
えむえむっ!, Emu Emu!, MM一族, MM!
Because of a certain incident, Sado Tarou seems to have a problem with his body. This boy is a hands on open Masochist (Meaning that he derives pleasure from extreme amouts of pain.) So to cure his body, so that he could confess to his love "Shihori Hime", he went to the Voluntary Club which he heard would fulfill students wishes.There he comes into contact Isurugi Mio,The girl with beauty and a "MASSIVE" Superiority complex(She thinks she's a god.) as well as Yuuno Arashiko, The very reason why he has this "disease" in the first place. 
縁は奇なモノ美味なモノ; EN ha KI na mono AJI namono; Exotic and Delicious Fate; Fate is a Strange yet Tasty Thing; The Allure of Fate is a Tasty Thing
Miyagi est le chef d'un vieux et proéminent restaurant japonais. Un jour, le restaurant voisin envoya à l'improviste un apprenti chef nommé kasuga pour une formation . Après leur première rencontre, kasuga tomba instantanément fou amoureux de Miyagi et entreprit de le poursuivre inexorablement. Comme Miyagi fait constamment l'objet d'assauts, il constate que ses défenses commencent doucement à faiblir...Est-ce que le têtu Kasuga parviendra à la faire craquer-?
Story 01: Eye Level - I'm short. I'm shy. I look like a child. My name is Toshie and I hate my tall classmate, Sakaue. I've got a complex over my height--why does he act like it's nothing for me to worry about?? Story 02: Capture a Bitter Love - Nagaoka Temari is secretly in love with Yatabe-kun. Even when he speaks to her, she gets so nervous that she can't tell him how she feels. Just hearing his voice sends her brain into a panic. And that's why...she told him the exact opposite of what she's been thinking. Temari knows that she's the reason he's getting failing marks now, so what if her "close friend" Mari Suzuki were to tutor him? There's no way for Temari to fool Yatabe into thinking she's someone else... Or is there? Story 03: Heart Library - Miyazawa Yuu works in the library. She thinks how nice it would be if she could just talk to the popular Iseya-kun. The other person who's supposed to be working with Yuu today ditched, so now Yuu is stuck being the only one to carry all the books back to the library room. She tries to carry too many and can't see anything in front of her, and when she's Iseya who catches her in his arms! Story 04: Baby Spice - Kawai Machi has a crush on Hiroe, but he completely treats her like a child. And then Machi learns that Hiroe has a girlfriend...!?
아빠 -  나 이 결혼 안할래요 -  Appa -  Na I Gyeolhon An Hallaeyo!
Je me suis réincarné en tant que méchante dans un roman que j'avais lu, Jubellian Eloy Floyen. J'étais condamné à mourir, mais non! Avec les souvenirs de ma vie antérieure, j'éviterai mon drapeau de la mort! "Je n'épouserai pas un homme sans honneur, sans famille, sans propriété et sans pouvoir!" Alors que je déclarais ma volonté de vivre une vie glorieuse et glamour, mon père a décidé de faire du prince héritier mon fiancé?! Est-il fou?! Je traiterai simplement le contrat d'engagement comme une dernière mesure. «Pourquoi évitez-vous votre engagement avec le prince héritier?» «Parce que ça me fait peur! Il tue les gens qui ne lui obéissent pas tout de suite! Quelques jours plus tard, le prince héritier m'a envoyé une lettre. «Ne t'inquiète pas, je ne te tuerai pas.» Oh non… ai-je déjà fait quelque chose qui valait la peine de mourir?
ジャイアントロボ:地球の燃え尽きる日, 機械巨神:地球燃盡之日
In the mid-1990's, Yasuhiro Imagawa adapted Mitsuteru Yokoyama's original manga, Giant Robo, into a 7-part OVA series entitled Giant Robo: The Animation - The Day the Earth Stood Still. Imagawa's adaption strayed far from Yokoyama's Giant Robo, featuring a mostly original storyline which included characters and elements pulled from several other Yokoyama projects, such as Tetsujin 28 and Babel II. Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Burned is another story set in the universe created in Giant Robo: The Animation, in which young Daisaku Kusama commands Giant Robo, the mightiest robot of our world, in the battle against the underground terrorist organization known as Big Fire.
