
Fairy + Glass, Fairy Glasses, Fairy+メガネ
A crossover between Fairy Tail and Yanki-kun to Megane-chan.Included in the 11th volume of Yankee-kun to Megane-chan

Fairy Tail

Lucy, jeune magicienne, rêve de rejoindre la fameuse guilde de magiciens, la Fairy Tail. Après sa rencontre avec Natsu et Happy, un chat intrépide, le rêve de Lucy devient réalité ! Mais la guilde de Fairy Tail est réputée pour le caractère imprévisible de ses membres. Natsu en est le meilleur exemple, anti-héros drôle et bagarreur ! Cette guilde semble être à l'origine de nombreux scandales.
Un Spin off Fair Tail tourné autour du personnage de Gray !
Fairy Tail - Sequel
Pas de résumé pour le moment
Twin Dragons of Sabertooth
Spin-off de Fairy Tail.
Fairy Tail Gaiden - Road Knight -  FAIRY TAIL外伝―ロードナイト―
Spin-off of Fairy Tail following Gajeel
Flash of Great Lightning
Spin-Off consacré à Luxus Drear.
Fairy Tail Gaiden - Rhodonite -  FAIRY TAIL外伝―ロードナイト―
Spin-off de Fairy Tail suivant le passé de Gajeel.
Fairy Tail
Ce spin-off, initialement annoncé sous le titre Zokuhen, rebaptisé avant sa parution le 25 juillet 100 Years Quest, raconte la suite des aventures de Natsu, lucy et de la guilde. Nous retrouvons ainsi Fairy Tail, après la fin du manga, pour assister au déroulement de la quête de 100 ans.
Fairy Tail Gaiden - Kengami no Souryuu -  Fairy Tail Spinoff: Twin Dragons of Sabertooth
The spin-off of the popular fantasy manga "Fairy Tail". Sting, who became the master of Sabertooth, Rogue, Yukino, and Minerva together perform jobs together, but...? What is the danger approaching their guild and the whole continent!? The episode that was not shown in the original story is now being told!!
Fairy Tail the Movie: Priestess of the Phoenix
Prologue of Fairy Tail the movie: Priestess of The Phoenix. An introduction of the movie's protagonist, Eclaire and Momo, how they met and how they went on their journey.
フェアリーテイル -  妖精的尾巴
Un parasite s'approche de la paisible Guilde !?
Lucy meets Elie and Haru meets Natsu. What will happen between them when Lucy and Natsu are trying to find someone that sounds a lot like Elie?
Хвост феи: Городской герой
Et si si si si si si les membres de "FAIRY TAIL" devenaient des officiers de police ?! Le nouvel officier de police Lucy est en train d'être transféré dans l'équipe de police à Magnolia. Natsu, Happy et compagnie continuent de maintenir une paix ambitieuse dans la ville. Les guildes et les ennemis apparus dans "FAIRY TAIL" apparaissent également ici dans des circonstances étonnantes.
Hana et ses amis sont à la recherche d'un emploi quand ils tombent nez-à-nez avec une guilde... de magiciens ?!Cross-Over entre Yankee To Megane-Chan (Drôle de Racaille) et Fairy Tail !


