
地狱的阎罗 -  地獄のエンラ
C'est au détour d'une journée ordinaire que Komachi, jeune lycéenne vertueuse aspirant à la justice, fait la rencontre de Enra, fils de Yama Roi des Enfers, venu sur terre pour capturer les criminels du futur. Et c’est sans la moindre hésitation que Enra condamnera Komachi à la damnation éternelle pour ses futurs crimes. Celle-ci devra désormais tout faire pour lui prouver son innocence...
純潔ディボロス -  Pure Diablos
Kiyora is a bored student at St. Joanna all-girls school. Using one of the books her father sent to her, she unleashes a demon, and then begins to investigate the disappearance stray cats from the school's campus in the hopes of unmasking the virtuous priest, Fat
Histoire se déroulant plusieurs années depuis l'ère de Taisho. On suit la vie quotidienne de la fille d'un marchand, Aoi et un noble déchu : Reiichirou....
サクラ大戦 奏組 -  櫻花大戰 奏組 -  Sakura Wars Kanadegumi
From Phoenix Serenade Scans: A story set in the Taisho Era. Meet Miyabi Neko, a girl with bad luck from a small place called Izumo, who aspires to become an actress by joining the capital's most popular acting group Hanagumi! And after some hard work, she was finally accepted into Hanagumi! But, when she reaches the capital, there is some disturbing news. Apparently, she is not to join HANAgumi, but the capital's music group KANADEgumi! And she meets some strange but handsome young men on the way? What is Neko's life going to be like in the capital?!