
Yokushiryoku -  抑止力
A revised translation of "Deterrence" by Tadanonatsu, to celebrate 3 years of creator-approved translations!Old Translation: [url][/url][b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Creator's Pixiv[/url][*][url=]Creator's Twitter[/url][*][url=]Creator's Fanbox[/url]
There exists a martial arts contest in Japan that is of no concern to boys. Girls who possess the Dragon Queen`s spirit gather at a special academy. The goal - fighting each other to make the soul of the Dragon Queen one once more. How? Why, by fondling their defeated opponent`s breasts, of course!
DMC -  DMC: Detroit Metal City -  デトロイト・メタル・シティ -  重金摇滚双面人 - 
Sôichi Negishi est un jeune garçon qui affectionne les ambiances délicates et la pop suédoise... Pourtant, comble du paradoxe, il est le chanteur-guitariste déchaîné de " DMC " (" Detroit Metal City "), un groupe de Death Metal.Rendu méconnaissable par un maquillage outrancier et provocateur à la manière du groupe " Kiss ", épaulé par les deux autres membres de son groupe, il écume la scène musicale indépendante Tokyoïte en vociférant des imprécations démoniaques sur fond de guitares électriques tapageuses. La jeune fille dont il est secrètement amoureux, et qu'il tente de conquérir, déteste le Death Metal. Sôichi, tiraillé entre sa délicatesse naturelle et son rôle " d'empereur des ténèbres " de la musique va devoir gérer aussi habilement que possible sa double vie pour avoir une chance de séduire l'élue de son coeur.Mais la vie est compliquée et les situations équivoques qui vont succéder, vont lui rendre ses chances de succès bien improbables...
デウスXマキナ, デウス×マキナ, 德尤斯X玛奇娜, Deus Ex Machina, Deus x Makina, Deux X Machina
Clockworkers- mechanical men, created during the war as a weapon to kill as many as possible. That war may be long over, but rogue Clockworkers are still roaming about, spreading fear and death wherever they go. Machina's a member of the CWA, an organization dedicated to the destruction of these rogue robots. Along with Deus, her Clockworker partner, she travels the country in pursuit of these dangerous robots...
デウスXマキナ -  デウス×マキナ -  德尤斯X玛奇娜 -  Deus Ex Machina -  Deus x Makina -  Deux X Machina
Clockworkers- mechanical men, created during the war as a weapon to kill as many as possible. That war may be long over, but rogue Clockworkers are still roaming about, spreading fear and death wherever they go. Machina's a member of the CWA, an organization dedicated to the destruction of these rogue robots. Along with Deus, her Clockworker partner, she travels the country in pursuit of these dangerous robots...
デベロッパーズ―機動戦士ガンダム -  Before One Year War -  Developers 機動戦士ガンダム-Before One Year War- -  Developers - Mobile Suit Gundam Before One Year War -  Mobile Suit Gund
From ANN: Years before the One Year War, Zionic Co. was developing a new type of piloted robots (later became Mobile Suits) using thermonuclear reactor shielded with Minovsky particles as the power source. For safety and secrecy reasons, the project was outsourced to Hosioka, a small steelworks which looked ridiculously lousy at the first sight.
デビデビ, Devil & Devil, Devil Devil
Above the Earth, there is a continuous battle between angels and devils. One devil in particular, Sword, has it in for a certain angel, Ios. In their 101st fight together, both are severely wounded. Not only that, but their clashing power causes the two to fall to earth. By chance, Sword finds a beaten, unconscious teenage boy nearby, and he is able to take over the human's body to save his own life.Some time later, Sword awakens in the hospital, briefly confused about his whereabouts. The father of the body he possessed enters the room, extremely happy to see his boy Souma alive. Then the older twin brother shows up. Immediately, Sword recognizes his enemy's energy. Also nearly dead, Ios had joined with Kanna's body. Sword goes to attack Ios, but quickly realizes that the body is far weaker than his demon form, especially from being recently beaten to hell.
A childhood trauma has left Kusakabe Noboru, a college freshman in Tokyo, afraid of women, especially those with big breasts. Talking to them, let alone touching them is out of the question and it is no surprise that he is still a virgin. After another failed night to talk to girls with his one and only friend Takahashi, the two sees an incredibly large building called the Devil Ecstasy. They learn that it is a brothel and Takahashi convinces Noboru to use this opportunity to lose their virginity.As the two pick out the girls, Noboru notices Meruru, a cute flat chested girl and chooses her while Takahashi picks the sexy Celine. Noboru’s fear of girls kicks in and nothing happens while Takahashi leaves happy. But when Takahashi dies the next day under unusual circumstances, Noboru learns the terrifying truth that the women at Devil Ecstasy are all succubi, waiting to suck the mojo and life out of the men who dare approach the brothel!
Kinda creepy. Dante, the main character, is fighting various characters to keep the passage to the demon world sealed, but he doesn't seem to be having much luck... (And the story says 'To be continued' at the end, so there might be more to it.)
Dante is a demon slayer and bounty hunter with a demon heritage of his own that haunts his past. He's currently unemployed--and bored to death. Opportunity knocks in the form of a missing-child case, which his friend and manager, Enzo, offers him. But a four-million-dollar reward, an unexpected demon attack and a little girl named Alice all conspire to send Dante through the looking glass on a nightmarish adventure beyond his wildest imagination.
デビルサマナー 葛葉ライドウ対コドクノマレビト, Devil Summoner - Kuzunoha Raidou vs. The Lonely Spirit
Narumi Detective Agency is where the people of old Japan go to for mysterious and supernatural cases. But Narumi is just the face of the operation and the real hero is Kuzunoha Raido, the devil summoner. As a devil summoner, Raido can call upon many different demons to assist him in solving cases that deal with other demons causing harm in the human world. Lately, there have been a surge of cases and a powerful summoner seems to be behind all the incidents. Is the Narumi-Raido combo strong enough to overcome the demon force more powerful than anything they have experienced before?
デビルサマナー 葛葉ライドウ対コドクノマレビト -  Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidou Tai Kodokuno Marebito -  Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidou vs. The Lonely Spirit -  Devil Summoner:
Narumi Detective Agency is where the people of old Japan go to for mysterious and supernatural cases. But Narumi is just the face of the operation and the real hero is Kuzunoha Raido, the devil summoner. As a devil summoner, Raido can call upon many different demons to assist him in solving cases that deal with other demons causing harm in the human world. Lately, there have been a surge of cases and a powerful summoner seems to be behind all the incidents. Is the Narumi-Raido combo strong enough to overcome the demon force more powerful than anything they have experienced before?
デビルサバイバー, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
デビルサバイバー2-Show Your Free Will
While Japan in desperate situation, 13 "devil survivors" cut deals with devils to obtain abilities to fight against unknown invaders with only 7 days left until a world catastrophe, you need to make crucial decision to survive...
악마의 신부 만들기 -  Az ördög menyasszonya
Après de nombreuses années à vivre seul au plus profond d'une forêt, le démon se sent seul. Il décide de s'acheter lui-même une fiancée humaine pour soigner sa solitude aussi bien que pour l'aider à cacher son identité démoniaque. Mais quand sa nouvelle, belle jeune fiancée meurt soudainement après seulement quelques jours de bonheur, le démon décide cette fois de se construire une fiancée. Première sur la liste des choses à acquérir pour la construction de son partenaire idéal : les yeux...
악마의 신부 만들기 -  Angmaui sinbu mandeulgi -  Az ördög menyasszonya -  Devil's Bride (KIM Sae Young)
After many years of living alone in a deep forest, the devil has gotten lonely. He decides to buy himself a human bride to cure his loneliness as well as help him shed his devil identity. But when his new, beautiful young bride dies suddenly after only a few blissful days, the devil decides this time to build himself a bride. First on his list of items to acquire for the construction of his perfect mate: eyes... **THIS KOREAN MANWHA IS READ FROM Left to right**

