
A professional baseball manga by Harold Sakuishi, the author of Beck.Taiko Busujima is a powerful young pitcher looking to make it into the Japanese big leagues, but what he didn't count on was being signed to the Keihin Athletics, the cheapest and worst team in the league. Can he help turn the Athletics around and (gasp) win the pennant?A gripping, edge-of-your-seat story loaded with Sakuishi's brand of wacky humor.
OL-san ga Neko wo Hirou Hanashi -  OLさんが猫を拾う話。
An OL thinks she's picked up a normal homeless cat, who turns out to have the ability to transform into a catgirl wearing a high school uniform.(Source: NicoNicoSeiga, translated and edited)
すとれんじマンション, 怪人公寓, 스트레인지 맨션, bt公寓, Strange Apartment
Sadashima fell in love with a handsome senpai while she was in high school, but didn't have the guts to tell him before he graduated and moved away. When Sadashima graduates the next year, she follows her senpai, Shirahai, to Tokyo and manages to move in next door. She totally believes that the two of them can now hook up, and can't wait to knock on his door to 'coincidentally" find themselves neighbors.She's flabbergasted to find a woman answering Shirahai's door, and then blown away to find out the woman is Shirahai! He's had a sex change!
Strawberry Fields wo Mou Ichido -  ストロベリー・フィールズをもう一度
"Je suis ton futur [i]amore[/i]-ton amant !"Avec ces mots, Pure Sakurasaka fait irruption dans la vie d'Akira Kouno. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas qu'elle dise venir de six ans dans le futur, Pure insiste sur le fait que dans son temps, elle et Akira sont fiancés ! C'est une affirmation impossible, d'autant plus qu'Akira a renoncé à la romance en 3D, se contentant de se plonger dans des jeux de rencontre en 2D. D'ailleurs, pourquoi une personne aussi mignonne que Pure s'intéresserait-elle à une solitaire comme elle ?
Ichigo Kissu -  ストロベリィキス
“Even though he’s this close, I can’t reach him at all.” A popular male model, Nashiro’s parents died and he was passed around from relative to relative until he arrived on the doorsteps of Mitsuki’s home. Entranced by his smile, Mitsuki has always been in love with him. However, he’s well-known for dating beautiful women, and she doesn’t feel up to par with these girls. Will she ever be able to make him look at her?
Kanata vit depuis peu dans un dortoir et tout allait bien jusqu’à ce qu’il entende de drôles de bruits dans sa chambre. Serait-ce des fantômes ? Ces bruits empêchent rapidement Kanata de dormir. Que fera Onda, son camarade de chambre, pour régler ce problème ? D’où viennent ces bruits ?
Aoi Nagisa is a new transfer student to St.Miatre,one of three all-girl academies on Astraea Hill.She finds herself lost on the first day,and runs into Hanazono Shizuma, a beautiful and highly respected senior among the students. Shizuma kindly offers her help, while Nagisa is stunned into silence by her beauty. This is the beginning of a highly enjoyable and romantic shoujo-ai story,with many colorful characters adding spice to the story with their adorable antics,and a must-see for all yuri fans. -Discontinued-
Agencja Egao - nikt nie wie skąd się wzięła i kto właściwie ją założył. Pracują w niej ludzie, jak i magiczne osobniki, których zadaniem jest dbanie, by zwykli ziemianinie nie zobaczyli nikogo spoza ich rasy. Raimei oraz reszta Servamp'ów, oprócz uganiania się za magicznymi stworami, musi dbać o portal między wymiarami, by przypadkiem ktoś przez niego nie przeszedł i nie zniszczył czasoprzestrzeni. Siedmioro wampirów, właściwie przez dwadzieścia cztery godziny musi dbać o portal, przerzucający do innego wymiaru, jednak pewnego dnia dwoje z nich postanawia się zbuntować przeciwko porządkowi panującemu na tym świecie, chcą doprowadzić do prawdziwego Ragnaroku, a w tym samym momencie wampir Lenistwa świętuje urodziny ostatniego narodzonego wampira - Chciwości."
ストロボエッジ 閃爍的愛情 闪烁的爱情 스트롭 애지 Colorless Dreamer Strobe edge สโตรบ เอดจ์ Strobe Edge - Another Light Strobe Edge -Unfinished Map
Ninako is a meek, gentle high school student. She has never been in love. Ninako asks Daiki, who has emotions towards her, about what being in love feels like. She thinks he is a good guy but…? One day, on the train home from school, she bumps into Ren, a popular guy at school. With just a short conversation and his smile, she experiences a new feeling. Just what is this feeling…!? Ninako’s first love is starting!
