
Can a Villanous Demon Have a Happy End?
"I've lived my life to the fullest. Now I can rest easy in hell." At least that's what Baal Berith thought. But fate is not letting him go alone.
In the city of Localsburg, Miss Sunshine fends off evildoers, including the maniacal Mad Spade! However, the super heroine is no sunshine and Mad Spade isn't so evil... as she pines for the affection of her self proclaimed "archenemy”!Português:Na cidade de Localsburg, Miss Sunshine luta contra criminosos, incluindo a maníaca Mad Spade! No entanto, a super heroína não é exatamente um raio de luz e Mad Spade não é tão malvada... tanto que ela anseia o afeto de sua autoproclamada “arqui-inimiga”!PS: o cambada vão dar um apoio a autora no weebtoon dela