online game is causing players to commit suicide. One hacker rises to solve the mystery.
予告犯, 预告犯, Prophecy (French Edition)
The anti-cybercrime section of Tokyo is on the edge. A man wearing a newspaper mask posts videos online predicting the worst crimes: rapes, assaults, fires...The twist? The day after, his prophecies have been completed on the front of the TV news. Who is he? How does he proceed? What are his motivations, his ambitions?It's the start of a race against time which leads the inspectors to an empty seat in a cybercafe in the outskirts of Tokyo... But while the investigation is blocked, the popular support grows around this mysterious figure. Dropouts, employees tyrannized by their hierarchy, web users accustomed to chat and forums discussions: more and more are finding themselves included in his fight!