홧김에 여주가 되어 보려 합니다
シュガーコード -  糖果密码
From Nakama: When Takagi Akira, an owner of an apartment, was in town, he ran into a scene where a man, Oodoi, saved an old man from a gang. Akira fell for Oodoi’s manly courage and took him in his apartment. Oodoi found Akira’s apartment comfy and spent time there. Akira thought Oodoi's manly act was now part of the past... But when Akira was harassed by mobs and about to sell his apartment, it was Oodoi who saved his life. Truth is, Oodoi is a yakuza and…
シュガー*ソルジャー, 白砂糖战士, Sugar * Soldier, Sugar*Soldier
Makoto is determined to step out of her model sister's shadow and have her own high school debut, but when Makoto's sister shows up at her school unexpectedly things go awry.
Momoka has become a woman nearing her thirties with zero romance experience. Frustrated by this situation, she discovers the existence of "lesbian sex services" while searching for online encounters. Momoka decides to use it, interested in having sex with a lesbian sex worker called "Riko." Riko agrees to meet her, but has a secret ...?

Suki ja Nai

好きじゃない -  Beyond Love -  Happy -  I Don't Love You -  Kiss No Jouken -  Koi No Mukou -  Surprise Attack -  The Terms Of A Kiss -  Touched By Love
Si tu dis constamment : "Je t'aime" , tu trouverasle bonheur. Grâce au porte-bonheur de sa grand-mère, Rio est une lycéenne très heureuse et enjouée, appréciée de tous car elle dit tout le temps aux autres qu'elle les aime... Sauf pour un garçon de sa classe nommé Kaito. Pour certaines raisons, il est différent. Il rend Rio nerveuse, elle a le cœur qui bat la chamade quand elle est près de lui, et elle ne peut pas lui dire "Je t'aime". Que se passe-t-il au juste ?
可以爱你吗? -  好きになってもいいの? -  ขอรักสักนิดจะผิดมั้ย? -  Is It Okay To Love You? -  Suki Ni -  Suki Ni Natte Mo Ii No -  Suki Ni Nattemo Iino?
Quand Yuuki rencontre Akihisa pour la première fois, elle n'est pas du tout impressionnée. non seulement, il l'espionne et la suit partout, mais il essaie également de la draguer alors qu'il sait très bien qu'elle va encore au lycée et qu'elle a un petit ami. Elle ne le supporte plus ! Mais alors pourquoi se sent-elle de plus en plus attirée par lui ? De premier abord, il a l'air d'être le pire des hommes mais il cache des blessures bien plus profondes...
Summer at a beach, a female lifesaver, 2 kids who like making her work and approaching disaster...It's 4 page long, fullcolor.
素直じゃないけど -  I'm not Honest -  No soy Honesto (Spanish) -  Sunao Jya nai Kedo -  Sunao Jyanai Kedo
List of Warui Series: Vol 1 Warui Koto Shitai [1-1] Vol 2 Waruiko Demo Ii? [1-2] Vol 3 Kirai ja nai Kedo [2-1] Vol 4 Koi Ja nai Kedo [2-2] --- Warui Koto Bakkashite GomenNasai [1-3 &/ 2-3] Vol 5 Warui Yatsu Demo Ii [1-4] Vol 6 Mujihi na Otoko [3-1] Vol 7 Warui Koibito ja Dame? [1-5] Vol 8 Kare ja nai kedo [2-4] Vol 9 Mujihi na Anata [3-2] Vol 10 Sunao ja nai Kedo [2-5]
Men Who Cannot be Honest About Their Feelings -  Sunao ni Narenai Otoko tachi -  Sunao ni Narenai Otoko-tachi -  素直になれない男たち
1-2, 6) Suzuki Masami has been painfully aware of his rival in high school swim team, Kashiwazaki Yuichi, ever since Kashiwazaki saved him from drowning. As fate would have it, now they both work in the same company! But unbeknownst to Kashiwazaki, Masami is behind the reason why Kashiwazaki never gets the worms (girls). Will Kashiwazaki realize who’s sabotaging his love life…? The gentleman-like, love story between two rivals.3-5) Sekiya Takashi is a chef's assistant at Felino Felice, and he treasures his calm tranquil world with it's quiet moments of reflection. He's also incredibly xenophobic. When he's forced into the company of beautiful Frenchman Lucent Montecarlo, he's hyperventilating left and right! But Sekiya needs to work hard, because Luke is proving to be oddly persistent when it comes to Sekiya. And why is Sekiya scared of foreigners anyway?
