
When a mysterious incident causes Mir to lose her magical abilities, she decides to retire and become a student in a normal school--or so she thought! To her surprise, she's enrolled in a school with a special connection to her family. Will Mir's boring new life keep her from her magical past... and from her divine future?
薄荷辣滋味, 페퍼민트, Borsmenta, Mùi lá bạc hà, Pfefferminz
For Haei, being able to go to school with her idol, Ijy, is a dream come true! Plus she gets to help him with rehearsing. But with the girls from his fan club, who make her life hell on earth. But then Eo, a kid in primary school, wants her to pretend to be his girlfriend, making it easier for him to get away from his groupies. Haei's life isn't done being complicated....
마녀와 피터
ACACIA] Dain lives alone. Before she died her mother had told a lot of stories about witches. When a vampire appears with a hungry stomach, what can Dain do but act as her ancestor Salen once did? NOIR]: A promise made centuries before is passed down through generations, hidden in the blood of witches. When the promise reappears in the form of a vampire, what will our witch do? And what exactly is this promise made centuries ago?