Japan, Year 2X65, Tokyo. As the population continues drop due to a mysterious disease, through a certain incident, the fates of two young men, the orphan Noel, and Rikka, the heir of a distinguished Mafia family, will cross... A thriller, depicting the tale of their Bond of Blood...
Luca Athrason has been sentenced in 500 years of imprisonment – such is the price to pay for his sins. The only way for him to shorten his sentence is to accomplish his missions as the Church’s vanguard or as some might call it... The Church's Dog!
A timid boy named Zao Ci was accepted by the Demon Mateliya as her "number 2". He was always called an idiot by Mateliya. He is so weak that he cannot even pull the trigger of his gun. But what no one knew was that he had a special power within him which only Mateliya can control. Thus begins the adventure of the contract of the boy and his master to save others.
Touko Hanamori is the young successor to the Hanamori family's line of priestesses. What she longs for, however, is to have a normal life--to have a boyfriend, go on dates, and live like a normal girl would. A new job introduces her to a handsome young man, but will this be the start of a blooming romance...or is there something she doesn't yet realize?