
Amano fell in love for the first time while comforting her first love in a dark garden bathed in moonlight. She was a little girl and he was an older boy back then. She never saw him again after that fateful night. But after twelve years had passed, she sees him again in the same moonlight-bathed garden and he hasn’t changed one bit!

Amai kamiato

L'existence d'un vampire peut être ennuyante, mais pour Ren, elle ne le sera sûrement plus... En effet, un soir, une petite fille débarque brusquement chez lui et déclare être sa fille ! La solitude de Ren pourrait donc aussi prendre fin grâce à la petite Maia, qui n'est pas prête à le laisser partir ni à se faire jeter dehors !
バースデイプレゼンツ, バースデイ・プレゼンツ, Past Day Present
Kotoko finds a strange wounded boy, collapsed on the ground. She saves him and asks in return that he spend her birthday with her. She lives alone because her father had passed away... How can she still smile? And what is so unnatural in this boy she saved? It appears he can see more than human beings... What will happen to him? Will he be saved? And will he agree to spend the day with her or stay a stray and be lonely as he's been from the day he was born...?
花盗人, The Flower Thief
Arima is a Flower Thief, or a marriage swindler; a person who’s goal is to make rich and lonely women fall in love with him so he can use them for their money. Even with his extraordinary good looks, he always seems to end up getting dumped because of his naive and clumsy personality. But one day he encounters a girl who is immune to his charms…
Lorsqu’elle était enfant, Umi avait une santé très fragile et tombait malade régulièrement. Elle avait même contracté une maladie l’ayant presque mené à la mort. Elle avait alors survécu à une grosse fièvre qui avait disparu du jour au lendemain, comme par magie, en laissant sur son front une marque bleue en forme d’étoile. Aujourd’hui, Umi a 16 ans et comme toutes les jeunes filles de son âge, elle souhaite rencontrer l’amour et avoir un petit ami…
暗くなるまで待って, 等待黑暗降临, Wait Until It Gets Dark, Wait until It's Dark
Ushio just transferred from a prestigious high school. While running an errand after school, she collides with Mitsunashi, who's known as a studious robot, and breaks his glasses. Afterward, Mitsunashi invites Ushio to join the Astronomy Club. Will love blossom under the stars?
目隠しの国 ; 当现在遇到未来
Kanade Outsuka possède l'étrange pouvoir de voir l'avenir des personnes qu'elle touche. Elle va finir par rencontrer Arou Naitou, qui lui a la capacité de voir le passé d'un individu. De plus, Mashiro Namiki, un autre garçon qui a exactement le même pouvoir que Kanade, va rejoindre le duo par la suite. Ces trois jeunes gens vont devoir affronter la tristesse de la dure réalité, chacun avec leurs caractères différents. Mais peut-on changer le cours des choses sans conséquences ?
Penguin Revolution -  ペンギン革命
Fujimaru Yukari, en première année de lycée, possède le don de voir l'aura des stars potentiels sous formes d'ailes d'oiseaux. Un jour, elle en voit dans le dos de Katsuragi Ryoko, la vice présidente du conseil des élèves. Elle découvre tout à fait par hasard que Ryoko est un garçon, un jeune talent du monde du spectacle de la compagnie PAON. Pourquoi alors se travesti-t-il?
审判之门, 裁きの門, The Gates of Judgement
Lance is a devil punished to guard the gates of Heaven and Hell and to lie to souls to get them into Hell. He can never tell the truth because to do so would mean he will disappear. He has to send one more soul to Hell before he can finally be free from his punishment. For a devil, lying is easy, right? But what happens when the soul of the person he cherishes walks up to the Gates for judgement?
白の契約, 白色契約, Shiro’s Contract
Shiro is a white crow. Because of his unusual color, he’s often bullied by the other black crows. One day, he’s hurt badly because the others ganged up on him, and he was saved by a girl. Moved by the girl’s gentle heart, Shiro asked a devil to let him turn into a human. However, there’s one condition: Shiro will have to do at least one bad deed a day, otherwise, his body will crumble. Can Shiro really fulfill this contract?
その手はあたたかい, Sono Te ha Atatakai, That Hand Is Warm
Todo is a very skilled locksmith. One day, after a job, a car almost hits him. In the car is a box… and in that box is a young girl?!
Hananusubito -  花盗人
Arima is a Flower Thief, or a marriage swindler; a person who’s goal is to make rich and lonely women fall in love with him so he can use them for their money. Even with his extraordinary good looks, he always seems to end up getting dumped because of his naive and clumsy personality. But one day he encounters a girl who is immune to his charms…
Inuyama-kun Beside Me -  Inuyama-kun Beside Me -  となりの犬山くん
Enfant, Kokoro fût impliquée dans un accident dont elle ne s'en est sortie que grâce à l'intervention " de son héros ". La seule chose dont elle se souvient est son dos.Le jour où Inuyama Kei est transféré dans son lycée, Kokoro est désignée pour s'occuper de lui.
暗くなるまで待って -  等待黑暗降临
Ushio just transferred from a prestigious high school. While running an errand after school, she collides with Mitsunashi, who's known as a studious robot, and breaks his glasses. Afterward, Mitsunashi invites Ushio to join the Astronomy Club. Will love blossom under the stars?
One day when 17-year-old Sagara Kurumi accidently bumps into a guy on the streets, reins suddenly appear and binds them both! What is this?! Things get even more confusing when the boy, Kaito, clasps her hands and calls her his master! When Kaito transforms into a reindeer it just becomes too much for poor Kurumi who's out like a light. But it does indeed seem like Kurumi's a Santa and Kaito's her reindeer and that they've got an important job to do on Christmas Eve~The first three chapters in the first volume are about this cute "couple" and the last one is a oneshot called Amai Kamiato.