Shuichi comes back after a long absence from school to find his old friend Kura. No one else remembers Kura though. After searching Shuichi ends up at an old western style house where he finds Kura in the basement, in a coffin!?
Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives, Volume 1: The absolute last thing goth-girl Raven and her vampire boyfriend, Alexander, need is another hitch in their nighttime-only romance--but dark trouble hovers on the horizon when Raven and Alexander discover four freshly dug graves filled with empty coffins. When a crew of sketchy vampires takes up residence in Dullsville's lonely graveyard, Alexander finds this motley bunch led by his very own blood-sucking cousin, Claude Sterling. Shocking! Claude and his creepy crew can only spell out more problems for the pair, especially when Raven finds them in daylight in the very last place she could ever imagine. What could Claude and his invaders be doing--or searching for--in Dullsville? Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives, Volume 2: Who says dating a vampire is easy? Raven's nocturnal romance with her immortal love, Alexander, is definitely dicey, but even more so with Alexander's meddling half-vamp cousin in town. Claude and his sketchy gang are on the hunt for a stash of blood-filled vials that can turn them into pure vampires. With an old family feud casting a shadow on the search, they'll do anything to get their hands on the vials. Raven and Alexander must swiftly mastermind a plan to outwit them, but will the very lure of the vials create more risk for Raven than she could ever imagine? And deepen her own quandary about the possibility of becoming a vampire? Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives, Volume 3: Raven's romance with her dreamy vampire boyfriend, Alexander, has been complicated once again by Alexander's menacing half-vamp cousin. Now that Claude and his fearless gang have been tricked out of the blood-filled vials that can turn them into full vampires, Claude will stop at nothing to find the real vials. Raven's family and friends could be in danger. When Claude teams up with Raven's longtime nemesis, Trevor, invitations soon go out for a vampire-themed masquerade party. Could Claude be scheming to turn all of the students at Dullsville High into vampires if he doesn't get what he wants? Raven and Alexander must try to stop Claude—but also ask themselves what really matters most in the end.
Dans le collège Cross, étudiants humains et vampires cohabitent secrètement. Yuki, avec l’énigmatique Zero, doit s’assurer que cette cohabitation reste pacifiste. La jeune fille souhaite un futur dans lequel Hommes et vampires puissent coexister sans se combattre. Une conviction dictée aussi par les sentiments qu’elle éprouve pour le noble Kaname, le chef charismatique des vampires du collège. Un garçon qui, un jour, lui a sauvé la vie...
On y découvre entre autre la vie de Yûki et Zero avec leur enfant Ai et Ren à l'Académie Cross, alors que la vampire au sang pur cherche toujours un moyen de réveiller Kaname prisonnier de la glace. Une fois réveillé, le jeune homme se voit conter ses aventures passées par Ai et Ren. Nous replongeons également dans le passé. Alors que Kaname est encore un enfant, Juri se confronte à son frère Ridô.
Une chasseuse au tempérament de feu avec un sens de la justice prononcé, Yan Zi Ying, travaille tous les jours pour maintenir la paix entre les démons et la race humaine. Un jour le siège des chasseurs dit à son grand-père que le sceau sera très bientôt brisé. Dans l'idée de le resceller, Zi Ying et un gros perroquet Xiu Shou sont chargés d'aller au siège du diable, la maison du vampire Yu Wen Hao, dans l'ordre de voler le livre sacré. Sans s'attendre à ce que Yu Wen Hao le lui donne si facilement....
Part of a collection (fourth story) of a larger volume of itself, Vampire☆Vampire.[From ShoujoMagic]:15-year-old Hina is about to share her first kiss with her boyfriend Natuki and all of a sudden he transforms into... a vampire named Hibiki!?
La sirène résonne, les envahisseurs attaquent... Dans un moment de panique général, une fille tombe du ciel. Le visage fin, les canines acérés, elle réclame le sang de Nieno Kurando. Le jeune lycéen ne comprend pas alors qu’il va mettre les pieds dans une organisation de défense planétaire, Vampire Wing, et épaulé la jeune et belle vampire dans sa lutte contre les envahisseurs en... donnant son sang ?
Ayafuji Sara transferred to the private Fujigamine Academy. She suffers from extreme blushing and dreamed of making friends at the academy and having an "ordinary student life." However, having met at the scene, Kazari Iris set her eyes on her. Will her dream crumble away...?! A sweet master-servant Girls' Love series, the curtains are raised now.
Vampires marked an especially important stage in the progess of Rock Holmes, one of Tezuka’s longest-running characters, who appeared here for the first time in a charismatic villain role as Makube Rokuro. Vampires is certainly not as mature a work as some of Tezuka’s later social commentaries, but a story of the fight for the right to do evil is certainly a far cry from Astro Boy’s quest to bring about friendship between humans and robots.
