
Based on the Super Robot Taisen Original Generations franchise, this is the story of "Kyosuke's Route" at the very start of the events that set the basis for the whole thematic of the universe. Meet Kyosuke Nanbu and see how one man, this one man is pulled into a fate that involves politic conspiracies, military weapon development run conflicts, betrayals, revolts, people with super natural powers & an enemy extra terrestrial invading menace. Even though he is just a "regular human", Kyosuke is to the core a brave man who will not be shunned "so easily" and at the command of his own trademark machine, the so called old fashioned "Alt Eisen" he will lunge towards the center of the conflict and will blow away everything that stands in his way.
スーパーロボット大戦OG-ジ・インスペクター-Record of ATX
It's been 6 months since the L5 Campaign, the conflict that pitted humanity vs aliens with the whole earth sphere at stake; even thought at that time humanity joined forces as a whole and fought valiantly for it's survival, now that the true threat is gone the remains from old conflicts that have kept discord among people from even before the aliens arrived have started to resurface and thus the fight is far from over....