Devil's Kiss

恶魔之吻 -  悪魔のくちづけ -  Blooming Love -  Akuma No Kuchizuke
Sara est un membre de l'équipe "Mission du Paradis" et son travail consiste à chasser les démons. Mais pour l'instant sa liste de chasse équivaut à 0 et et elle sera renvoyée si elle ne capture aucun démon. Elle décide alors d'invoquer un démon pour le capturer ensuite, mais que va-t-il se passer après qu'elle ait rencontré le très beau et charismatique démon Rembrandt ?


Debiruchi -  Devil-chi -  でびるち
Just another average day at your average high school. Fuyuki Hino is a typical student with an ordinary set of friends... except for Sakuba Yomina. Yomina is unbearably shy and can't talk to boys...or girls, for that matter. Even stranger, Fuyuki vaguely remembers some kind of vow he made to her when they were children. But when he accidentally walks into the girls' locker room, he makes a shocking discovery, Yomina is a devil, wings and all! However, this irregular girl still has regular high school problems, including dealing with bullies and just wanting to be liked by others.[hr]
In the corner of a certain town, there is a teashop where the master, Tsukasa, obtains and cares for plants from the depths of hell.
Diabolik Lovers: Prequel -  Дьявольские возлюбленные
Yui Komori est une jeune fille qui vient dans une école de célébrités dont les cours se déroulent la nuit. Mais parmi les élèves de cette école se trouve en plus une famille de vampires. Ces mêmes vampires avec qui Yui devra à présent vivre avec chaque jour ! Et, comme si elle n'était pas assez malchanceuse, ces six vampires sont horriblement sadiques, et tous attirés par le sang de la jeune fille ...
Diabolik Lovers Daylight serisinin karakterlerinin chibi hallerinin işlendiği 4 panelli özel manga serisi.
Diabolik Lovers More, More Blood serisinin karakterlerinin chibi hallerinin işlendiği 4 panelli özel manga serisi.
ディアボロ -  悪魔 -  Diabolo-
From Tokyopop: Protagonists Ren and Rai fell prey to the Diabolo in an attempt to save the soul of Ren's cousin, 7-year-old Mio...although they failed in their attempt, they were 'rewarded' with powers they would each gladly trade for the life of the young girl. Just who--or what--is the Diabolo? What enticements does he offer the kids at school? And, if they accept his 'bargains,' what foul fate awaits them on their 18th birthdays?


Deux idiotes assises en diagonale l'une par rapport à l'autre.

Diamond Beat

ダイヤモンド ビート番外編 -  ダイヤモンドビート -  ユキ・ドキ・スキ -  星光節拍 -  จังหวะรัก ขยับหัวใจ (Thai) -  7DAYSシンデレラ
Elle est née dans une famille de musiciens classiques, mais Satsuki est l'inverse de celle-ci. Elle pensait qu'elle détester la musique, mais, ensuite, un prince avec une guitare apparait ...?!
ダイアモンド・ヘッド, 钻石侦探庭, Bộ tứ kim cương, Daiamondo Heddo
Takiko felt inferior over her look and height. She was always envious of her best friend Mika who had what it takes to capture a guy's heart. One day she meets someone who eventually, becomes the love of her life, however her grandparent objected this relationship due to...?