Depuis des années, la guerre entre le peuple des femmes et celui des hommes est largement ouverte, ce qui permet aux habitantes de la planète Mégère de s'en donner à cœur joie afin de soumettre leurs homologues masculins.Hibiki est un jeune pilote de Vanguard, dernière technologie en matière de robots de guerre mis au point par les hommes, qui bien malgré lui se retrouve embarqué et fait prisonnier sur l'un des vaisseaux de ses ennemies.La vie en communauté s'avère alors bien difficile sur le Nirvana, quand l'ombre de la guerre s'étend.
Vandread Special Stage collects together several humorous side stories, as well as a final story arc where the Nirvana meets up with the rest of the Mejere pirates, so Hibiki must go in disguise...
Shy and socially awkward Mutsu is a successful adult mangaka but pretty hopeless at taking care of himself so when he runs into his old basketball team senpai while Akiharu was on a job search it all seems perfect. Lately Mutsu's been juggling so many projects that he can barely hold a spoon from all the drawing much less make time to sleep so when Akiharu helps him out of an awkward situation, it works just a little too well...
Du rouleau de succube au Slime magique - Nous pouvons réaliser tous vos rêves les plus fous !Eunwoo, un vloggeur en herbe, entre dans le nouveau magasin de magie du quartier et rencontre Arte, le séduisant gérant du magasin. Et derrière lui ? Étagère après étagère, on y trouve des jouets pour adultes !
Aiko should be dead, but when she awakes in a secret hospital, she has no recollection of what happened that night. Until a monster showed up and her memories flood back. Her arm changed into a powerful weapon similar to the monster, a chimera arm.The secret organisation Atheos asked her to help them fight off the chimeras. An accident happened that leaded Aiko to understand how much she wants to live, and decided to join Atheos, in order to find her place.
Les parents d'Aiko sont sauvagement assassinés par une créature monstrueuse. Seule survivante du drame, la jeune fille se réveille dans un lit d'hôpital, le bras gauche entièrement bandé. Mais très vite, elle découvre que celui-ci n'a plus rien d'humain, et qu'il possède des pouvoirs aussi -si ce n'est plus- terrifiants que ceux qui ont dévasté sa propre famille...
In the nooks and crannies of the city, in the forgotten corners of rooms, insects are posing a growing threat! Where there are bugs, there is one girl! Her name is Inaho, and when it comes to bugs, this high school girl can solve any problem.
Vege est le propriétaire de "Vegge Channel", un site Web populaire sur lequel il héberge des enregistrements secrets de ses camarades de classe masculins dans des scénarios BL. Curieux et inquiet, Vege se rend sur le lieu de rendez-vous et voit le type le plus populaire de l'école et sa camarade de classe en pleine baise. Quelle est la relation entre ces deux ? Et qui est le fan qui connaît la véritable identité de Vege ?
C'est une étrange histoire d'amour entre un génie qui est incapable d'effacer ses souvenirs et une fille moyenne.Mika, une étudiante moyenne du secondaire, tombe folle de joie devant sa belle professeure de violon, Akizuki, qui a la capacité étrange de "ne jamais oublier quelque chose dont il s'est souvenu une fois".Inclut d'autres œuvres : Lion Chambre 1/4 - Cendrillon sans le sou
Takami et Akira sont des amis d'enfance qui suivent les mêmes cours de piano. Comparé à la rudesse et aux manières de garçon manqué de Takami, Akira est plus féminin et mignon qu'elle, mais aussi meilleur pianiste.Takami le voit donc comme une petite soeur, mais un jour celui-ci lui dit soudainement qu'il l'aime.
Misyoshi Yoshiko is working her way as a model by doing various modeling gigs for her agency. After one of those gigs causes her to lose her job as a model, she now faces a desperate situation of being broke and unemployed. Things start to look up when she gets offered another modeling job, but this time it’s modeling for Chuujou Tarou, the lecherous sculptor who got her fired in the first place! How will Yoshiko handle working for a perverted employer who can’t keep his hands off her–not because he’s attracted to her, but because he likes her bone structure?!
Toma and Miyako were raised in the same orphanage. From the moment they met, Miyako has been unable to repress the impulse to soil Toma's beautiful hands. Sadistically embracing Tom is the proof of profoundly sweet love. What awaits the two who wound each other and lick each other's wounds!? The hard Eros of madness and pure love! The forefront of forbidden SM!
"I want to make them more beautiful to let them be happier!"The clumsy and friendly Yuri Ikuta together with cute guy Naozumi Mineta makes the perfect team. And their mission: To help 3000 girls get a makeover!
Sumire Takahana is a seemingly normal school girl cursed with the ability to see malevolent ghosts known as "Viruses." Her life hits a crossroads after a run-in with a "gothic lolita" clad monster killer for hire, Lucia Nahashia. Not content to stay on the sidelines while these "Viruses" prey on the weak, Sumire reluctantly decides to join forces with the mysterious eyepatch-wearing Lucia to hunt down these "Viruses" before they can hurt anyone else.
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