
Rara, a girl from the demon world, came to earth with only one goal in mind: To wreak havoc, as much as possible. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? It doesn’t sound as easy as it seems when Rara starts to develop feeling for a certain someone that she shouldn’t have.
H3 High, H3 School!, H3スクール!, H3学园, Happy Hustle High
What happens when an all-girls' high school reigning tomboy finds out her school is about to be filled with boys!?Hanabi Oozora is a rambunctious sixteen-year-old tomboy who comes to the rescue of her less assertive friends--sometimes in exchange for food. So what does she do when, all of a sudden, her all-girls' school is about to be integrated with an all-boys' school?!She meets and falls in love--naturally--with one of the three most popular and handsome boys in the Student Council, Yasuaki Garaku! Unfortunately, Yasuaki doesn't care for girls... and when the girls' Student Council clashes head-on with the boys' Student Council, Hanabi steps in to become a member - hoping she'll change Yasuaki's mind!
H3 High -  H3スクール! -  H3学园 -  Happy Hustle High
What happens when an all-girls' high school reigning tomboy finds out her school is about to be filled with boys!? Hanabi Oozora is a rambunctious 16-year-old tomboy who comes to the rescue of her less assertive friends--sometimes in exchange for food. So what does she do when, all of a sudden, her all-girls' school is about to be integrated with an all-boys' school?! She meets and falls in love--naturally--with one of the three most popular and handsome boys in the Student Council, Yasuaki Garaku! Unfortunately, Yasuaki doesn't care for girls...and when the girls' Student Council clashes head-on with the boys' Student Council, Hanabi steps in to become a member - hoping she'll change Yasuaki's mind!
裸足のあいつ, 裸足のアイツ, 裸足天使, Bare Feet, The Barefooted Guy
This is the story of Hamada Akari, a sixteen-year-old girl whose father has problems with money. To pay off one of his debts, her dad sends her as a servant to the Otomo family. She is forced to live with them and attend a private school where only the richest and snobbiest kids enroll. The son of the Otomo family fights constantly with her and the tension between the two never seems to disappear.
Asami, who hates dishonesty, often causes troubles in the company where she is working. This time, she gets a client s director angry, and she receives a letter of transfer for the fourth time. She is appointed to a post in the department of technological development where the elite and honest staff are working. Kayato is her boss and hard trainer. She dislikes him, and wants to go back to the post as a receptionist.