Continuation of Girls Saurus.
グレイプニル -  被束縛的芬尼爾 -  被束缚的芬尼尔
What does one consider to be a monster? A horrible bloodsucking vampire? Frankenstein's creation? Shuichi Kagaya has a secret. Other than having great grades and being skilled at sports, he isn’t what one would call normal. In fact, Shuichi cannot even be considered human. One fateful morning, he woke up as a monster. With brute strength, an abnormally strong sense of smell, big fluffy paws, and the depression and self-hate that comes after losing one's humanity, his life was suddenly flipped upside down. Claire Aoki, the girl he had decided to save, now holds his secret over his head. Claire is a sadistic and utterly twisted girl, with no sense of empathy toward the lives of others. Before meeting Shuichi, she was in the search of monsters, hoping to find her monster sister. Despite becoming a monster, Shuichi naively continues to hold onto his human morals, but how long can one last in this insufferable way of living?
GoalDen Age -  GoalDenAge
Nine is the number of the best striker in soccer. Given the number 9 in the Megumi High soccer team, Fujiyama Kazuya, is a striker with a parallel belief that a draw in a game has no meaning. To him, if you don't win then there's no sense at playing at all. Despite that kind of mentality, their team has never won a game as of yet. How far forward will the boy who has never been victorious but even so is determined to win reach when a mysterious man called Kuniyoshi Utagawa, who has a liking for the number 9, makes his appearance? Goal Den Age is a manga that was published in serial SPECIAL soccer cartoon. (info from HATENA Diary / summary by kiumi from The Evil Empire
軍靴のバルツァー -  Baltzar Militarismus -  Bernd Baltzar
Europe du 19e siècle, à la guerre succède la paix. Mais qu'est-ce que la "paix", exactement ? A part éventuellement un temps de répit avant la prochaine bataille... Au sein de la nation de Weißen, le commandant Bernd Baltzar a gravi les échelons plus vite que n'importe qui. Mais suite à une alliance avec le Baselland, il se voit catapulté comme conseiller dans une académie militaire de ce pays un peu à la traîne. Qu'en ressortira-t-il ? Et quelles aventures l'attendent là-bas, dans ce pays qui n'est pas le sien ?
The Man With Ashes on His Head -  灰かぶり男
School Life (Sunbo) -  School Love Story -  Школьная история любви -  학원물 - 
Webtoon originalUne histoire d'amour d'un amour qui se bat. L'amour de Minho peut-il se réaliser ?
Hanako And The Teller Of Allegory
Folklore detective Asou Daisuke would rather deal with normal, everyday, things like cheating spouses, embezzling partners and the like. (That and his huge collection of ero-manga.) Because whenever he deals with the supernatural, he gets the hiccups. But no matter, an endless stream of desperate people come to him troubled by what he calls allegories. Those are stories, usually urban legends, that one believes to be true and if one believes strong enough can cause them to become true. His first case involves "The Man Under The Bed." Can he stop this creepy man with an axe before he chops up kawaii Hiranuma Kanae? Why does Asou count his hiccups, and just who is that strange girl in his bathroom?
4 issue Manwha published from May 2007 to March 2008.
Haru ni Arashi - Honya-san de Go! 2 -  书店情事2 -  春に嵐 本屋さんでGO! 2
Under the unrelenting pursuit of the amorous takashi of the PPC Publisher, the beautiful mega-bookstore manager, Satou Sho, had finally fallen in love! As Satou's ex-lover and former boss came back...

