
あかないとびら, 打不开的门扉, The Door to the Closed Mind
A book of oneshots (some are two chapters).1-2) The Door to the Closed Mind Back in college Usui ignored Masuoka, the cute kouhai who had the not-so-secret crush on him, but now he's hired him as his assistant. Dealing with the shy Masouka isn't too hard, however the pheromones he emits have the perverts crawling out of the woodwork! Is Usui immune, or just biding his time?3) The Ugly Duckling and the PrinceIn high school reserved Tayama paled in comparison to princely Tachibana, even the girl Tayama liked did nothing but talk about him. Now that they're in the same college Tachibana has latched onto Tayama as his new best friend. Fighting off the Prince's fan girls is proving to be troublesome, but more worrying are Tayama's own feelings... 
Fate/Prototype 蒼銀のフラグメンツ -  Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver -  Fate/Prototype: Sougin no Fragments
From Dangerous Pleasure: After being forced to quit his job and getting dumped by his girlfriend in the same day, Sawazu went out drinking with his four university friends to vent his depression. The day just after he announced, "I shall become gay," he woke up to find himself naked and lying beside his good friend Udaka. And after telling the stunned Sawazu, "I've always liked you," and "I won't see you anymore," Udaka left... Hand Which is a set of stories portraying friendship and love between men. Besides its stunning debut, it also includes extra one-shots that are popular amongst fans.
ほんとの嘘; True Lies
Miyazawa 50 ans, a commencé une relation avec un partenaire plus jeune...
君とデート; A Date with You; Kimi to Deito
Tsuge Kazuma est, sans aucun doute, en train de passer le plus pire moment de sa vie. Mais sa rencontre avec le timide Nagano le pousse a se reposer sur sa gentillesse.

Merry Checker

メリーチェッカ; 欢乐检查员; 歡樂檢查員; Marry Checker
Cette histoire est une suite à Sangen Tonari no Tooi Hito, avec pour personnage principal : Shiomi, le sempai de Mitsuya ! Shiomi est modérateur d'un site d'écrits où de nombreux blogueurs et blogueuses viennent partager leurs récits. Shiomi se rend à une soirée organisées entre blogueurs, et ils sont sur le point de rencontrer l'une des plus célèbre du site : Miya-tan !
Adult's manner -  大人のマナー
Minami traîne tous les jours devant la librairie et son air de mauvais garçon effraie les autres clients.Le gérant décide une fois pour toute de lui régler son compte, mais lui propose après coup de venir travailler à la librairie.Minami accepte et petit à petit des sentiments envers le responsable apparaissent...Mais que peut-il trouvé de si bien chez un homme aussi violent que lui ?!
3 ken Tonari no Tooi Hito -  3軒隣の遠い人 -  The Guy Three Doors Down
What if you were to meet your childhood friend again after ten years of separation? This was exactly the case for Mitsuya, a recently transferred company executive who found out that the person living three doors down from his new apartment was none other than Noboru, his older brother's best friend... and his first love. As a young and brash middle schooler, Mitsuya had forcefully kissed Noboru and drove him away. Deeply regretting his action, he kept a tight lid on his feelings. But now, being with Noboru again is bringing all those heated memories back, as if they were never gone to begin with. "Merry Checker" is adapted from this manga.
Coup de foudre entre un jeune homme peu sûr de lui et un homme détestant ses cheveux.
Tsujimura-san is a Secret -  辻村さんは秘密
Tous les hommes du bureau savent que le nouvel employé, Tsujimura, est gay. Cependant, ils le gardent secret des femmes. Et ce n'est pas seulement parce qu'ils sont soulagés de savoir qu'ils n'y a pas de compétitions possibles entre Tsujimura et eux.
Wild and Strawberry -  ワイルドとストロベリー
Il faut tout le courage de Yuusuke pour approcher Mukogawa, un camarade de classe super cool et impétueux. Mais avec un "Ok" décontracté, Mukogawa est d'accord, et soudain Yuusuke est entraîné au rythme de Mukogawa.
Iizuka's gay, and unfortunately for him it's an open secret among his co-workers, who all but whisper about it the second he turns his back. Even worse, he begins falling for his new boss, Takase--at least until they go out drinking one night and Iizuka wakes up the next morning with no memory of what happened.Chapters 3-4 are about a man (the one lizuka almost slept with in chapter 1) who is on a search for love and then he bumps into a little girl and takes her back home to her father who might just be his destiny.