
青リンゴKISS, Green Apple KISS
Ao Ringo Kiss is about a girl who is a big fan of the idol group G-A and often writes letters to Satoya. One day on a class trip to Tokyo he suddenly appears while she's been confessed to by a boy and takes her away.
甜蜜爱人, Honeyなこと, What is Honey
Tamako, a high school girl, comes to play at the beach with her friends. She gets drunk, and when she awakes next morning, she sees Tomio lying beside her. Now she's in a panic.
From Perfect Illusions: "I can't help but fall in love with that guy. But he is a playboy. Then why can't I get my eyes off him? Why is my heart racing wildly?" When high school year 1 student, Yajima Konomi, fall in love with her classmate, Gonshou, a true love relationship starts. An emotionally-described senseful story of a young girl.
Esu Emu -  S + M -  S and M -  S plus M
From ShoujoMagic: Ryou has the biggest breasts of any shoujo manga heroine to date! But life isn't any piece of (cheese) cake, because she's constantly being assaulted by perverts who want to cop a feel. The first man who doesn't obsess over her assets turns out to be the first man she ever wants to have obsess over her, though there's something strange about him... One time she's with him, he's a sweet masochist, the next time he's a bold sadist. Which does Ryou like better? The S or the M? She'll have to make a choice, because it turns out that she CAN'T have both. Find out the surprising reason why one face has two personalities!!
我的眼鏡情人 -  私の…メガネ君 -  Watashi no... Megane-kun -  My Boy with Glasses -  My Glasses Boy -  My Glasses Guy -  Watashi no Megane-kun -  Watashi no Meganekun
Love can be obsessive. Like wanting to rip the wings off a butterfly. Chouko has been in love with Taichiro for a long time. Taichiro and Chokuo have known each other since childhood. At one point, Taichiro became very candid and told Chouko that he hated her so much that he wanted to kill her. Even so, Chouko's desire toward him never really changed. One day, a senior in her athletics club confessed to her. Filled with burning jealousy, Taichiro also confessed to Chouko. Their insecure, but very obessive love begins. An extra can be found inside of Yoru Koi.
我的眼鏡情人 -  私の…メガネ君 -  My Boy with Glasses
Ce manga ne parle pas d'une rencontre entre un garçon et une fille, il ne parle pas non plus de la façon incongrue dont ils se sont mis ensemble, pas plus que leur histoire aux fils des jours dans leur lycée.Non, Watashi no Megane-kun c'est la narration sur une façon d'aimer, comment Chokuo et Taichiro vont se laisser consumer par un amour plus grand qu'eux-même.Petit à petit, ils vont se séparer du monde, dévorés par la jalousie, incapables de vivre l'un sans l'autre, ils vont jouer au chat et à la souris, tour à tour attirer puis vont finir effrayés par ces sentiments semblables mais destructeurs.Aveugles et sourds à tout ce qui peut se passer autour d'eux, leur liaison hors norme va prendre des proportions inconsidérées.
Love at Night -  夜恋
Mei est amoureuse en secret de Susugi Shino, un ami d'enfance, il est le docteur de l'école dans laquelle elle entre. Shino est lui aussi amoureux d'elle, mais il le cache, mais par peur de la perdre, il va lui avouer son amour, et ils vont commencer a sortir ensemble, et il va leurs arriver plusieurs choses par la suite.