Сърце -  ハート -  القلب -  心臓 -  甜心玫瑰 -  Corazón -  Hjärta -  Kαρδιά -  Kokoro -  Puso
On peut être simplette, voire être une gamine complètement ignorante des choses de la vie et tomber amoureuse d'un ex chef de gang réputé pour sa violence.Ainsi commence le premier amour de Yume, si pure et innocente qu'il faut constammen que sa meilleure amie, Roco, veille sur elle. Enfin... Il faut dire qu'elle est très déterminée.Afin de gagner les faveurs de Shôbu, un ex chef de gang, elle va aller jusqu'à lui lancer un défi à lui et son talent pour la moto contre elle et sa bicyclette tout terrain.bien que cela semble mal barré pour elle,sa détermination réussira peut-être à toucher le coeur de Shôbu, mais entre une gamine et un beau gosse ténébreux, l'amour est-il possible ? Sans parler des antécédents de Shôbu...
Kitchen Pallet
Komugi, une jeune femme riche, qui aime les mets délicieux, a décidé de devenir chef au restaurant italien L'Aurora. Elle a été embauchée à la condition qu'elle vive en subvenant à ses besoins et avec un faible salaire. Mais qu'adviendra-t-il d'elle, quand chaque jour elle sera tourmentée par l'habileté mais aiguisé chef Tetsuri, la pauvreté et, plus que tout, la faim de MangaHelpers : Yonekura Komugi est une jeune femme d'une famille riche, qui pense que l'un des plus beaux moments de la vie est quand on mange un plat vraiment savoureux. Elle rêve de devenir chef cuisinière au restaurant italien L'Aurora, un endroit qui avait une signification particulière pour sa grand-mère. Malheureusement, elle se sabote en faisant une première impression terrible sur le chef piquant de L'Aurora, Tetsuri. Joignez-vous à Komugi alors qu'elle se joint à l'équipe de L'Aurora et qu'elle s'efforce de devenir une chef cuisinière qui peut partager la joie de savourer de délicieux mets avec les autres !
ナンでもありさ -  Anything Goes -  Can Be Anything -  Will Be Anything
Arisa is a former "yankee" (delinquent) who changes her ways to gain the attention of Ren, a studious boy. Her efforts finally pay off when Ren asks her out. She's supposed to be really happy now that she has a boyfriend, but for some reason she can't stop thinking about Issei, her next-door neighbor. What happens when Issei forces Arisa to be the lead vocalist for his band? Arisa has to decide: who does she really belong with?
Hibari Telepathy, Punch! Fighting Love Champ
Her mother was a wrestling champion, her father a lightweight world boxing champion, her grandfather the first Japanese to become the world champion of Muay Thai kick boxing--but high school girl Elle doesn't want to fight! She just wants a normal life, but is it possible with such a violent family history?*Also contains two other oneshots in volume 3:• Nandemo Ari sa (Anything Goes)• Hibari Telepathy: Hibari Kataoka is a tomboyish girl in love with the hottest MVP basketball player Sora Migumo but they don't seems to get along well.
Pure Love Tripper -  Ren'ai Tripper -  恋愛☆トリッパー
Niina, jeune lycéene de 16 ans est propulsée dans le passé, et atterri à l’époque des Hakkuden (les 8 guerriers chiens).C’est là qu’elle rencontre le jeune maître du clan Satomi, takemasa.Selon lui, Niina est la réincarnation du dernier Hakkenshi, et doit l’aider avec son pouvoir, à vaincre un ennemi dangereux et puissant, Tamazusa.... Cependant, Takemasa est obscène et brutal ;Je ne veux pas coopérer avec lui !!Laissez-moi retourner dans mon époque !
Wild Angel -  WILD☆ACT
Yuniko Sakuraba isn't your ordinary 15 year old girl. She is a die hard fan of the late actor Akira Nanae and she became a thief in an effort to recover and collect Akira's stolen memorabilias. She then encounters, the 17 year old actor Ryu Eba who has been labeled as the 'New Nanae'. She tries to steal his award which formerly belonged to Akira but is discovered. On the other hand, Ryu seems taken by the unique girl and offers to give her the award if she can steal it again. On the other hand, mystery surrounds Yuniko's past as she finds out that her mother, a former actress and who she hasn't seen because of her mother's illness has actually an amnesia and Akira's death has something to do with it! The story follows fun and hilarious adventures Yuniko and Ryu make as they steal Akira's other memorabilias in an effort to jog the memory of Yuniko's mother. Romance develops, secrets are uncovered and mayhem ensues. They will find that being famous isn't easy, jealousy is a trouble maker and staying in love and together takes effort.

Wild Act !

Wild Angel
Yuniko Sakuraba pourrait être une jeune adolescente ordinaire de 15 ans, à l'exception de son obsession pour un jeune acteur décédé il y 16 ans à l'âge de 25 ans, le célèbre acteur Akira Nanae. A la mort de celui-ci, tous ses biens ayant été volés par des fans, elle est devenue voleuse afin de récupérer tout ce qui appartenait à Akira. Au cours d'une de ses tentatives, elle fait la connaissance d'un acteur en vogue Ryu Eba, réputé pour être le " nouveau" Akira. En tentant de voler l'Oscar qui appartenait au défunt Akira, elle est prise sur le fait. C'est alors que Ryu, plutôt que de la dénoncer, passe un marché avec elle. Si elle parvient à lui dérober la précieuse statuette en or une nouvelle fois, celle-ci lui appartiendra. Yuniko accepte, car pour elle, il est primordial qu'elle récupère tous les objets ayants appartenus à Akira, afin d'aider sa mère, une ancienne actrice, internée dans un hôpital pour amnésie à retrouver la mémoire et à découvrir pourquoi la mort de Akira semble avoir provoqué cette amnésie chez celle-ci..