New York, 27ème brigade de la police de la city américaine. Randy Mc Lane (ou Ryo, de son patronyme japonais) intègre le service aux côtés de Dee Latener, un inspecteur chevronné qui ne manque pas d’humour et de légèreté ! Il se montre de plus possessif, impulsif, et légèrement incontrôlable. Sans parler de ses préférences sexuelles, qu’il affiche sans aucune gêne envers Ryo, allant jusqu’à le provoquer et le taquiner sur le sujet. Est-il réellement sérieux ou ne fait-il que profiter de la timidité de Ryo ? Ils deviennent pourtant, et contre toute attente, des amis proches et de bons coéquipiers. Leur première enquête commune les amène à rencontrer un jeune garçon nommé Vikky, un orphelin que Ryo prend rapidement sous son aile. Ce qui ne plait guère à Dee, qui trouve que le jeune homme est bien trop protecteur envers Ryo, en l’empêchant de l’approcher par exemple. Entre passions, amours et enquêtes le quotidien des deux policiers promet de ne pas être de tout repos !
Feiku Fakuto Rippusu; フェイクファクトリップス;
Rivaux depuis le lycée, maintenant vendeurs dans la même entreprise, se chamaillent et parient constamment sur des choses pour voir qui gagne. Cette fois, le gagnant est celui qui fait tomber l'autre en premier, mais uke ne sait pas qu'il l'aime depuis le lycée...
Continues the story of Dee, Ryo, and the rest of the gang in the 27th precinct of the New York police department. A new crime, new faces, new clues, and new loves can all be expected in this thrilling sequel!
フェイク・セカンド, Fake II, FAKE second
Continues the story of Dee, Ryo, and the rest of the gang in the 27th precinct of the New York police department. A new crime, new faces, new clues, and new loves can all be expected in this thrilling sequel!
Jihoon is confident that he can easily make guys, even straight ones, fall for him. It worked quite well up until he met Gyungwoo. Jihoon works as a nude model and is introduced to Gyungwoo for his personal photograph project. Gyungwoo appears nonchalant to Jihoon's looks, deeply hurting his pride. Now, Jihoon is determined to make Gyungwoo fall for him.
Bewildered Princess, Manga Mitaina Koi Shitai!, Love Like Manga, Zoku Manga Mitaina Koi Shitai!
Rena lives a double life as a normal high school girl and a mangaka artist drawing sexy love scenes. All seems to be going well until she accidentally bumped into popular high school idol, Tomoya. Rushing away from the encounter, Rena suddenly realized that she has lost her latest draft! Quickly rushing to school, she was surprised to se Tomoya waiting for her. Could this be end of her drawing days? What does Tomoya have in store for her?
恋せよオトコノコ, Tombe amoureux ! Petit travesti
From an out of control operation comes an underground partner. Despite knowing the dangers, they continue deeper...if love and hate are both doomed, would they turn a blind eye? or sink in the abyss
Gekiga Yose Shiba Hama -  Gekiga Yose: Shibahama -  Shibahama -  劇画寄席芝浜
In Fallen Words, Yoshihiro Tatsumi takes up the oral tradition of rakugo and breathes new life into it by shifting the format from spoken word to manga. Each of the eight stories in the collection is lifted from the Edo-era Japanese storytelling form. As Tatsumi notes in the afterword, the world of rakugo, filled with mystery, emotion, revenge, hope, and, of course, love, overlaps perfectly with the world of Gekiga that he has spent the better part of his life developing.These slice-of-life stories resonate with modern readers thanks to their comedic elements and familiarity with human idiosyncrasies. In one, a father finds his son too bookish and arranges for two workers to take the young man to a brothel on the pretext of visiting a new shrine. In another particularly beloved rakugo tale, a married man falls in love with a prostitute. When his wife finds out, she is enraged and sets a curse on the other woman. The prostitute responds by cursing the wife, and the two escalate in a spiral of voodoo doll cursing. Soon both are dead, but even death can’t extinguish their jealousy.Tatsumi’s love of wordplay shines through in the telling of these whimsical stories, and yet he still offers timeless insight into human nature.
Daichi's, a teenage boy with little experience with women, life takes an unexpected turn of events.After his mother's remarriage, he obtains a new sister, who is no other than the famous idol Asano Nanami. What is Daichi going to do when they end up alone together and Nanami wants nothing to do with him?
ファミリア 小冊子付初回限定 -  ファミリア 普及版
After their parents' remarriage, Ryohei who's younger brother found out Nanao who just became his brother-in-law is gay. Even if Ryohei hates homo but in order to hold Nanao back from meeting his sex-friend, he bluntly says 'I will satisfy your sex drive instead of your sex-friend' and forcefully kissed Nanao
ファミリー ボーダー
Eichi's father has remarried and now he has 3 new brothers. But one of them doesn't see him as a brother.
Family Complex... This is exactly what Akira Sakamoto suffers from, being the second eldest son of the Sakamoto family and the only NORMAL person. The rest of the family consists of beauties, from the parents to the eldest son and the 2 daughters. Poor Akira feels that he's totally out of place, and tries to hide this from the others...but then one day it all comes out. How will his family react to this? In this hilarious manga, every chapter is dedicated to one family member starting with Akira. Family Complex isn't quite like anything else. Akira's school life continues in Princess Princess.