
First Love, Heartbeats, the Bible of Love -  はつ恋、ときめき うすいほん -  初恋,心跳,小薄本
Hime is a cute and petite high school girl,she has feelings towards Itoha, a playful girl who is also cute, pretty, and whose charm can dazzle the eyes.When Hime made up her mind and confessed her feelings to Itoha, she didn't think that Itoha also felt the same towards her. That's how the love story (with an Ero-Manga twist) began.Indonesian: [spoiler]Hime adalah gadis SMA yang manis imut nan mungil,dia sangat berprasangka gay pada Itoha, gadis sepermainannya yang juga manis imut nan cantik jelita yang pesonanya dapat menyilaukan mata,suatu ketika Hime membulatkan niat dan tekadnya untuk menyatakan perasaan gay nya pada Itoha,namun siapa sangka Itoha juga merasa gay pada Hime,Itoha pun menerima Hime dengan suka cita,dan di hari itu pula, kisah gay dua sejoli itu pun dimulai.
ペンギン娘, 企鵝美眉, Pengin Musume, Penguin Girl
Follow the adventures of Nankyoku Sakura, who seems to be obsessed with anime and manga. She started her first day at school wearing a school swimsuit, cat ears, and a maid tiara and called it her “pajamas.” She’s also insanely rich, apparently.
ペンギン娘MAX, 企鹅美眉MAX, Pengin Musume Max, Penguin Girl Max
Continuation of the adventures of Nankyoku Sakura, who is also known as penguin by her friends. She is obsessed with anime and manga, for example she goes to school wearing a school swimsuit, cat ears, and a maid tiara and calls it her “casual clothes”! She’s also insanely rich.