
あってもなくても猫のしっぽ -  There's No Cat Tail
From WoC Scans: It's a short story about the mangaka's many cats. They're so furry and cute! Attemo Nakutemo Neko no Shippo literally means, "it's a cat's tail whether we meet or not" --it's actually a figure of speech meaning "it doesn't really matter if we meet or not" --but in this case, it's a pun because the manga really is about cats.
Darian-hime is the next in line to the throne, and she is constantly being made aware of it, but she’s not really the princess type. She wants to be strong and continually trains and pushes herself to be as strong a person as she can be. This does make her a bit reckless sometimes. Fortunately, she has a protector…