Super Seme-sama and the Me that Leapt Through Time -  スーパー攻め様と時をかける俺 -  霸道總攻大人與穿越時空的我
Super seme-sama x Super uke-chan!? A meta gag manga making fun of old BL tropes, nominated for the WEB Manga General Election 2020!One day when Ukeru woke up, he found himself transported into another world and put up for sale at a black market auction! When he was about to be sold off to the highest bidder, he hears a voice calling out "300 million!" from the crowd... Can Ukeru protect his asshole from all the super-semes he meets!?[hr][b][u]Links:[/u][/b][list][*][url=]Artist Pixiv[/url][*][url=]Artist Twitter[/url][/list]
鈴の音がきこえる; The Sound Of A Bell; The Sound of a Bell Can be Heard
Atsushi est un vétérinaire ayant la faculté d’être aimé de tous les animaux. Un jour il tombe sur un jeune homme avec une étrange cicatrice à l’œil gauche. Atsushi se rend compte que ce jeune homme est en fait un chaton qu’il a soigné étant petit. Treize lui raconte alors qu’après sa mort il a demandé à Dieu de lui donner l’apparence d’un homme pour qu’il puisse être aux côtés d’Atsushi…
Sweet Sweet リベンジ -  SweetSweet美人陷阱
After 5 years of leave, Hikari Minamoto returns to a prestigious school that lasts from kindergarten to university she used to attend. Why ? To get revenge on the five boys who used to bully her because she wasn't pretty. In order to do so, Hikari made a total makeover and mastered ninja skills to set traps.Espanol:[spoiler]Hikari Minamoto desde pequeña ha recibido las burlas y humillaciones de parte de 5 compañeros,luego de un trágico incidente decide abandonar esa escuela,Años más tarde ella está de regreso con el firme propósito de tomar venganza por todo el daño que le hicieron,Cada uno de ellos merece pasar por el mismo infierno que la sometieron a ella...Con una nueva apariencia y con habilidades Ninja,¿Será capaz de lograr su venganza?[/spoiler]
Sweets Concert - Sweet boy's sweet time Sweets Concert - Sweets boy of Extraordinary Sweets Conchert - Sweets Boys of Extra Ordinary スイーツコンチェルト-甘味男子の非
シロップ HONEY 初夜百合アンソロジー
Cover: Fly (フライ)
The Experience
Recueil d'histoires courtes et sexy.
From the Wafflehouse: The 16 year-old Tsukasa moves to Tokyo to start living with her uncle after her mother passed away. It's difficult enough to move to a new place alone, but the second day that she moves in, she finds out that her uncle is an AV (Adult Video) director...
太阳王子, 太陽王子, 태양왕자, Prince from the Sun, Prince of Sun, Taiyou Ouji - Prince of Sun
Noriko has led a protected life since she was a child, unable to lead the life of normal kid due to her affluent background. Until an organized school trip to Osaka when she meets Taiyou who eventually changed her life....
たかが恋だろ, It's Only Love (YAMADA Yugi), Only Love, Taka ga Koi daro, Takaga Koidaro
Kurata Izumi's memories of Takatsudo Shin end at middle school graduation when Shin told Izumi he never wants to see him again. Now Izumi is a single father whose son is in love with Shin's nephew. They're forced to interact, but Shin doesn't seem to remember what he said to Izumi. Add Izumi's yakuza brother-in-law Sawaragi into the mix... 
たかが恋だろ -  It's Only Love (YAMADA Yugi) -  Only Love (French) -  Taka ga Koi daro -  Takaga Koidaro
Kurata Izumi's memories of Takatsudo Shin end at middle school graduation when Shin told Izumi he never wants to see him again. Now Izumi is a single father whose son is in love with Shin's nephew. They're forced to interact, but Shin doesn't seem to remember what he said to Izumi. Add Izumi's yakuza brother-in-law Sawaragi into the mix...
Hana-chan est un Oméga travaillant dans un café où il a le plaisir de contempler le beau mâle Alpha Renjaku-San qui est un artiste floral mais également un client régulier celui-ci est toujours de mauvaise humeur et est vraiment arrogant, il ne sourit jamais et méprise tout le monde, mais... ce regard sérieux et cool, son corps et cette aura d'Alpha qu'il dégage, Hana-chan adore ça !
Hana, un Oméga très réservé, a eu ses premières chaleurs devant Renjaku un alpha, pour qui il éprouvait des sentiments. Maintenant Renjaku et lui vivent en couple. Cela ressemble à un joli couple de jeunes mariés ... Mais sauront-ils résister aux épreuves....