Haru to Natsu

Between Haru and Natsu -  I Am... -  Detarame Machi no Kaigenshou -  Hikaru challenge! -  でたらめ町の怪現象 -  ひかるchallenge! -  ハルとナツ -  春夏
Makoto rencontre une fille douce et timide, nommée Haruna, donnant un coup de main au festival d'athlétisme de l'école. Il lui avoue ses ses sentiments. La prochaine fois,il la voit et elle le rejette complètement. Seulement, elle l’appelle plus tard et lui demande de venir chez elle ! La source de tous ces malentendus est "la mauvaise" sœur jumelle d'Haruna, Natsumi. Natsumi est l'opposé d'Haruna, elle est du genre extraverti, brute pliée en prise de tout. Makoto se retrouve entre Haruna et Natsumi, et les deux jumelles se battent pour savoir qui aura Makoto à la fin.
ハヤブサ-真田電撃帖-, Falcon - Braid Blitz, Peregrine Falcon - Braided Electric Shock
Sasuke Sarutobi is the commander of the Sanada army’s elite force, Hayabusa. While Sasuke serves Yukimura with respect and love, within his squad he is known to be very strict and have an extreme S personality.As Sasuke twists their arms to make them stand up to it, Hayabusa members strive day after day to uphold their duty... Note: S = sadist
ハヤブサ-真田電撃帖- -  ฮายาบุสะ -หน่วยพิฆาตสายฟ้า- -  Falcon - Braid Blitz -  Peregrine Falcon - Braided Electric Shock
Sasuke Sarutobi est le commandant de l'armée d'élite de Yukimura Sanada, Hayabusa. Alors que Sasuke sert Yukimura avec respect, son escouade le considère comme quelqu'un de strict et sadique. Sasuke va devoir utiliser les grands moyens afin de faire en sorte que les membres d'Hayabusa remplissent leur devoir avec respect...
I Decided to Cook Because the Losing Potion Was Soy Sauce -  I decided to cook because the potion was soy sauce -  ハズレポーションが醤油だったので料理することにしました -  将劣质药水当作酱油开始烹饪吧
Yuuri, a 30-year-old housewife who was unilaterally abandoned in marriage, suddenly gets lost in a different world. She, who was introduced to the work of potion harvesting by an S-class adventurer and gradually got used to life in a different world, realized the ridiculous secret of the harvested potion. The potion without the recovery function that she thought was off was actually soy sauce. In addition, dishes made with it have a bonus of correction function! Will Yuuri's dishes change the common sense of the other world?
Pairing Germany x Italy (GerIta)
学校妖怪纪行 -  On the Night the Spider Lily Blooms -  The Night When the Amaryllis Blooms -  The Un
Marie est de retour pour le meilleur, mais surtout le pire! La pauvre petite espère toujours se venger. Toutefois, de nombreuses embuches l'attendent : la fin n'est pas pour tout de suite! Ses souffrances ne partiront pas de si tôt...
Marie est emprisonnée dans une situation horrible. Elle est constamment tourmenté par ses camarades de classe et régulièrement molestés par son professeur. Ne trouvant nulle part y aller, elle décide de demander de l'aide à l'un des sept démons des sept mystères de son école. Tout ce qu'elle veut, c'est la mort de ses camarades de classe et de ses enseignants. Jusqu'où Marie sera prêt à y aller pour atteindre son objectif et ainsi se libérer de l'enfer?
ecretary Saito Yo was transferred to a new director named Nabeshima Hisatsugu after a Srecent reorganization. However, the supposedly “never worked a day in a company” Nabeshima had his new secretary totally wrapped around his finger! Not only that, Yo was further devastated when Nabeshima commented that Yo wasn’t what he thought a secretary should be. Shocked and frustrated, Yo carelessly blurted out while he was drunk one night that Nabeshima should “take advantage” of his services. Then the next day, Nabeshima totally changed his attitude—!?
Please Let Me Be Your Sheep! -  ヒツジにならせていただきます!
How can this cutting-edge bedroom robot technology feel this real!!? Amiable-but-broke office worker Mr. Baba finds himself in financial trouble after ordering an expensive adult toy one drunken night. Luckily, his friend hooks him up with a lucrative part-time job as a "test subject" for "comfort" robots! Of course, he likes that kind of stuff, but what will he be doing exactly...? Upon nervously approaching the research facility, Mr. Baba meets a beautiful, bespectacled (male) researcher... (Source: Renta!)